Little Big Adventure1The Complete WalkthroughAct 1: The Asylum to the Temple of Bu Act 2: The Temple of Bu to Sendells Medallion Act 3: From Sendells Medallion to the Flask of Clear Water Act 4: From The Clear Water Lake to the Overthrowing of Funfrock
Act 1: The Asylum to the Temple of Bu
Run up the next set of steps and go to the rubbish heap. Talk to the rabbibunny and do what he says he normally does, hide in the rubbish truck. At the other end, go into the house and open the guys chest the get 25 Kashes. Run through the screen until you come to the last one, where your girlfriend Zoe is waiting outside the house. As soon as you can find somewhere to hide. Dont try to stop the clones taking away Zoe, youd only be sent back to the asylum. Get back your tunic and magic ball and climb out of the house through the chimney. Go to the port and kill the clone guarding the gate. Use the key to get in. Talk to the grobo on the right. Arrange the boxes on the squares, theyll reset if you walk out if you get it wrong. If you do it the grobo will give a ferry ticket. Board the ferry. Once on Principal Island go to the Old Burg village. Everyone will run away from you. If you kill a clone you will gain their trust. Talk to the rabbibunny on the corner and follow him. Then follow his friend back. Go through the secret passage to the blacksmiths. He will give you the key to open the gate. Talk to the female rabbibunny and she will draw away the Supergro from the steps so you can go up. Go to the top of the steps and down the grate into the Astronomers house. After talking to the Astronomer go out through the little hole at the bottom. Go back the way you came and go out of the village. Visit the library. Talk to the orange rabbibunny. He will set you the task of making the drinking water better. Go back to Citadel Island on the ferry, you will have to pay 30 Kashes for a ticket, because the guy recognises you as wanted. Go to the pharmacy. The doctor knows who you are and sounds the alarm. A clone will come in, beat up the clone and then the doctor for good measure as well. Take the cherry flavoured syrup from off the shelves. Take the ferry back to Principal Island. Go back to the Old Burg. Theres a street on the left called Peg-leg Street. Walk up it, and a soldier will hop out of a bike, for a quick pea. Whilst hes busy take the bike to the water tower. Put the cherry flavoured syrup in the drinking water for the island. Take the bike back to where it came from. Go back to the library and talk to the same rabbibunny. He will check the water and will open the door to the room with the Legend in. Go to the zone above the Old Burg. Jump over the sandbags and kill the soldier that runs away every time you hit him. Take the car to Port-Belooga. Talk to the rabbibunny fishing. He will take you to the White-leaf Desert. Jump across the rocks until you come to the land. Kill the soldier guarding the door, use his key on the door. Talk to the old rabbibunny sitting next to a hole playing a guitar. Jump into the hole. Jump across the rocks onto the other side. Go down the long flight of stairs and up the other side. Carry on until you come to a clearing with sparks flying out of a hole. Flick the switch to open the door. Walk up the next steps backwards and a roller will come down. Run back down the steps and round the corner. Flick the switch at the top of the steps. Go through the door you opened first and make your way to the door at the other end. At the top of the steps there is a little statue. Push it along the ledge, until you come to the end and push it down. Jump down after it. Push it back the way you came. Flick the switch to bring the lift down on the clearing. Push the statue onto the lift and flick the switch again. Stand on the cross and jump on to the ledge. From as close to the corner as you can get, jump onto the opposite ledge. Flick the next switch the bring the lift down. Push the statue onto another lift. Kill the skeletons at the bottom of the steps and flick the switch in between the two beds. Push the statue onto the sensor in the corner of the square which opens the door, this will hold the door open for you.
