... a Christian Perspective on the Afterlife

Most Christians believe that when we die, we go directly to heaven --- or hell. Judging by the funerals that I have attended, everybody gets to heaven... but what does the bible "really" say?

The Afterlife:   What Does the Bible Say?

Body, Soul, and Spirit
Are the Dead Asleep or Conscious?
Can We Talk To the Dead?
Does Anyone Go Directly to Heaven?
The Thief on the Cross
The Resurrection and the Rapture
Judgment Day
The Millennium: a New Heaven and New Earth

Eternal Life:   How Can I Get It?

Jesus is the Only Way:  The Narrow Road
Belief:  Is It Enough?
A Prayer of Salvation:  Is There Any Such Thing?
Sex, Lies, and Other Mistakes
What Must I Do to be Saved?   The Best Kept Secret
Are Your Prayers Unanswered?
The Seal of God

The End Times:   How Close Are We?

Parable of the Fig Tree
Our Time is Short:    The Seven-Thousand Year Theory
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