The Time Machine The Time Machine The Time Machine


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Full Size 1960
Full Size 2002
Time After Time

Model 1960
Model Kits


The Barber Chair
The Restoration


Scratch Built Model


Lobby Cards 1960
Publicity Pics 1960
Pictures 2002



Reference - Time Machine 2002

Time Machine 2002
Click To Enlarge

Above, the new 2002 machine in motion and below director
Simon Wells, grandson of H.G Wells sitting proudly in the pilots seat..

Time Machine 2002
Click To Enlarge

Reference - Time Machine 2002, Conceptual Art

Time Machine 2002 Concept Drawing Time Machine 2002 Concept Drawing
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Above, original concept drawings for the 2002 version..

Reference - Time Machine 2002, Berninghaus Barber Chair

Time Machine 2002 Barber Chair Time Machine 2002 Barber Chair
Click To Enlarge

Some nice views of the Berninghaus "Hercules" Barber Chair, which
was recreated for the new 2002 machine based on the original 1960
version. Notice that the back of the chair is considerably higher than
the original, positioning the head rest a good 6 or more inches higher..

Reference - Time Machine 2002, Control Console

Time Machine 2002 Console
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A great view of the complex console mechanism..

Reference - Time Machine 2002, Engine

Time Machine 2002 Engine
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The Time Machine's Engine, This kind of detail is not visible in the
film and really show's some amazing features. The large glass cylinders
are either 19th century style battery's or perhaps storage capacitors..

Reference - Time Machine 2002, Optic Dish

Time Machine 2002 Optic Dish
Click To Enlarge

The large optic dish seen clearly here is obvious a major contributor
to the machines overall weight, when the machine is in motion it
becomes an extremely dangerous prop to be around. The mechanical
design is truly remarkable, a brilliant tribute to the prop makers abilities..

Reference - Time Machine 2002, Scale Model

Time Machine 2002 Scale Model
Click To Enlarge

Above, a beautifully made scale model complete with traveler..

Reference - Time Machine 2002

Time Machine 2002 Time Machine 2002
Click To Enlarge

Above, two more views of the full size machine..


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