My Swap List

The cards you find here are ready to be exchanged, so if you see something of your interest, feel free to contact me. Normally I don't swap less than 5 cards at a time to keep the mail costs as low as possible. I usually swap on a one to one basis, however it would be stupid to do so for some cards - therefore when another swap rate is used it will be marked in the list below as follows : " #I_get : #I_give ". I would also be pleased to receive, if available, your binary collection list, in order to see which cards you have already.

Cards of my interest : British Mercury cards and BT cards, French cards, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland + cat cards whatever country they are from.

Below you find some scanned images of my spare cards, classified /country. Sorry for the rather bad quality of the scanning . However this may shrink your download-time substantially.

  1. Definitives
  2. Common Cards

  Czech Republic




  1. Definitives
  2. Common cards

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HTML page updated on 10 July 1997