How To Install
For first thing you must copy the script in
the folder Scripts then open the script and copy all the
script in the file eggdrop.conf and all is done . If you
must setup something the do it and then start the windrop .
This installation works only if the script dosen't have a
installation MANUAL so look careffuly . Look out for
some scripts in the section
Scripts TCL
The windrop with no scripts has only commands
in the dcc chat window sa dosen't have commands like : !op , !deop
, !chattr etc.
Windrop announcements mailing list - For Windrop
Windrop general mailing list - For general Windrop
Help Page - dapimp53's Windrop site (#windrophelp on EFnet)
Bind - Homepage
of Bind
Cygwin - Homepage of Cygwin
psyBNC - Homepage
of psyBNC
SFX Maker - Homepage of SFX Maker
Tcl - Homepage of Tcl
A windrop Configuration file should be like this
#! /path/to/executable/eggdrop
# ^- Set that to the directory eggdrop is in, i.e. "#! /home/usr/egg/eggdrop"
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule uptime
checkmodule blowfish
##### variables:
set nick "Lameriz"
set altnick "LamerYuS"
set realname "Channel security by Lamer"
set servers {
channel add #lamerz {
chanmode "+nt-likm"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
channel set #lamerz +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #lamerz +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites
channel set #lamerz -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends
channel set #lamerz +greet +statuslog
channel set #lamerz +revenge +autovoice
channel set #lamerz -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #lamerz -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set net-type 0
# set here your network
# [0/1/2/3/4/5] What is your network?
# 0 = Efnet (non +e/+I hybrid), 1 = IRCnet, 2 = Undernet, 3 =
# 4 = Efnet +e/+I hybrid, 5 = Others
# various stuff...
listen 3333 all
#set owner "MrLame, MrsLame"
# set here the list of owners of the bot
# files & directories
set userfile "userfile.user"
set chanfile "chanfile.chan"
set temp-path "tmp/"
logfile msbxco * "logs/eggdrop.log"
logfile jpk #lamerz "logs/lamerz.log"
logfile jpk #usr "logs/usr.log"
# default console flags
set console "mkcobxs"
# you have to remove this line to make your bot work
##### SCRIPTS #####
# these are some commonly loaded (and needed) scripts.
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/winident1.2.tcl
source scripts/lamer.tcl
# Ident script for Windrop by Lamer@Lamerz (
# uses username value for ident name by default
# read the start of script for more documentation
# uncomment (remove # in front of line) next line to activate
#source scripts/winident1.2.tcl |