Webpages, Photos, + Writings by Members Copyright © 1996-2004, by TCF Troy MI All rights reserved.
Break Out of Frames - Click Here


Too many of these angels I collected long before I knew about
keeping track of who the artists are, or where I found the angels.
If anyone sees anthing on these pages and you know who that is...
please let me know, I'd like to give them credit for creating such beautiful angels!

Angel + Wolf
Linda Gadbois is a wonderful artist, and creator of this angel.
Unfortunately, it seems she has moved from: http://www.users.uswest.net/~lgadbois/

angel angel
First one ... I dont' know, rainbow angel found at Angels Everywhere
They WERE at http://www.ecsis.net/~sam/ but have moved, and I don't have a current URL.

angel angel angel
The small angels, I don't know, the large pink angel found at Angels Everywhere. They WERE at http://www.ecsis.net/~sam/ but have moved, and I don't have a current URL.

I don't remember where I got this one, Night Train was its original name.

angel raphael angels
Multicolored angel by Josephine Wall, found on Jeri's Angel Pages, Raphaels ... I don't know, have seen often. Unfortunately, Jeri's Angel pages seem to be gone, they were at http://www.gator.net/~jstowers/

angel angel peace angel peace2 angel
The tiny animated angel I found at TCF Malta's website, angel w/stars and the two "peace" angels, I don't know.

angel angel angel angel
I have no idea where I found the above 4, have seen them, or similar, at many angel sites.

This beautiful angel was a partial picture - I found it posted on a graphics newsgroup.
I touched her up, and added the frame. I would like to know the artist if anyone recognizes it!

Above and below from Guardian Angel Collection


I am guilty of not recording the artists of all of the graphics I collected the first few months
I was on the internet. I did start using a method of using two or three initials to prefix the
graphic's name - coordinating with the graphic site's name (and bookmark) where I found them.
That works well, until a site disappears and I end up removing it from my bookmarks.
I sometimes find I'm left with graphics that were identified, but now don't have a website name or URL.
So, if anyone recognizes artwork that I haven't been able to identify the artist,
please let me know Email: Contact TCF Troy MI chapter, I would be happy to give credit to the artists.

On to 3rd page ~ Angel (+ Butterfly) Pix # 3 ~


Grief Information Links - Other TCF Chapters -
- Do a Seaarch via Growth House's Grief Database - Angel Links -
Angel Pictures # 1 ~ Angel Pictures # 2 ~ Angel (+ Butterfly) Pictures # 3

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The Compassionate Friends is an international organization, a non-profit, non-sectarian, self-help, mutual assistance/support-group, organization. Providing information, resources, friendship, support, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Helping to maintain their mental health through their grief and sorrow of the mourning process, to the resolution of their loss and death of their loved one.