Act 2: The Temple of Bu to Sendells MedallionFrom the White Leaf Desert you need to go back to the rabbibunny who brought you, he will be fishing where he dropped you off. He will take you back to Port Belooga. Now, if youve got 200 Kashes or more, which is unlikely then stay at Port Belooga, if not then take the car back to the army camp and set off to find 200 Kashes, you will find the soldier outside where you park useful for this. Once youve got 200 Kashes go back to Port Belooga, and talk to the green sphero. Hes just come back from a trip around the planet, and hes selling his boat. Next go to the Funfrock Headquarters and jump into the trench and talk the rabbibunny thats behind the bars, he will put another arrow on your holomap. Follow him and buy the boat (for 200 Kashes). Now go to Citadel Island, and go into your house, youll have to go through the chimney again. Go into the kitchen and there is a plant pot beside the wooden door. Search it and you will find a key. Use the action command on the barrels and one of them will move, crawl through the secret passage. You can read the rock because youve got the book of Bu. Now go to Proxima Island and go off the screen to the left. There is a house which is half blown away and so are the tree which are near. Go in and there is a grobo working on a Proto-Pack in there. Go and buy a hairdryer from the businessman walking round and tae it to the inventor. He will pay you 10 Kashes if you will try it out for him. Remember only approach water from a gentle slope, (you can fetch the clover box off from Peg Leg Street now). Now, leaving the inventors house kill the grobo guarding the other house on the screen. He will leave a key for you to go into the house with. The rabbibunny inside will give you a red magnetic card. Go back off the screen to where you boat is. Carry on down the slope and go into the building immediately on your left. This is an asylum, but dont panic, they dont know who you are. Kill the guard and then talk to the grobo. Leave the building and go through the gates with the grobo standing by them. Take the smaller, left hand door and use the red magnetic card to get in. Go up the steps and go down on the grate. Kill the snake in the sewers and climb up the ladder. Use the action command on the first grate you come to and you will come up in the asylum. Kill the guard again and flick the switch which the grobo is working on. The museums alarm system will now be triggered and whole building evacuated apart from a few robots. Go back through the grate you came by (the one with the lightning symbol) back into the sewers. Kill the snake again and climb up the ladder. The grate from the museum will still by down. Take it up into the museum. Put on the Proto-Pack and fly into the main building. Go to the stand where there is a pirates flag and use the action command. Twinsen will steal the pirates flag. Carry on to the right, dont go down the stairs, until you came to the end and some stairs leading up, take these. You can get down and run here. When you get to more wooden floor you have to fly again. Youve got to time youre next moves right. There are some surveillance robots, which, if you move when youre near them shoot you. You cant hover with the Proto-Pack and if you stand on the floor you set the alarm off and get caught. So youve got to fly from base to base quickly and at the right moment. Make your way through the first room and wait on the last stand for the next robot to go by. Make your way from stand to stand until you come to the stand where the treasure chest is. Search it and you will find the key that was lost by your ancestor. Fly back to the grate and go down into the sewers. Kill the snake and go back up into the asylum. Go out of the asylum and to your boat and choose Citadel Island. Next, go to your house, get in through the chimney and go to the kitchen. Search the flowers and open the door with the key. Move the barrel and go into the secret passage. Use the key you got from the museum on the next door and move into the objects. These are Sendells Medallion and Gawleys Horn. There is a seal on the wall. Use Gawleys Horn to break the seal and jump into the hole to collect the clover leaves.
Act 3: From Sendells Medallion to the Flask of Clear WaterGo back to your boat and fix the pirate flag to the front. Now choose Rebellion Island. If you dont have the pirate flag the rebel rabbibunnys suspect that you are working for Funfrock and stop you from docking. On Rebellion Island go round and talk to the rabbibunny in the trench. Take the car to the base camp. There are some rabbibunnys using a meca penguin as target practice. Take to the commando under the camouflage netting. Next, take the car back to the harbour and go to where the rabbibunnys boat is waiting. Your boat will follow behind theirs. Before going anywhere jump up the sandbags to get on top on the building and destroy the radar. Get back down and go off the screen. Just stay out of the way of any fire directed at you and the rabbibunny will throw grenades at everyone else. Keep going through the screens, but remember, be careful not to leave him behind. After killing a machine gunner guarding a bridge, get into the tank that the rabbibunny tells you to and leave the rest to him. He will blast open the fort door and cover you whilst you go after his colonel. Kill the clones and one of them will give you a key, open the big double doors with it. Kill the soldiers that get in you way and go up the stairs then turn left. Youll have to kill some red groboclones but then a sphero in camouflage will call out to you. Open his cell, (you might have to kill someone else for another key) and he will tell you to go down the corridor. Kill the red groboclone and use the action command on the grate with the lightning symbol on it. Go off the screen and a movie will play. Spend all the time you want to mucking about on the snowboard, and then go off the screen to the right hand side. Kill the big insect that comes towards you and the one that is attacking the rabbibunny. He will reward you