The Little Dog JOSCHI Introduces Himself

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General Awards - Page 46

I would like to thank all the wonderful people who have bestowed their awards upon this site!
The Most Awards Earned By A Personal Homepage

World's Certified Largest
The World's Largest Website
With Awards Received By A Dog
World's Certified Largest

Design Award Excell 2000
Cindy's Bloom Award

Dutch Ruby Award of Web Design Excellence
Blockhead Bulldogs Cool Site Award

Art Line © by Ulrich Leive

Lominous Award

Docu-Type's Suberb Choice AwardThe Three Fury Tiers Award of Excellence

Art Line © by Ulrich Leive

Coolface Award
Shanty Award Homepage Excellence
JR Award / The former URL is no longer valid!

Tiny's Antz Award

Please note, some awards are displayed more than once in different categories,
but they are not counted more than once, of course.

Art Line © by Ulrich Leive

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Art Line © by Ulrich Leive

General Awards - Page 47

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Art Line © by Ulrich Leive

Copyright © 1998 - 2001 Ulrich Leive

This page was updated on March 06, 2001