

Some time a few years ago I got more interested in photography and was struck with the desire to start taking candid shots of friends of mine. Finally in March of 1999 I crept on to ebay and bought a used Pentax K1000. Since then my friends have become accustomed to random picture taking. I have since bought a Yashica T4 point and shoot camera which I carry in my pocket everywhere I go.

Please browse some of the photos I have taken.

Buenos Aires. From July 1999 to October 2000 I lived in Buenos Aires and snapped photos of lots of different places and little details related to my life here.

Brazil. I spent December 2000 and January 2001 traveling across Brazil. These are the pictures from that trip.

Torres del Paine. In February of 2000 I took a vacation and spent five days hiking in the Torres del Paine national Park in the Chilean Patagonia.

Me Some of you have come to this website and only care what I look like. This page is for you.

Friends and Family Portraits of people close to me..

I was also there to witness the World Trade Center Disaster. (added September 15, 2001)

Some Photography Links

Photo.net, a great community site dedicated to photography with some excellent bulletin boards about many subjects, mostly relating to film, developing, and equipment.

Masters of Photography, a site with slide shows of well-known photographers.

Send me email: hobbs@post.harvard.edu