[ p a r a s i t e   e v e ]

[ t h e   d i a r y   o f   a y a   b r e a ]

[ i n v e n t o r y ]



NAME - The name of the weapon
ATTACK - The initial attack power of the weapon (base + modifiers)
RANGE - The initial range of the weapon (base + modifiers)
BULLETS - The initial number of bullets on the weapon (base + modifiers)
SLOTS - The number of slots on the weapon (initial slots / max. slots)
SPECIAL - The Special Effects on the weapon
LOCATION - The location where the weapon is found

Special Effects
St (Steal Item) - Steals items, but halves attack power
Sa (Steal and Attack) - Steals item during attack
Q (Quickdraw) - First attack
Cr (Critical Bonus) - Critical attack rate increases
Co (Counter) - Counterattack when attacked
B (Burst) - Hit multiple targets
ER (Explosive Rounds) - Adds Heat Effect to weapon
FR (Freezing Rounds) - Adds Frost Effect to weapon
AR (Acid Rounds) - Adds Acid Effect to weapon
TR (Tranquilizer Rounds) - Adds Tranquilizer Effect to weapon
CR (Cyanide Rounds) - Adds Cyanide Effect to weapon
R1 (Random Shot 1) - Enemies targeted at random
R2 (Random Shot 2) - All enemies targeted (?)
C2 (Command x2) - Enter two commands per turn
C3 (Command x3) - Enter three commands per turn
x# (Rate of Fire x#) - Shoot # times per turn


