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Forumland 4-1-1 
is open to all 
and all are 

Southwestern Forumlanders

California, Arizona, Utah & Nevada

Real Name: Melba Barker
Southern California 
I am 38, mother of a 20 year old daughter, and have been in a committed relationship with my live-in boyfriend for 15 years. And I love all things Highlander.  

Ancient One 
Real Name: Jo 
Southern California 
I am a 75 year old woman, madly in love with Duncan and all things "Highlander." 

Patricia Shearer 
Tehachapi, CA 

I am 42, joyfully married, and the mother of 6. However, I do find time for my obsession, Highlander. IMO, perfection is Duncan MacLeod and Richie is NOT dead. 

Janet Planet 
Southern California 
Janet's Planet
I live in the LA area (so I can be close to Adrian '). 

Bright Girl
Michele Sison 
Long Beach, California 
I'm a 20 year old college student majoring in Theatre arts. "Like you say dawlin', I'm an ACtor." METHOS ROCKS !!! 

Clan page is currently under construction 
Clan: NCoE 
Residence: Northern California (Bay Area) 
Besides, of course, Highlander, loves reading, drawing, traveling, and dreaming. Fave movies of all time are the Godfather and the Godfather, Part II. Addicted to Pepsi, coffee (especially Starbuck's Mocha Valencia, but any good coffee will do) and Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. Author by desire, enjoy being creative, artistic, and open-minded. Can't decide between Mac or the ROG so I want them both. 

Official Protector of ONH's Passion 
Barb Neale 
Gold Coast of California 
Forum Claim to Fame: I've been a "Shadow Watcher" for quite some time, just recently deciding to jump into the mix with the advent of Trollheart's adoption. 
A 40+ fan of the multi-layered series. Spend many hours discussing the "Immortality" questions with friends/HL fans/co-workers/physicians. 

Buster the Immortal Mutant Dog
In So. Calif with Orion 
I believe I am the only dog posting on the Highlander Forum. 
I am an immortal dog. So far I have eaten a large Hershey bar, half a box of Girl Scout cookies, and some Lego, all with no ill effects. I also got my head caught in a Kleenex box once. Orion thought it was funny. I have to share a computer with Orion and she hardly ever lets me post. She also makes me sleep in the garage. 

Southern California 
Clan Affiliation: Clan MacLeod 
Been a HL fan for 5 years, but thought I was the ONLY one 'til recently. Had to go with Duncan affiliation! Although, having seen Stan Kirsch at the screening, gotta say Richie's a mighty close second! Yeow! Am a true admirer of AP - for the positive things he/peace stand for as well as for his obviously incredible looks and athleticism. I'm 30 (wow, already?), am a geek-engineer-chick, and have the *best* Black Lab. While searching for a Duncan/Richie/Methos of my own, I spend my time pursuing speed & skill: skiing, snowboarding, mtn biking, surfing, soccer and lifting. Most friends think I'm nuts 'cause I love to go fast - I'm convinced I am invincible! Got cable for one reason only: Highlander - 7 days/week. 


Charles Beall 
San Diego, CA 

I am 40, single, an English teacher, and a writer of stories. I would follow Amanda anywhere! 

Mari Hasheme 
Buena Park, California 

Forum Claim to Fame:EDMFW, Clan Macparody, DOBC, EDM's Psychic 

I'm 34, Married, mother of 5. I'm of Scottish/Irish/Comanche(Native American) Heritage. And I have the temper to prove it! 5'7", as for weight "FAT" will do, very long brown hair and green eyes. hobbies include, everything and anything about and pertaining to Highlander, member of PEACE and the JACKIE CHAN fan club. Collect Native American stuff and horse stuff. I love going to powwow's! I play guitar and love to sing. There is more but I think I may bore you! :)


Emily Zanesco 

Forum Claim to Fame: I have lived Highlander for the past three years nonstop. I love the entire story - the drama, the pathos, the love, and the action. I am in my mid-40s, live in California, am a medical transcriptionist, and I am a true fan of HL:The Raven as well as The Series. May the HL Universe be with us for a long time to come. 

Jackie Cosgrove 
Los Angeles 

I am 39 married with 4 daughters, I have been married for 14 years. I am English and my husband is Canadian and we live in California . Highlander is the best show ever watch it every day.

