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I'm intrigued by the imagery of words as well as images. So for me the idea of a "first" page conotes many other firsts. This particular weekend presented several first for me. It was my first ever visit to Red Earth. It was my first trip to the city after getting back to Oklahoma --disallowing for Norman where I went shopping to get outfitted for my new job. And it was the first time I got so close to a Tornado in several years. This one reaked havoc only three miles North. And it was my first real photo shoot of a large group of dancers. (Those are the only first I'm going to tell you about.) So it's only fitting that this should be my first photo page.

The gathering had some of, if not, THE best dancers in the country. There were many beautiful people, many fascinating artworks and crafts, as well as many interesting artists and craftspersons. I even watched some of the films.

I attended the events for a day and a half. I enjoyed every minute of it. Next year I'll stay longer. I even ran into Jerry and Wilma from Chinle. Friends from home always give more meaning to any trip.
I have more images but had to borrow the use of a scanner just to get these up. Thanks Amy. When I get my own scanner, I hope to be doing more. If you're interested in any of the technical aspects of creating these scans I'm working on a "Technical BS" page to go up later.

I don't know the names of the dancers. If someone does, let me know and I'll add them to their photos.

I hope you've enjoyed them.


I got a little carried away with image manipulation on this next one. I swapped out the one with the eroded graphics. I decided it was from overworking the image.

Now that I finally got my first photo page together I hope to do some more. Although it may be awhile, I thought it was fun. If everything doesn't look right on your browser let me know. I need to learn this stuff. I've cleaned up the edges on the original images and swapped them out. I thought if I had done that first I might never have gotten the page up. Let me know what you think.

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©1998 John S. Job, Webmaster @ Suite Sixteen

Most recent edit: 07/06/02