Sean's Page for SimFarm Crops

Welcome to my SimFarm Crop Page. It's the place for a description and tips on growing all the crops in the game of Sim Farm.
The crops are in alphabetical order. It also contains information on growing times and planting information.

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Growing Weeks: 30
Temperature Requirements:
300-500 Chill Hours
Water Requirements: 4-7 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: High
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +40
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Almonds grow well in Northern California and similar climates.

Growing Weeks: 17
Temperature Requirements: 900-1500 Chill Hours
Water Requirements: 5-8 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: High
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +32
Replant Every Harvest: No
General Information:
Best Planting regions for successful apple crops are from the Canada border of Ontario to the Mississippi Vally; Virginia; and Northern California to Washington in rich fertile soil. Plant for Spring (March) and Fall (late October to Early December) harvesting.

Growing Weeks: 34
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 1-3 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Barley is a grain crop. Avoid frost. Stores very well in silos. Watch for a good market values before selling.

Growing Weeks: 17
Temperature Requirements: 1800 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 3-4 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +34
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Carrots prefer warm weather. If planted during hot weather, keep the fields irrigated. Try not to plant carrots during long periods of cold temperatures.

Growing Weeks: 12
Temperature Requirements: 2000 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 8-9 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: High
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Corn removes a lot of nutrients from the soil. Keep it well fertilized, or plant it in rotation.

Growing Weeks: 12
Temperature Requirements: 850-900 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 8-12 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +40
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Plant in mid- to late- Spring in warm climate regions when ground is warm and danger of frost is over.

Growing Weeks: 12
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 8-12 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +40
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Gladiolus need soil that is rich in nutrients. Fertilize four times during growth, with the last one right after they flower. Do not flood field with water Cease all irrigation two weeks before harvest.

Growing Weeks: 22
Temperature Requirements: 3000 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 3-5 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +36
Replant Every Harvest: No
General Information:
Plant in early Spring. Do not fertilize at the time of planting.

Growing Weeks: 13
Temperature Requirements: 1600 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 4-6 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +34
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Lettuce matures best in cooler temperatures. Time plantings very carefully.

Growing Weeks: 12
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 1-3 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Oats are a grain crop

Growing Weeks: 22
Temperature Requirements: 2700 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 3-4 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +32
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Onions can be planted in both January and June for both a good winter and summer crop.


Growing Weeks: 47
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 3-5 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +38
Replant Every Harvest: No
General Information:
Do not plant oranges up against fences. Leave one or two spaces between orchards to prevent field damage. It is best to fertilize prior to planting and to stop all fertilizing 8 weeks prior to harvest. Pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, and fungicides should be applied in warm weather. Pesticides and fungicides can be applied right up to harvest time.

Growing Weeks: 22
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 3-4 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +15 to +70
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Peanuts are highly susceptible to cold weather and do much better in warm climates. Don't plant during the cold winter months.

Growing Weeks: 17
Temperature Requirements: 2400 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 5-8 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: High
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +34
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Potatoes are shallow rtooted and require frequent irrigation-but too nuch water can cause rotting. Rotate with soybeans or peanuts every two or three years to add nutrients to the soil.


Growing Weeks: 25
Temperature Requirements: 2400 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 10-13 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Rice prefers warm, dry weather. Fertilize the soil before ever planting, or rotate with grain crops. The grain may not grow well, but they provide nutrients for the rice.


Growing Weeks: 22
Temperature Requirements: 105-120 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 3-4 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: High
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +32
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Sorghum is a warm-weather crop--Avoid frost. The best times are late May and early June.


Growing Weeks: 17
Temperature Requirements: 2400 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 1-2 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Soybeans are ideal to plant in rotation with other crops because they add nutrients to the soil. Plant soybeans twice a year--once in the first week of February and once in the first week of June.


Growing Weeks: 17
Temperature Requirements: 200-1200 Chill Hours
Water Requirements: 6-10 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +34
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Strawberries need to be chilled during growth, so front danger is negligible. Plant when the weather is cool such as in February or March.

Sugar Beets

Growing Weeks: 47
Temperature Requirements: 1800 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 1-2 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +45
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Sugar beets are very sensitive during their early stages of growth. Try not to fertilize during these stage or you might damage the seedlings.


Growing Weeks: 14
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 5-7 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Sunflowers are sensitive to fertilizers during the early stages of growth. Wait about six weeks before applying any fertilizer.

Sweet Potatoes

Growing Weeks: 17
Temperature Requirements: 2500 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 6-8 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +55
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Favorable growing regions are New Jersey southward, Central and Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Harvest only on a dry, sunny day.


Growing Weeks: 30
Temperature Requirements: 2000 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 1-3 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +60
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Plant in fertile, moist soil when all danger of frost is over, but not wet.


Growing Weeks: 13
Temperature Requirements: 200 Degree Days
Water Requirements: 6-9 Days
Pest Resistance: Low
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: Low
Harvest Storage Temperature: +55
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Plant when weather is warm and stable (+55 degrees Fahrenheit min.). Keep soil well irrigated. For a longer harvest season, plant two times a year, early July and early October.


Growing Weeks: 34
Temperature Requirements: Avoid freezing
Water Requirements: 2-3 Days
Pest Resistance: High
Weed Resistance: Low
Disease Resistance: High
Harvest Storage Temperature: +50 - +60
Replant Every Harvest: Yes
General Information:
Wheat is best in the Great Plains region because of the intensely hot summers, the number of clear days and precipitation during summer months. Stores well in silos.

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