Of course, what site is complete without charactor biograhies? None, actually. This section is devoted to the various peoples of The 08th MS Team, listing thier names, ages, etc. and descriptions as well as as many picutres as I can find. Keep in mind that information will be limited to characters who have a lesser role. After all, if they don't appear for very long, most official sources won't pump as much info into their biographies. Anyhow, the characters are listed by side, blue being the E.F. and red being the Principality of Zeon, accordingly. As always, I'm open to suggestions and random info I've forgotten, just drop me a line and I'll get around to it. Have fun! PRONUNCIATION AND SPELLING NOTE: The spelling of each character's name is that of the original Japanese version as opposed to the slighlty mutilated American release. For example, we here have it spelled "Ghinius" as opposed to "Ginias", as well as a few other what-nots. 'Nuff said, just wanted to avoid any misunderstandings. Onto the bios! |
EARTH FEDERATION CHARACTERS Shiro Amada Karen Joshua Terry Sanders, Jr. Eledore Massis Mikhail Ninorich Ethan Lyers Kojima Jidan "Pops" Nickard PRINCIPALITY OF ZEON CHARACTERS Ghinius Sakhalin Ayna Sakhalin Norris Packard Yuri Kerane Von August Topp, Dell and Arth |