Scarborough Faire - week 6 (May 19-20)
Our "girl's Day out" - no menfolk, no kids!
A STRIKING demon.  The girls weren't sure if they should get out of the picture or admire the view! 
part of "the View" - and his lovely lady friend....
Our Piratical Friends....
One of the lovely ladies of the Queen's Court.
A strappin' lad.  Queen Margaret of Scotland (sister to King Henry VIII) seems to have brought a goodly number of big, burly men in kilts for her visit to Scarborough! 
One of the nicest things about Scarborough is tha most of the Shopkeepers have planted roses and flowers to brighten the village.   It lends a friendly and pleasant atmosphere to shop or play.  Colleen poses by a dark crimson climbing rose.
The Memorial Rose Garden just inside the front gate is a nice spot to sit and relax, or to pose for that special photo. 
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