with a clover leaf. Go into the middle of the camp where there is some cooking and the other rabbibunnys will come out and talk to you. Talk to the female rabbibunny by the washing and she will open a passage for you, jump down it. Jump down the sandbags and kill the soldier. Then kill the red groboclone guarding the door to the right hand side. He will drop a key, use it to open the door. Talk to the grobo and kill the guard. Go up the stairs and if you can kill the guard by the alarm without him setting it off. If he does, dont panic. When the guard opens the door, kill him and search the lockers to the left of your cell. Use the key the guard dropped to free an elf in the other cell. He will tell you to go to the White Leaf Desert to free his friend. Go back out of the building and through the passage again. Go over to the right and kill the insect bothering another rabbibunny. He will give you something. Go through the passage again and jump down via the sandbags. Kill the red groboclone to get the key and open the door which a soldier is guarding and kill that soldier. Go up and to the right of a little plant, this will take you off the screen, to the left wont work because theres water on the other side. Run near to the rocks so the machine gunner cant get you. Go off the screen to the left hand side and on the next screen there is your boat. Choose Proxima Island from the list. On docking, go to the raised area of the city and take the bike at the left end. This will take you to the Eclipse Stone. Read it, (the Book of Bu) and it will tell you the password to free the Marked Stone. Go to the other end of the raised area and take the car to the Marked Stone. Use Gawleys Horn on the seal and say the password to free the stone. If you hang around you can get back to full life and full health. Now go back to the Eclipse Stone and free that. It will give you a magic flute. Next, go back to your boat and choose the White Leaf Desert. You dont have to jump over the rocks again, go down the slope and fly over to the other bank, watch out for the tank. Kill the soldier by the gates and open the gates with his key. Use Gawleys Horn on the seal and inside there will be a mass of spikes with an elf in the middle. Walk round to him and he will give you the blue magnetic card. Walk back again and back to your boat. Choose the Himaliyi Mountains. Go back the way you went before to the soldier guarding the gate. Kill him and open the gate using the key. Jump up the sandbags and talk to the elf you freed. He will give you no less than four magic clovers. Jump back down again and into the building after killing the red groboclone again. Go on the subway. This will stop inside a factory. This is the mutant factory in which the rabbibunnys want you to destroy the eggs. Wait for the guard to come to the end of platform and run in between him and the alarm, then kill him. Carry on up the steps and kill the clone at the top. There is a doctor monitoring the growth of some giant crabs. Throw the magic ball at the crabs and the doctor. Go into the room on the left hand side. Youve got to kill the guard before he sounds the alarm. Now youve got to destroy the eggs in the incubator. In discreet throw the magic ball at random and youve just got to hope you hit! When youve destroyed both eggs go out and take the other door opposite the steps. Theres a little control tower, go up, kill the guard and flick the switches. Now g back all the way to where the subway stopped. There is a spheroclone coming towards you, dont try and kill him, this will only result in at least you being badly wounded, just run round him. One the next screen there is a platform with a red groboclone patrolling it, you dont have to kill him. Run across the opening and up the steps, a giant crab will come after you. Search the gas canisters and you will get some more gas. Now run down the steps and into the doorway on the left, take the car to the rabbibunny village. Go into their kitchen and they will come out. They will now open the door of the sacred carrot for you. On going through the door you come into another snowy landscape. There is water in front of you, turn left, kill the soldiers at the door and use his key to go in. Go up the steps and across the bridge to the gate. Use the blue to let yourself in. Kill one of the soldiers and collect the key. Go down the ladder leading off the platform and use the key to open the door at the bottom. Kill the red groboclone and carry on up the platform until you take a left turning. There is a big lake frozen over. Walk up the to the lake and use the magic flute. A movie will play, the ice will break and Twinsen will collect some of the Clear Water into the empty cherry syrup bottle.
Act 4: From The Clear Water Lake to the Overthrowing of FunfrockGo back to the platform and take the hydroglider waiting and choose Tippet Island. Talk to the guy at the top of the ladder. Up the stairs and to your left is a bazaar, but be careful gas is expensive there. Turn right and go over the bridge, jump down the ladder and talk to the rabbibunny fishing in the sewage. He will flick a key out, collect it and go over the bridge that runs parallel with the one you came over. There are two groboclones outside The Twinsun Café kill one and his friend will run away. Go in and talk to the band leader sitting on the stage. The crowd are booing at him because hes not playing anything, then talk to the man at the bar. These will put another arrow on your holomap. Go back to the hydroglider and choose The Himaliyis. Go back through the passage, talk to the elf, collect the clover leaves, kill the red groboclone open the door the soldier is guarding, kill the soldier and go off the screen. Go off the next screen to the left and on the screen after that go to your boat and choose White Leaf Desert. Once again fly to the other sand bank. Kill the soldier guarding the door and use his key to get out. Talk to the rabbibunny sitting by the air vent. Hes got the Space Guitar. A movie plays, Twinsen exchanges the flute for the guitar and rabbibunny makes