(8F01) Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington |
O.K. This should make my bosses very happy.
Ambassador: Your Bosses???
George: Yep, all 250 million of em.
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(9F07) Mr. Plow |
Homer, I've got to sneak these valuable artworks out of the White House,
but I can't get out of my driveway because of these protesters
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(1F01) Rosebud |
Guard: Hey!
[President Bush grunts]
No one-termers. [tosses him out]
Carter: You too, huh? Hey, I know a good yogurt place.
Bush: Get away from me, loser.
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(1F06) Boy Scoutz 'N the Hood |
Man: Bwaa! No es bueno...Bwaa!
[He gets shot and falls off the building]
[George Bush walks on the screen and kicks the corpse]
Bush: [robotically] Winners don't use drugs.
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(2F09) Homer the Great |
Number One: Let's hear from the Stonecutter world
council before we act too rashly.
Orville: Kill him.
Nicholson: Kill him.
Mr. T: Kill the fool!
Bush: I'm afraid I have to disagree with Orville, Jack, and
Can't we just do something to his voice box?
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(3F09) Two Bad Neighbors |
George: Hi there, neighbors. Uh, I'm...George Bush.
Former president George Bush?
Everyone: Oh, OK! etc. [mild applause]
Homer: OK, let's give it up for the new guy. Now, let's all turn
around and pay attention to me again.
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Ray: And your business here, Mr.
Ned: Well, sir, I'm welcoming the Bushes on behalf of the
Neighborhood Association.
George: Never mind about that, Ray. Just
give them a quick pass with the metal detector and let 'em on
in. Hey, Bar! The neighbors are here.
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Ned: Howdily doodily, there, President Bush -- or should I say,
"President Neighbor"! I'm Ned Flanders, and this is Maude, Rod,
and Todd.
George: Well, howdily doodily yourself, there, Ned. This is my
Barbara. I call her Bar. Would you like some lemonade?
Ned: Tip top notch!
George: Okily dokily.
Ned: Thankily dankily!
George: Scrump-diddley-eriffic!
Both: Fine and dandy like sour candy!
George: Bar's a whiz with cold drinks, aren't you, Bar? Don't
understand lemonade myself -- not my forte...
(624 KB) |
George: Just happy to be here among good, average people with no
particular hopes or dreams.
Rod: But, Mr. President, we're not all good people.
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George: [sighs] Just going to relax with my "U.S. News and World
Whatnot". [opens magazine] Oh, good: they're roasting the new
Bart: Hello, Mr. Bush!
Barbara: George, this is a neighborhood boy, Bart Simpson. He came
to say hi.
George: [unimpressed] Hello.
Bart: Hi. Hey, what's this?
George: My electric card shuffler. Don't go near that --
[Bart plays with it, and cards fly]
Now, I told you...oh, those cards are from Air Force One, and
they only give you so many packs!
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Barbara: Oh, George, boys will be boys. Bart's just being
Why don't you get off that sofa and show Bart your photos?
George: Oh, but he'll gunk 'em all up. His hands are probably
with mud and cookies.
[Bart shows his clean hands]
Oh, he probably stole a napkin.
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Bart: Who's that, George?
George: That's me with Charlton Heston. He was --
Bart: Who's that, George?
George: Er -- see, you wouldn't know him. That's Bob Mosbacher.
was secretary of --
Bart: That's a dumb name. Who's that, George?
George: Maybe he thinks "Bart" is a dumb --
Bart: How many times were you president, George?
George: You know, in my day, little boys didn't call their
elders by their first names.
Bart: Yeah? Well, welcome to the 20th century, George.
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Homer: Man: I've only got one minute 'till they stop serving those
breakfast balls!
[stops behind Bush at the drive thru]
George: Let's see, now...what do you folks have here, huh? Hmm, a
"Krusty Burger"...that doesn't sound too appetizing. What kind
of stew do you have today?
Nerdy Teen: Uh...we don't have stew.
[Homer honks impatiently]
Ray: Sir, why don't you just have the cheeseburger?
George: Aw, that's really more of a weekend thing, Ray.
Homer: Hey, jerk! Move your fanny!
George: That guy's louder than World War II. Ray, go see what the
rhubarb is, will you?
[Ray goes back toward Homer's car]
Ray: Sir, could you pop your hood?
[Homer does so; Ray disables the horn]
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George: [waking suddenly] Great Scot, don't touch that! That's the
alpenhorn Helmut Kohl gave me.
Bart: [dropping it] Where'd you get those pyjamas?
George: They're presidential pyjamas. You have to be President,
you're not President!
Bart: Yes I am.
George: [stammers] No, you're not! Bar!
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Bart: Hey, where's your candy?
George: We don't have any. Now go away!
Barbara: George! Older people don't eat much candy, Bart, but I
bake you some cookies if you like.
George: [scoffs] Can't remember the last time she made cookies for
Barbara: What's that?
George: Oh, nothing.
(332 KB) |
George: [typing] And since I'd achieved all my goals as President
in one
term, there was no need for a second. The end.