Melee Weapon
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
Club 1 9+1 10+0 0+0 1/1 None Start
Club 2 24+2 10+0 0+0 1/1 St Soho
Club 3 38+0 10+0 0+0 2/2 St, Q Chinatown Sewers
Club 4 78+2 10+0 0+0 3/3 Sa, Cr, Co Chrysler Building
Club 5 100+2 10+0 0+0 2/2 Sa, Q Chrysler Building
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
Maeda's Gun 1+0 60+0 15+0 1/1 x2 Museum
M84F 10+2 51+0 6+0 1/4 x2 Start
P220 14+1 55+0 5+0 1/5 x2 Carnegie Hall
M1911A1 15+2 60+0 5+1 2/6 x3 Carnegie Sewers
M9 17+0 53+1 8+1 3/6 x3 Central Park
P8 18+1 54+2 7+0 1/1 None Central Park
M92F 28+1 50+1 8+3 3/10 x3 N.Y.P.D.
G19 30+2 57+1 8+2 3/5 x3 Soho
M9-2 38+1 54+1 10+1 2/7 x3 N.Y.P.D.
PPK 45+2 48+1 12+0 2/4 Q, x5 Warehouse
G23 47+1 58+2 10+0 2/7 x3 Hospital
P220-2 47+1 55+0 11+1 3/5 x3 Museum
M1911A2 48+0 61+0 8+2 2/5 x3 Chinatown
M1911A3 50+0 62+0 8+1 2/7 x5 Chrysler Building
G22 49+2 60+0 10+1 2/5 x2 Museum
USP 51+1 56+0 9+1 2/4 x3 Chrysler Building
M9-3 53+2 58+0 13+0 2/7 C2, x3 Museum
M8000 57+0 58+0 12+0 2/7 C2 Museum
USP-2 58+0 57+2 11+0 2/7 None Chrysler Building
P228 59+0 55+1 12+1 2/6 None Chrysler Building
P226 63+0 57+0 11+1 2/6 x2 Chrysler Building
G20 65+0 61+1 12+2 2/3 Co Chrysler Building
M1911A4 68+0 62+1 9+0 2/8 None Chrysler Building
P229 71+0 56+0 13+0 1/7 x3 Chrysler Building
USP-3 75+1 58+0 12+1 2/3 Q, x2 Chrysler Building
M96 75+2 59+0 14+2 5/5 None Chrysler Building
AM44 78+0 58+0 12+1 2/8 None Chrysler Building
Mark23 81+1 60+1 13+0 2/3 Q, x3 Chrysler Building
M1911A5 85+1 63+0 10+1 2/5 None Chrysler Building
M712 85+2 63+1 10+1 2/2 Co Chrysler Building
M96R 88+1 59+0 20+0 2/4 C3, x2 Chrysler Building
USP-TU 115+1 87+1 25+6 3/9 Co, x5 Wayne (300 Junk)
SP1C 118+2 67+2 18+2 2/6 x2 Wayne (300 Junk)
DE50AE7 123+2 55+1 15+2 8/9 x2 Wayne (300 Junk)
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
M16A1 34+1 110+2 15+1 1/3 x2 N.Y.P.D.
SG550 40+0 108+2 20+1 2/5 x2 N.Y.P.D.
G3A3 43+1 121+2 18+1 3/4 None Hospital
Type64 50+1 112+2 14+2 4/5 Cr, x3 Chrysler Building
M16A2 53+2 124+0 18+1 2/4 x3 Chrysler Building
PSG-1 75+0 120+0 18+1 5/5 x2 Chrysler Building
SAR 85+1 135+1 16+0 2/3 None Chrysler Building
XM177E2 99+0 158+1 16+1 5/6 Cr Chrysler Building
FA-MAS 119+0 168+1 26+0 6/7 x3 Chrysler Building
MAG 151+1 185+0 20+1 4/7 Cr, x2 Wayne (300 Junk)
AK-47 155+0 152+2 23+1 6/8 Cr, Co, x5 Wayne (300 Junk)
Grenade Launcher
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
M203 25+2 59+1 5+0 2/3 ER Central Park
M79 44+1 65+2 4+1 3/4 TR, x2 Hospital
M79-2 45+1 68+0 4+2 4/4 AR, x3 Chinatown
M203-2 48+1 65+0 6+1 2/5 ER, x2 Warehouse
M203-3 49+1 71+0 5+2 4/5 AR, x3 Chinatown Sewers
M79-3 52+2 68+1 5+1 3/5 FR, x2 Chinatown Sewers
M203-4 57+1 67+0 7+1 5/7 FR, x2 Museum
M79-4 59+2 65+0 10+0 4/5 None Chrysler Building
M203-5 68+0 65+0 7+0 5/6 None Chrysler Building
M79-5 75+0 67+2 8+0 5/5 None Chrysler Building
M203-6 80+1 67+1 6+2 4/4 CR Chrysler Building
M79-6 94+1 68+1 10+1 4/7 None Chrysler Building
HK40 115+1 70+0 8+1 6/6 None Wayne (300 Junk)
Machine Gun
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
M11 32+1 42+0 20+1 2/2 R1, x5 Soho
MP5K 35+1 43+0 23+1 1/4 x3 N.Y.P.D.
M10 37+1 45+0 22+2 2/3 R1, x7 Hospital
Micro UZ 38+2 43+0 18+1 4/4 R1, x5 Hospital
MP5PDW 52+1 46+0 23+2 2/6 R1, x7 Museum
MP5A5 67+1 48+0 28+1 2/4 R2, x2 Chrysler Building
Full UZ 68+0 49+1 42+1 3/4 R1, x10 Chrysler Building
PPSh41 78+2 75+1 71+0 2/6 x10 Wayne (300 Junk)
MP5SD6 89+0 52+0 31+1 4/7 R2, x3 Chrysler Building
P90 122+0 51+2 200+1 5/7 R1, x10 Wayne (300 Junk)
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
M870 48+1 60+0 4+3 6/6 B, x2 Chinatown Sewers
M500 57+2 61+2 5+2 8/8 B, x2 Museum
M870-2 63+0 63+1 5+0 7/7 B Chrysler Building
M500-2 75+1 67+0 6+0 5/9 B, x3 Chrysler Building
Maverick 82+0 69+2 7+0 5/6 B Chrysler Building
S12 97+1 72+0 8+1 6/6 B Chrysler Building
M10B 120+1 70+0 6+1 4/7 B, x3 Wayne (300 Junk)
Rocket Launcher
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special Location
AT4 128+0 202+0 1+0 0/0 None Warehouse
AT4-2 186+0 205+30 1+0 0/0 None Chrysler Building
LAW80 200+20 210+0 1+0 0/0 None Wayne (300 Junk)



