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Written / Submitted By Our Members of Troy MI TCF beating heart

Johnny H.


Johnny H., 18

September 10, '79 -
September 13, '97

rare heart condition

Johnny H.
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I need my Johnny today.
He left all of us so suddenly,
without a goodbye, without a clue
on how to survive.
I want and need my Johnny today.

He was the picture of health.
So tall, so strong; so happy in his life.
But he went away. It's not his fault.
But who's is it?
I need my Johnny today.

We're supposed to figure out how to go on
Without his hugs, his beautiful smile, his laughing eyes
How can we do this?
I need to hear "I love you, mom".
I need my Johnny today.

When his father died the one comfort was that
he and his sister were by my side.
I need his help again.
I need my Johnny today.

Does God really say, "It's time to come home?"
Did he pick you, to take you from us?
Am I being punished? Or was it just rotten luck?
Does God understand, I need my Johnny today?

I'm not ready to let go.
I can't forget the love in your eyes,
the sweet innocence of you.
Doesn't anybody understand,
I need my Johnny today?

I know you were our precious gift
but gifts aren't to be taken back.
I'm angry. I'm hurt. I love you. I miss you.
I'm not this strong.
I need my Johnny today.

I have been told that someday I'll accept this.
I'll remember without so much pain, but until then -
Please God help me and let me feel that Johnny is with me because
I need my Johnny today.

Dawn H. ~ TCF Troy
In memory of son, Johnny, age 18
9/10/79 - 9/13/97



I miss my brother
I miss him every day
I miss getting mad at him.
I miss his sweet ways.

I miss having my brother and me.
I miss him every day.
All the things I miss about him,
Out loud I can barely say.

It's hard to talk about him.
My throat starts to tighten,
My heart feels weak.

I don't talk about him much
Because it hurts so bad.
But when I talk about him
My heart feels free.
I miss my brother and I know he misses me.

Just because I'm not talking about him
Doesn't mean I don't miss him,
Every moment, every day.
I miss my brother John.

I never put this in writing, but I remember the day of your funeral. I was in my own little world, I couldn't believe what was happening. For the funeral home we collected pictures of you and made a collage of your life, but I wanted to take more pictures of you later. I didn't want this to be the end.

We had the funeral and everyone showed how much they loved you. I hope you heard my song to you. You were and are the "wind beneath my wings." When we drove to the cemetery, I got out and knew we would lay you next to dad. Nothing seemed real. When I was sitting there before they were going to bury you, I didn't hear a word anyone said. I was looking at the trees blowing in the wind. I actually felt peace at that moment in time. I felt the wind and knew you were there. A peace I knew you gave. I love you. And I knew you were safe. Thank you for that moment of peace.

(Erica H., John's sister)


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Beating Heart from Graphic Station wings found at Lady DJs (site now gone), background + arrows by Roxanne

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The Compassionate Friends is an international organization, a non-profit, non-sectarian, self-help, mutual assistance/support-group, organization. Providing information, resources, friendship, support, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Helping to maintain their mental health through their grief and sorrow of the mourning process, to the resolution of their loss and death of their loved one.