Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. News
Terra Nostra (Earth of Love)
Russian Language

James Bond on Earth of Love

( First-of-April Joke )

      We were waiting for the new Timothy Dalton's project so long, we were so keen on seeing him in a new role anywhere, we were so tired to hear rumours about his participation in "Dinotopia", in "The Forsyte Saga" or in "Highlander", that, to be honest, we didn't believe it was true, when found a brief article "To be continued" in the magazine "Films and TV-park", where from we knew that Timothy Dalton had signed a contract for his work in the continuation of the famous Brazilian TV-serial "Terra Nostra" ("Earth of Love"). "Earth" will be in production at the studio Globo Internationsl since April 2002.

      And then a whole rain of newspapers' articles with catchy titles was on us:
- "Former James Bond supplements his salary by outside work in Brazil" (British "Times"),
- "Brazilian TV-serials will be international" (Russian "The Serial"),
- "Timothy Dalton returns", (Italian "Republica"),
- "Hollywood or Globo? Will Rio the third motherland for Timothy Dalton or not? (American "Variety"),
- "Strike of Brazilian actors or the scandal on "Earth of Love" (Brazilizn "Rio Grande").

      And the new Timothy's project step by step had the shape, but he himself surprised his admirers with the ability to solve problems originally. Indeed, 3-4 months ago Timothy announced about his willing to play a part in any Broadway theatrical performance and now - we know, that instead of theatre in the North he had chosen a TV-serial in the South!

      We publish here the excerpts from the newspaper writings and the materials from the Net, opening this way the Page of the TV-serial on our Web-site.

About the Project

The participants of the Project are speaking:

                director Jayme Monjardim,
                scenarist Benedito Ruy Barbosa,
                actress Angela Vieira,
                actor Marcello Antony,
                Timothy Dalton himself

About the Project

      As it's well-known, the TV-serial "Terra Nostra" ("Earth of Love") was done to celebrate the 500 years anniversary of Brazil. It was expected, that the serial will tells us about the last century of the land's life - since the date of Abolition on May 13, 1888 till our days. According to the different sources, it was expended about 10-25 million dollars on the production of the first 150 episodes. And those, who saw these ones, can confirm, that the creative group did its best and succeeded in the field of description the theme "Italians in Brazil". They were excellent, when were demonstrating the details of the old life - the furniture, the clothes, the architecture, everything like it was in the end of 19 - beginning of 20 centuries. The shots from the old documentaries and Italian music were used there to the place and the stars of the Brazilian theatre and TV-serials one more time had shown to the world, that it was Brazilian TV, who makes the latest fashion in the genre.

                Jayme Monjardim:

      In a great measure we are satisfied with both our work at the first part of "Earth" and the audience's warm acceptance in the South of Europe (Spain, Italy, France), in Russia and in USA. However, thinking of the problem how to increase the audience without losing any part of those, who watched the first part of our TV-serial, we decided to attract someone from those, who is very popular among the famous world cinema-stars.

Poster for the second part of TV-serial Earth of love

      Certainly, it was very hard to make the choice, because we had to say "farewell" to some actors, who was well accepted by the audience. For example, - to Paloma Duarte. May be the script will be changed significantly for Raul Cortez, however I think, that the continuation of our TV-serial will be only better due to the presence of the so original and so popular all over the world actor as Timothy Dalton is!"

                Benedito Ruy Barbosa:

      "I always keep a fast hold on the helm. Especially - in the TV-serials. No one actor or actress could be accepted to the troupe without my permission.

      The life of our family depends significantly on the taut rhythm of filming and this is why all my relatives began to understand me and fell like me. In the first part of "Earth" we had chosen Thiago Lacerda, because my granddaughter asked me about it - and we didn't make a mistake! But now my wife asked me about the decision, because, as it was known to me recently, she was a Timothy Dalton's constant admirer during almost 20 last years!

      I immidiately supported her choice, because I admired Timothy's actor's skills for a long time too, but was afraid to say about it to the chiefs of Globo and also I was afraid to get a refusal from Mr. Dalton too. I take his participation in the Project as a great honour for us."

                Angela Vieira:

      "The team-work with Timothy Dalton is the excellent chance for me to get to know better the talented actor and gifted man, the adept in Shakespearian theatre.