Keeper of Methos' Conscience 
San Francisco 
Clan Affiliation: Clan MacFru, Clan Forumlander 
Forum Claim to Fame: Habitual lurker, with an occasional inane but soulful post! 
Hi, my name is Fey and I'm a Highlanderaholic. I'm a 28 year old escapee of the Ivory Tower and have lured at least three people, hubby Robert included, into the addiction of Highlander. I've tried calling Highlander Anonymous, but the number is always busy! Hmmmm, wonder why?!?! 

Georgette Trollster

Central Coast of California 

Paul Johansson- Not So Official Site
The Domi-Cile
Highlander Oasis
Newf Goodies

Clan Affiliations: Clan MacTroll, Friend of DotD, RFWP 

Forum Claim to Fame: Was the first MacTroll recruited by the illustrious TrollPrincess. Brought the famous MacTroll goats to the forum with clansis Maxie. 

I am immeasurably happily married to the *best* husband in the world for 26 years. No childrens but 6 cats, 1 newfie, a tempermental parrot or jungle chicken (whichever you prefer), plus lots of horses and fowl. Oh, forgot about the rabbits! I've been 'into' HL since the movie and started watching the series with the episode Free Fall. 

M. Koren and Associates
The Kompound
Forum Claim to Fame: Koncubine, Kommandant, Polka Goddess, Keeper of the finger-licking lips and *his* time with Cassieho, Wearer of the Ancient Skate Key (no matter what that doppleganger guy says!)

Clothing Optional

HilndrLvr MacNut MacWench
Real name: Lisa 
Sacramento, California 
Clan affiliation - Proud member of the Clan MacNut 
I'm completely NUTS about Mac and totally Highlander obsessed. Although Duncan caught my attention, Richie, Methos, Joe, Darius, and Fitz have all found a special place in my heart. My favorite HL women are Amanda and Tessa. 
I'm 32, married to a wonderful man who works for Intel and I consider a genius. I hold degrees in Wildlife Biology and Chemistry. I have a great love for animals (especially Chmpanzees) and have spent a few months in Africa. Besides Adrian Paul, I idolize Jane Goodall and spent some time at her research center in Tanzania. Love to discuss HL, Biology, and feel free talk anytime...e-mail always open.

N. Ca
Favorite Character: Duncan
I have been learning from all the pros this past year!

live in a very rural community located in the Pacific Coast Range foothills of N. Ca.. My husband's family ranches. I practice Family Medicine in a nearby town. Married with 3 children.

Jo Raumo
Jo Raumo 
Clan Affiliations: FCA, CWPack 

Kareem Dimashkie
Favorite character: Methos
Kareem and Bassam's Highlander Montages

I've been an HL fan ever since the 4th season of HL. I'm only 17 and have been to 2 HL conventions. Met alot of great people.
Highlander has always been a sort of guidance for me in my teenage life. I have always wanted to be involved in movies from all aspects, and Highlander gives you a lesson in acting, directing, story writing, and history all in one. Who could ask for more?

Just a guy.

Kathy Johnson 
Santee, CA 
Forum Claim to Fame: Duncan's Keeper of the Sweaters 
I'm a 43 year old mom to one teenage daughter who has been simply overwhelmed by Highlander and all that it allows us to discuss. I teach adults studying health careers basic computer skills. Other than computers, for fun I like needlework, reading, and watching classic films. I particulary enjoy machine knitting (part of my obsession with the sweaters), sword class, and our latest area of study, tai chi. 

Larceny MacWoW
Kathie Cuban 
San Diego, CA 
Clan Affiliation: Clan MacWoW 

I am 42, married to my own hero a Captian with San Miguel Fire Department. I have been an avid fan of Adrian Paul's since I first laid eyes on him. He is with out a doubt the most handsome man I have ever seen. I just melt each time I look in those big brown eyes. I would have watched Highlander just to watch him. Plus he seems like a terrific person as well, and a great actor. Highlander is one of the best made and best written shows on television, I will miss it!

Silicon Valley, CA 
I am 25, single, and the proud subject of a three-year-old Angora named Norman. Norman and I are both avid admirers of Methos, Norman because he feels Methos does a pretty good job of imitating his own feline grace, and I because Methos is my ideal man: intelligent, cynical, sarcastic, dark, brooding, drop-dead gorgeous.... I could go on all day. 

