Decorative textiles have been in use in
many areas of life: as clothing and also as interior decoration. For
the Tajik peolple, carpets, runners, curtains and various types of
cushions essentially took the place of furniture.In the ninth and tenth
centuries, the main centres of cotton production were Bukhara, Merv and
Nishapur. The traditions of Sogdian textiles were still maintained in
Transoxania and the renowned Sogdian zandanîchî fabrics
(named after the village of Zandan near Bukhara) were still being
produced but were made of cotton fibre instead of silk. The
ornamentation of textile patterns
also changed, as did their style, the traditional pairs of animals and
mythical creatures, griffins or sîmurghs, which abound on the
zandanîchî cloths becoming steadily rarer.
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