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added 6/17/05 updated 10/01/05 updated 5/19/05 added 6/23/05 added 5/14/05 updated 7/17/05 added 5/19/05
added 10/04/05
No Longer Separated by Oceans and Centuries
but Our DNA/mtDNA Study Will Make you Wise ! Learn how this new science of Genealogy Genetics can cut through your kinship puzzles and help you focus your research on specific historical periods and geographic regions. Visit the below listed pages on this site for the facts, or email us at for one-on-one questions and answers. We are the world's first genealogy group to join the five-year-old National Geographic's "Origins of Mankind" Study, and one of the most thoroughly tested surname projects in FamilyTreeDNA's roster of hundreds. In the past few months, we have authored articles on genealogy genetics for leading Scottish family history journals and American societies' newsletters. No, our surname interests are not limited to "Liddell" alone but also include some 90 variants derived from the place-name Liddesdale. These include Liddle, Liddel, Lidell, Lydell, Lidel, forms of Little and Lyttle and others relating to the Riddell surname-cluster. The advantages of belonging to Team Liddell et al are too numerous to list here. Let it be sufficient to inform that one of the oldest and best-established Mayflower Families has turned to the Team for tutoring on how to use the Web and for our genetics education files. No, you do not have to participate in the genetics study. That is an option for Team members, of whom many stay with traditional genealogy alone in their research. We are in partnership with the Reivers Genetics Study and also other groups in studying the family lines of the ancient Scot borderland of Liddesdale and beyond, even to the very limits of our planet. At present, we have nearly 100 members on four continents and in 14 nations and are growing rapidly. Truly, We Are No Longer Separated by Oceans and Centuries End of File dc |