Hmm, good memoirs. Good, not great. Now, let's look at that
old outboard -- soup that baby up, rattle a few windows down
Kennebunkport next May. [chuckles]
Bart: Hello, Mr. Bush!
[skateboards in, knocking a sheet from the memoirs loose]
Whatcha doin'?
George: Now, don't upset the desk there -- careful! Don't want to
around with --
Bart: [spying outboard] Hey, cool! What does this do?
George: Now don't you pull that cord, young man --
[Bart pulls it anyway; the motor runs around the room]
No! Hey -- Bar! My motor's gone loco! [crash!] Ohh, the
birdhouse. My prize orchids!
[the motor stops; Bart taps it and it starts up again]
[it stops once again; a lightbulb falls on it and it restarts]
No, not the memoirs. Don't even think about it. Not going to
happen --
Bart: Whoa, man.
George: Whoa, nothing. I'm going to do something your daddy should
done a long time ago.
[takes Bart over his knee and spanks him]
Now go home and think about what you've done, young man!
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Homer: Hey, Bush! Get out here!
Ray: Excuse me, Sir: where are you going?
Homer: I'm going to punch George Bush in the face.
Ray: OK. Is he expecting you?
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Homer: Hey! You owe me an apology.
George: You owe me an apology. If you were any kind of a father,
you'd have disciplined that boy a long time ago.
Ray: You want to step back, Sir? You're trampling the flowers.
Homer: Ooh! Hiding behind your goons, eh, Bush? Well you are a
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George: Wimp, am I? Agent Johnson, Agent Heintz,
you men stand down.
[the gate opens and Homer walks in]
All right, Mister: you want trouble? You're going to get
Homer: Oh, I want trouble, all right.
George: Then you're going to get trouble.
Homer: No, you're going to get trouble.
George: Oh, that's good, that's good, 'cause I want trouble.
Homer: Then we're agreed there'll be trouble.
George: Oh, yeah, lots of trouble.
Homer: Trouble it is.
George: For you. [walks inside, slams door]
Homer: For -- d'oh!
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Barbara: [yawns] Why don't you just say you're sorry, George?
George: Because I'm right! Oh, no, I'm going to fix their wagon
I've pulled some pranks in my time...
(702 KB) |
Hibbert: I don't understand. Are you saying you and Barbara are
George: No! That's not Bar and me, it's them!
Ned: Who, Maude and me?
George: No, the man and his boy. You know, the -- the boy is named
Bart. I don't know the name of the man. Bar! What's the name
of the man?
Barbara: I'm not getting involved, George.
George: Look, just never mind. I thought the banner was pretty
straightforward, but I'll just take it down.
(975 KB) |
Barbara: George, it's time to get dressed.
George: N'uh huh. Not going outside today, not with those
Staying right here till my speech to the Elk's club.
Homer: [knocking at door] Yoo hoo!
George: Who is it?
[looks through spy hole without glasses on, sees two
Homer: It's your sons, George Bush Jr. and Jeb Bush.
George: Bar, the boys are out in the front yard.
They'll help me think of a plan to get those Simpsons.
Barbara: Oh, George, is that all you ever think about? The boys
probably just want a letter of recommendation.
George: [opening door] Boys? [Homer pulls them out of the way]
are you going?
Homer: OK, Son: give him the glue!
[Bart squeezes some glue onto Bush's hair]
[Homer stuffs a multicolored afro on top]
[they run off, laughing]
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George: And that's why I will continue to oppose
teen alcoholism in all its forms!
[everyone claps]
Now, are there any questions? [everyone puts their hand up]
keeping in mind that I already explained about my hair.
Everyone: Oh yeah, that's right. etc.
(410 KB) |
George: Hmm. Can't decide if this'll be considered feisty, or
Hey...What the!
Oh, if he thinks George Bush'll stay out of the sewer, he
doesn't know George Bush."
(741 KB) |
George: Hey, turkeys! Behind you.
Homer: For the last time, Bush, apologize for spanking my boy!
George: Never! You make him apologize for destroying my memoirs.
Homer: You didn't tell me you destroyed his memoirs...
[to Bush] Never! [charges him]
(566 KB) |
George: Here's a little something we learned in CIA.
[Homer backs off but then Bart throws down the locusts]
Bart: Get him, boys!
(332 KB) |
George: I'll ruin you like a Japanese banquet! I'll take your head
-- Gorbachev! Heh, what are you doing here?
Mikhail: I just dropped by with present for warming of house. Instead,
find you grappling with local oaf.
Homer: Oh, brought some of your commie friends to help you fight
dirty, eh?
George: But Mikhail, they put a wig on my head, my memoirs --
(605 KB) |
Barbara: George! This is the last straw. You apologize to Homer
George: But Bar, [quietly] we can't show any weakness in front of
Barbara: George...
(449 KB) |
George: Yes, dear.
Mikhail: [speaks Russian to his driver, and laughs]
George: I'm sorry I spanked your boy, Homer.
Homer: Woo hoo! In your face, Bush. Now apologize for the tax
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At the Krusty Burger Drive Thru
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