The Topeka Washburns
My great grandfather's brothers went to Kansas
I have many photos of these families and would like to
find their descendants. On the bottom of the page are some mystery photos I would like identified.
This is a gathering in Topeka of Washburns, taken November 6, 1908 at Harry Washburn's house. Avery Washburn is sitting between Castorn and Cornelia.J. R. Washburn is on the left.
James Monroe Washburn was born July 2, 1823 and he married Cornelia Sweet of Hume, NY on December 15, 1852. They were living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the outbreak of the Civil War where he taought school. I have many letters from Monroe to my great grandfather in Connecticut telling of their flight to New England. They lived in Stafford for a few years and then moved on to Topeka where Avery Washburn was already living. Monroe died May 11, 1893.
Their son Harry also lived in Topeka with his wife, Ella Myra Sponsable.
I have some letters that he wrote to my grandparents.
They also had a son, Albert Duane Washburn who married Mary Rand.
Avery and J.R.or J. M. on a porch in Topeka.
Avery and Castorn group photographs
Avery Washburn was born October 23, 1818 in Stafford, CT and on November 9, 1841 he married Castorn Gordon, born in 1820, of Rushford, NY. Their son, Franklin Monroe Washburn, was born April 8, 1859 in New York. Frank married Ella Townsend in 1884. Their children were George Avery, born 1889, Ellwood Gordon, born 1893, Frances, born 1899,Mary Caston, born 1900 and Helen L. born 1904.
Some mystery pictures from Topeka
Numbers 4 and 6 were taken in Missouri, but they are possibly from the same family.
If you can identify any of these people, please email me!
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John Randolph Washburn, their brother
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