NAME - The name of the armor
DEFENSE - The initial defense provided by the armor (base + modifier)
PE - The amount of Parasite Energy added to Aya's amount (base + modifier)
CRITICAL - The defense provided against critical attacks (base + modifier)
SLOTS - The number of slots on the armor (initial slots / max. slots)
SPECIAL - The Special Effects on the armor
LOCATION - The location where the weapon is found

Special Effects
H (Auto Heal) - Automatically uses Medicine when HP is low
C (Auto Cure) - Automatically uses Cures to remove harmful status
HU (HP Up) - Aya's max HP is increased
AU (Attack Up) - Aya's Attack Power is increased
AD (Attack Down) - Aya's Attack Power is decreased
AT (AT Slow) - The Active Time Bar recharges more slowly
PE (PE Light) - Parasite Energy potential decreases
I# (Inventory Bonus) - Item capacity increases by #
aP (Anti-Poison) - Resists Poison
aS (Anti-Stiffness) - Resists Stiffness
aD (Anti-Darkness) - Resists Darkness
aC (Anti-Confusion) - Resists Confusion


Normal (N)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
N Vest 9+1 8+0 13+0 2/2 None Start
N Protector 11+1 9+0 16+2 3/4 None Carnegie Hall
N Jacket 34+1 28+1 19+0 3/5 None N.Y.P.D.
N Suit 43+1 35+1 22+1 2/6 None Museum
Kevlar (K)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
Kv Vest 1 19+1 11+1 15+0 2/2 None Carnegie Sewers
Kv Protector 40+1 32+1 18+2 2/2 None Chrysler Building
Kv Jacket 46+0 45+0 21+0 2/3 None Chrysler Building
Kv Suit 1 55+1 56+0 27+1 2/3 None Chrysler Building
Kv Armor 1 69+1 67+1 30+2 2/3 None Chrysler Building
Chemical (Cm)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
Cm Vest 1 15+1 16+0 10+1 2/2 H N.Y.P.D.
Cm Vest 2 30+1 33+2 21+2 2/2 H N.Y.P.D.
Cm Protector 36+1 48+0 29+2 3/3 H Warehouse
Cm Jacket 42+0 48+2 32+1 2/3 H Chrysler Building
Cm Suit 1 52+0 57+1 35+0 3/4 C Chrysler Building
Cm Armor 1 52+0 55+1 37+1 4/4 C, H Chrysler Building
Cm Armor 2 88+1 96+1 41+0 5/6 AD, PE Chrysler Building
Spectra (Sp)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
Sp Vest 1 20+2 14+1 18+1 2/3 None Central Park
Sp Jacket 35+0 29+1 26+0 2/3 None Hospital
Sp Protector 38+1 23+0 26+0 3/4 None Warehouse
Sp Vest 2 49+1 41+0 24+1 2/3 None Chrysler Building
Sp Suit 1 58+2 52+0 29+0 2/4 None Chrysler Building
Sp Armor 1 75+0 69+1 32+1 2/6 None Chrysler Building
Sp Armor 2 86+1 79+1 39+1 2/6 AU Chrysler Building
Survival (Sv)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
Sv Vest 1 18+1 14+2 19+0 2/4 I1 Central Park
Sv Protector 38+1 35+1 30+0 2/5 I1 Museum
Sv Jacket 42+0 38+2 33+0 2/3 I1 Chrysler Building
Sv Suit 1 46+1 42+0 38+2 3/6 I2 Chrysler Building
Sv Suit 2 51+1 45+0 41+0 3/8 I2 Chrysler Building
Sv Armor 1 65+1 62+0 45+2 2/8 I4 Chrysler Building
Sv Armor 2 78+1 69+1 48+1 4/9 I4 Chrysler Building
Bio (B)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
B Vest 1 29+1 35+0 20+0 2/4 aP Hospital
B Protector 32+1 38+0 22+1 2/3 aS Chinatown Sewers
B Jacket 1 43+1 48+1 27+1 3/4 aP Museum
B Suit 1 48+0 54+1 27+0 3/4 aD, aP, aS Chrysler Building
B Jacket 2 55+0 61+0 30+2 2/5 aD Chrysler Building
B Suit 2 69+1 75+1 34+0 2/6 aC, AD Chrysler Building
B Armor 85+0 86 45+0 6/6 AD, aP, aS Chrysler Building
Ceramics (Cr)
Name Defense PE Critical Slots Special Location
Cr Vest 1 27+2 24+0 29+1 2/3 None Soho
Cr Protector 39+2 41+2 25+1 2/4 AT, HU Chinatown Sewers
Cr Jacket 43+1 45+0 33+1 4/7 None Chrysler Building
Cr Vest 2 45+1 42+1 31+0 2/4 None Museum
Cr Suit 1 65+0 67+1 37+2 4/5 AT, HU Chrysler Building
Cr Armor 1 91+1 89+1 42+1 5/7 AT, AU, HU Chrysler Building
Cr Armor 2 106+1 102+2 48+3 7/10 HU Chrysler Building