flowers grow in the desert. Go back to your boat and choose Principal Island. Go to the Funfrock Headquarters and jump into the trench, kill the soldier and climb up the ladder. Go up the stairs which on the left. Use the red card to get in and if you have a meca penguin set it off at the red groboclones. Kill these clones and use the blue card to get into the next gate. Kill the clones and a Supergro will come out of the teleporter. Dont panic, kill him and get his key, go into the building. Go down the stairs and when theres a turning to the left hand side. Funfrock and a groboclone are down there. Funfrock teleports himself but you have to kill the groboclone. The grobo in the cell will give you another key which he stole of the guard. Open the safe with it. You will get Doctor Funfrocks Sabre the most powerful weapon on the planet and a letter, this will put another arrow on your holomap. Go back to your boat at Port Belooga and choose Citadel Island. Dont go back to your house but the other house which is on the screen. Talk to the rabbibunny running around, he will take you into the house. Twinsen will pretend that he likes Funfrock. When theyve finished talking collect the rabbibunnys ID Card from the table and go back to your boat. Choose the Himaliyi Mountains. Go through the screen the usual way until you come to the soldier guarding the gate. Kill him and go through using his key. Climb up the sandbags and talk to the elf, then go through the passage. Walk past the rabbibunny village and through the door of the Sacred Carrot. Kill the soldier on the left hand side and go in, up the stair, over the bridge and through the gate using the blue card. Kill another soldier, jump down the ladder and open the door. Kill the red groboclone and go on the hydroglider. Choose Brundle Island. Go off the screen to the right hand side and look as if youre about to go through the gates. The guard will ask for ID. Jump into the sandbags and show him the rabbibunnys ID. Then jump back out again and walk through the gates. Turn left and go up the ladder up the side of the house. Use Gawleys Horn on the sea which is at the top (its been painted over) and jump in. To the right there is a red groboclone patrolling around on a platform. Kill him and open the gate to the left with the key. You dont have to kill the next clone, just run through the room, and turn left at the top. Search around the locked door and you will find a key, go through. To Twinsens left there is a big computer and a doctor down the stairs. Carry on along the top and a clone will come along. Run past it if you can, if not kill it. Using the sabre slash all the teleporters. Then go down the stairs, kill the doctor and slash the main computer. This has now destroyed all the teleportation systems. Jump the hole which has been blown out of the wall and jump again down to ground level. Get out of the Teleportation Centre and go back to your boat. Choose Tippet Island. Go back to The Twinsun Café again and give the band leader the guitar. Hell start playing and crowd will love it. Talk to the man at the bar again, and he will open a secret passage in the floor and let you down it. Go right and slash the green blob with the sabre. Throw the magic ball at the crabs to kill them, there are two, dont move from the steps until youve killed both of them. Use the Proto-Pack to fly across to opposite steps, and climb up the ladder. Carry on through the screen until you come to a screen with a ladder and two holes. Climb up the ladder and fall down the hole, this will hurt you but you will get a key. Go through the door at the top. Keep going until you climb up a ladder into daylight. Jump your way to the grass at the top. Talk to the dinosaur type thing, this is the Dino-fly. Talk to him and then Fortress Island. Talk to the rabbibunnys and on the next screen destroy the soldiers and tank. The rabbibunny will dig and let you down the passage. Go through the screen until you come to a screen where there is a tap. Use the action command on it. Then climb up the ladder and go off the screen. Fall down and run to the top right hand corner. Climb up the ladder. Keep going until you see your girlfriend behind some bars. Move towards the bars and you will get caught. On the next screen youre in the first asylum, youve got to do the whole game again, only joking! The guard will come down again. Kill him and get on the lift. Kill the other two guards. Go the same way as the first time. Walk up the steps and your girlfriend will walk towards you, but its the clone. Kill her and go up the steps on the right hand side, search the lockers and youll get back all the things that were in your inventory. Go into the next room. There are loads of clones all lined up. You dont have to kill a single one of them. There is a seal disappearing and reappearing. Use Gawleys Horn on it and jump through. Youre in a room with another stone in the middle. Read it and it will put another arrow on your holomap Once youve read the stone pour the Clear Water on it. A movie will play. Go back to the now ruined Cloning Centre. Theres a path behind the ruins, take it and go off the screen. There are lots of machines, everywhere. Go through the screens until you come to a grobo. Talk to him and he will give a key to his bulldozer. This will take you to another screen. You have to work your way to the top of the path and kill the worker at the end to get a key. The next door will take you to a screen with a the rocky summit in the middle. Kill three workers and then climb up the summit. The darker patch are climbable like ladders. You will land down in a room with Funfrock and Zoe, your girlfriend (this really is the original). Kill Funfrock with the sabre and talk to Zoe, then climb down. Funfrock will jump down after you, kill him again, and walk through the ornate door at the end. A movie will play and YOU HAVE COMPLETED LITTLE BIG ADVENTURE!
Feel free to email me if you're stuck or if you have any comments on the site. Please don't email me to ask how the cheats work because I don't know -- I didn't cheat! |