Angela Vieira

      May be you have already known, that aside from filming in TV-serials I also work at the theatre and sometimes am a presenter in the TV-shows. I should like to talk Timothy Dalton into making with me a little serial of shows for Brazil TV, where we could read lyrics from English classic poetry - I mean Shakespeare, Byron, Shelley…

      I think, it will be interesting!"

                Marcello Antony:

      "To be honest, I was knocked off my pins, when Jayme Monjardim invited me and asked to become his translator during his talking to Timothy Dalton about the actor's participation in the continuation of "Earth of Love". It was so unexpected and thrilled for me - because I always thought of Dalton as he was my teacher and always tried to act on stage like he did and even be looking good like he did. And that time I even couldn't decide for myself - is it good or bad - to have so famous and bright actor near me on the set.

Marcello Antony

      However everything was done famously: I had called him, Timothy picked up the phone. I said in English: "Hello! It's Marcello Antony speaking, from Brazil. No, I am not a fan. Oh no, no! Certainly I am your admirer, but now I am simply a come-between. Our director Jayme Monjardim wants to propose you to accept a role in the continuation of TV-serial "Earth of Love". Do you agree?"

      - "Ummm, is this film about the Brazil "Titanic"? And will I do there?"

      - "I don't know. Nobody here knows something of the film now! But it will be 150 episodes again! And it was known, that the next actors will work at it: Antonio Fagundes, Raul Cortez, Angela Vieira, certainly, Ana Paula Arosio, Thiago Lacerda and I."

      - "Who - You?"

      - "Marcello Antony. You don't certainly know me, but I remember you from my very childhood. I remember, how wonderful did you play the parts in both genres: in costume dramas and in Bond films too. I do my best to become the splendid talent you are. Come here - and you will see it with your own eyes. You didn't visit Brazil yet, isn't it?

      - "Ummm… I didn't."

      . . . the long silence.

      - "Hallo, hallo! Do you hear me?"

      - "I am thinking… You know, why not? But I am a complete zero in Portuguese language!"

      - "Senhor Monjardim tells, that your education to Portuguese is a part of the contract. And the colleague will help you", - I added from myself.

      - "I don't know... I don't know. You know, it's difficult to change everything in your life in a monent!"

      - …

      - "Well. All right. Please, book a ticket for me. I will come by the morning flight!"

      This way it had begun. And soon I had to return for a time to the profession of guide, because Timothy Dalton with scrupulous care applied himself to learning Brazil history, language and culture, but I myself (and with a not less care) - applied myself to learning Dalton and his actor's method."

                Timothy Dalton:

      "You know, it had happened fortuitously. I stretched out on the sofa and watched the football match, which was aired on TV. It seems, it was the one between Manchester United and Bavaria. Suddenly I had heard a phone call from abroad and just thought - again from Russia!

Timothy Dalton

      But I was mistaken - the nice voice of a man said: "It's Marcello Antony speaking from Rio". I thought: well, this is another fan, who could find me! And what are the agents doing? And admirers? They did build a lot of Web-sites in the Net (do they have nothing to do?) - but I don't know how to make myself invisible for fans!

      But it was completely another situation - I was invited to get a job. A JOB. In my mind I immediately said 'yes', because I had said "no" to producers so many times before, that I already began to forget, how it is - to be in acting! But I tried to hide my intention and acted out an episode to make them think, that I'm still very busy. In conclusion I agreed.

      And, you know, it's my privilege to play a role in a such clever and informative film, having so professional actors as my partners. And they all are so good to me! You know, this is really "Earth of Love"!

      Being in Hollywood we, you know, had become accustomed to make films, where the violence and inhumanity are the main part of the plot. But here - here the air of the serial is, you know, kind. And costumes, the backdrop! You know, Brazilians are the great masters! And women here are all so beautiful! Ana Paula Arosio is the face of L'Oreal in Brazil, like Andy McDauwell in USA. And my partner Angela Vieira, can you imagine, had done some photos for Playboy in her 47!!

      You know, it was not a lot of works in my career, when I could say, like today: "I am happy!" "

      Review of newspaper writings and Internet materials was prepared by Ê.Å. - 1.04.2002

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