San Francisco bay area 

I am in my 30s, single, and Jesus is my Lord! I love to travel and enjoy going to art galleries, antique shops, plays, concerts, movies, and all kinds of festivals (Celtic fests being my favorite!). I have a passion for different cultures and eating ethnic foods. I collect castle stuff and am a classic Disney fan. I love to listen to contemporary/gospel, jazz, and oldies music. I work for a health company that deals with catastrophically-injured people, and I am technical writing, quality assurance, and editing lead for trauma reports and contracts. I am very fortunate to have several Highlander fans in my office! I have been a fan since the middle of Season 1 when my best friend's husband got me watching the show. I think it is the best show on television and cannot be replaced! I enjoy everyone on the show, but I can't decide between Duncan and Methos as my favorite, so I just love them both! 

Mistress Rose MacWench
Renee Montero Kovach
Favorite character: methos
West Wing Publishing
Clan MacWench
Renee's Sanctuary
Clan Affiliations: Chief Wench of Methos
Forum Claim to Fame :Creator of Forumland 4-1-1 and Cofounder of The Clan MacWench with Gemma MacWench

I am 37, madly in love with hubby of eleven years, and a SAHM of three lovely girls. We live on the Central Coast of California. I love Emmet's Irish Cream, Dove Dark Chocolate, Romance, and Beautiful Men! I can usually be found muttering "God, I love that man!" whenever PW's on the show or a fru shows up. I'm also on the Management Team of the Paul Johansson Fan Club. He's a very sweet and talented man, and I'm happy to be able to help out.

I was lucky enough to ask a question of Peter Wingfield at Highlander: The Celebration in Anaheim, although I wonder if anything other than vowel sounds came out. This year I attended the Gathering in Denver (my first time away from my girls!). What a blast! The only things that could have made "BJ Con" better would have been the presence of Peter Wingfield or Paul Johansson. I'm THRILLED that Methos is in the film, even just briefly. I've stocked up on the MacWenchRopes so the wenches can tie me down to hopefully avoid mauling the screen. Also, I was in the Circle of Ten on "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?", but apparently I didn't have fast enough fingers. There's irony for you *wink*

NightStar of the Clan MacStar
Clan MacStar West
General Area of Residence: LA
THE Forum Elder - I was here when the gates opened on 06/28/96 and I will shut the lights off when it closes.
Clan Affiliations - The Clan MacStar
Forum Claims to Fame: I am the only one with Tony AND Fencers Pager numbers! Starlite and I are the only ones to have MET them in REAL LIFE. Can fix the forum and chat room, has the technology, can rebuild.
I am older than Dirt, A Clan Elder and a Forum Elder. Tough but Fair and will always lend a hand when needed. 


Erin Haley 
Northern California 
I am a 22-year-old SWF, and a recent college grad. I believe that Richie, Methos and Duncan are the sum total of male perfection in this universe 

Southern Calif 
Clan Affiliation: Clan MacWench 
I'm 35, single, and work as a Reference Librarian for both a junior college and a public library. I became obsessed with Highlander at the end of season three (METHOS!). I think Comes a Horseman and Revelations are the best two hours of television ever produced. In addition to HL I also enjoy reading (particularly science fiction and history), Star Trek, the X Files, surfing the web, and spending time with my HL loving, poker playing buddies. 

Queen Bee
San Francisco bay area 

My Forum claim to fame is that I was here on Astrology Night and suggested to Godiva that Kronos is a clasic Scorpio. 

I am 35 and single I spend my days selling fountain pens in an art supply store and my evenings indulging in my love of the blues. And my love of men in kilts The first time I saw HLts was when I flipped into The Cross of St. Antoine, when Joe is mourning Lauren. "This is good, I didn't know that guy from Wiseguy could play...Oh my god who is that?" then I saw Duncan. My only regret is that I didn't find the Forum until the fall of 1997. I would have loved to have been here for seasons 4 and 5. 

Rachel Devin

Los Angeles 

I took 86 letters to the Davis Panzer office in the hope of getting some resolution to the MANY problems we've all had with the HL store. They were nice. We were nice. There are still problems with the HL store! 

I am 53, married, and the mother of a new doctor. (Am I proud? Yesiree!!) My careers have run the gamut from psychotherapist, teacher, writer to professional fundraiser. On my tombstone I would like written, "She cared..." On a lighter note, I'm in love with David Abramowitz and the character of Duncan MacLeod and when I grow up I'd like to be an immortal wielding a sword for the cause of goodness and change. When I grow up I'd also like to be taller than 5'2".... 

Renaissance "Rennie" MacFreud
Karen Miller 
Southern California 
Clan Affiliation: Friend of Clan DotD 

Well, I know that I am the woman DM has been waiting for, I have an "old" soul, music, art, history, fencing, and everything HL takes my breath away and makes my heart soar. I am a therapist-in-training, and am proud to be Counselor to the Clans. 