After Day 3, when Wayne becomes the head of the weapon department, he'll tell you to find him some Rare Trading Cards. For each Rare Trading Card you give him, you'll be able to upgrade two pieces of equipment (as opposed to the one you receive by giving him a regular Trading Card or Mod Permit). In addition, if you give him at least 10 Rare Trading Cards, he'll give you a Tool Kit, which has the same use as a Tool, but never runs out. If you give him all 14 Rare Trading Cards, you'll receive the Super Tool Kit, which is like the Tool Kit in its unlimited supply, but acts as a Super Tool. All of the Rare Trading Cards are located inside the Chrysler Building:
P38 T M1 T MG42 T Type3 T
Kasul T BAR T M29 T Eagle T
Bhawk T MK5 T M74 T
PPKS T MP44 T Type38 T
Also, when you talk to Wayne, you'll notice that there is an option "Discard Junk". Instead of discarding the junk you collect from your inventory, you should go to Wayne and have him take it. If you give him   300 pieces, he'll offer to make you a gun of your choice:
Handgun DE50AE7
Shotgun M10B
Machine Gun P90
Rifle MAG
Grenade Launcher HK40
Rocket Launcher LAW80
Leave It To Wayne PPSh41 Machine Gun
SP1C Handgun
USP-TU Handgun
AK-47 Rifle
Super Junk (Useless!)
Duper Junk (Useless!)
Name Attack Range Bullets Slots Special
DE50AE7 123+2 55+1 15+2 8/9 x2
M10B 120+1 70+0 6+1 4/7 B, x3
P90 122+0 51+2 200+1 5/7 R1, x10
MAG 151+1 185+0 20+1 4/7 Cr, x2
HK40 115+1 70+0 8+1 6/6 None
LAW80 200+20 210+0 1+0 0/0 None
PPSh41 78+2 75+1 71+0 2/6 x10
SP1C 118+2 67+2 18+2 2/6 x2
USP-TU 115+1 87+1 25+6 3/9 Co, x5
AK-47 155+0 152+2 23+1 6/8 Cr, Co, x5
It is best not to leave anything to Wayne. Other than the fact that he might mess up (in which case you can still load), the weapon he decides to make for you is generally less powerful than the one you'd get if you did not leave it to Wayne.

General Notes
Day 1 - Resonance
Day 2 - Fusion
Day 3 - Selection
Day 4 - Conception
Day 5 - Evolution
Day 6 - Liberation
The Chrysler Building
Weapons & Armor