Inner Child
She is there, lurking deep inside
This is her safe vessel
Until she feels safe and has something to say

It is her wisdom I am learing to listen to
I can be quiet and hear her small voice
Although some days it is more difficult and I must strain to hear

She tells me when it is time to play
She is teaching me to laugh at my mistakes and myself
She reminds me that life is fun and to find humor in everyday things
She is kind, forgiving, gentle
She makes it OK to be silly
She reminds me to nurture myself and that it is all right not to be perfect
She is showing me that I am worthy
She is special and deserves my love and respect

For all that she does for me, I don in return for her
I protect her and love her
She needs those things so desperately from me

Her voice is quiet, but is getting much stronger
I am giving her the means to speak and be heard
I am empowering that wonderful and innocent inner child in me

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