Robin Arnold
Watsonville,CA USA
Favorite Character: Methos
Forum Claim to fame:Owning most of the books and stuff about Highlander. Research question? Ask me and I'll look.

I'm 35, single and love to travel. I try to be a good friend. I so glad I was invited to the Forum by Leah CWPack.

Orange County, CA
Clan: part Scottish-does that count?
Favorite Character: Tessa
Gave bad directions to other forumlanders coming to the Anaheim con. How did I know Katella would be under major construction

I am a third of a century but plan on living forever, right Lord? Married, 1 kid, another on the way. Graphic artist who loves the epic drama, romance, action and humor of the HL series.

Sandra Ayer 
Ontario, California 
Sandi's Place
Clan Affiliation: Clan MacSpam 
I enjoy the depth of performances given by Adrian in portraying this character. I am (sigh) about to turn 50, have been married for 27 years (one and only marriage), have 2 kids, and 2 grandchildren. In doing research on family tree, I have discovered that my husband's Scottish heritage (which includes a couple of different clans) actually as a connection to the Clan MacLeod. Does this mean I am related by marriage to Mac? Sigh, think he would come for Christmas? 

Shirley Nemec 
Los Angeles, California 

Forum Claim to Fame: Highlander Character Seminars
I am a Watcher identified fan who always loves to observe and record. 

Sky McKenzie 
Fremont, California

Emily Stever
Favorite character: Duncan
Northern California

Spirit Dancing
Alexianne (aka Lexie or Lex) 
So. Cal. 
Clan Affiliations: MacMINT, MacWench (W-i-W), BABE, MAP, DOBC, etc. 

I've actually been really quiet of late, but that may change. *eg* But, I may be remember for shamelessly plugging my favorite band, bROthER... Until I get some sort of "fame" on the Forum, I guess that will have to do. *sigh* *g* 

I am a 22 year old, recent graduate of UCSD. I spend far too much time online, but I have to feed my obsession somehow... Hehehe... 

The Evil One
Real Name: Kimmi
I am the one true Kimmi. 
Clan Affiliations: Clan MacD@mn

aka TEO MacD@mn, or just plain EVIL. I'm single, in college, and trying to stay out of jail (though I do have an alibi and bail money prepared). 

So Cal and central coast 
I'm a third year CPSLO animal science/pre-vet student. My current obsessions include Methos (big surprise) and ER...I'm the proud mommy of an 11 year old Appy/QH, my baby Chae. I would love to hear from any Forumlanders, so feel free to e-mail me. 

aka Mcfadeout, troll lander, mcvyo 
Protector of Richie's head {Duncan did NOT take it!} 
Share holder of the Blue Frosting 
Kariya's Korner
Adopt an Immortal or Mortal Page
One of the Forum Elders 
Clan Affiliations: Clan MacTroll 
Claim to Fame: I'm the owner, operator and looney mind behind the Highlander Adoption Agency. 

I am Trollheart. A... um... strange troll {but what troll isn't?} I live under a bridge in Southern California and hold an upper division certificate in Graphic Design and I hope I can be a Graphic/Web designer as my profession. I'm working on getting my AA and BA in Graphic Design with a side order of web design. Oh I can't spell either despite the fact I'm a college kid ?) I'm as big a hockey nut {Go Ducks} as I am a highlander nut... ok I think thats all anyone cares to know about this nerd and even thats probably too much :?)

Under the bridge in Upper Bavaria (residence) 
Clan Affiliation: The Clan MacTroll, Bootlicker, Methos Harem, MAP 
Forum Claim to Fame: I'm the only top-ten writing green fish-troll known to exist! 

I'm not really a fish. Too hard to type with fins. 

formerly known as Helene of the Valley - seeing as I've answered to Helene for all of my 31 years, I thought I'd try something different for the HL Forumlanders 
Los Angeles native (& still there) 
Clan Affiliation: Supporter of the Clan Denial - float by my cabin anytime for some chocolate donuts, lemonade & iced tea... 
I'm a single female, with a thing for guys with Scottish accents, brooding eyes, and a wicked grin. I also love teddy bears, the ocean, beautiful sunsets, chocolate and *gasp* 2-stepping to lively country music. My computer is in my office at work, so I'm only around the forum for a short time in the evening on weekdays - but you can always e-mail me, I promise I'll answer!