Vic: Zhou Yu Ming

Jerry: Yan Chen Xu





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Get up on news about this UR F4 FANSITE! 

21 October 2003

Hello, F4 Fans!! F西 4ever, right??!! 

Hello, it's nice to say hi again after a long, long time from updating... sorry but I've been really busy and concentrate mostly on Ning Go! which is my other website for girls... so you could check that out too. And again every update to the website has new things...


 Vic's 仔仔's pictures <included from the movie "来我家吧!" {Lai Wo Jia Ba} or "Come to My Place"


Vic and Jerry's cute pictures


Vic's song's lyrics and translation from "Make A Wish" album {2 songs}


F4's lyrics in "Fantasy 4Ever" album <2 songs>


F4 pictures


F4 + Jerry + Vic Wallpapers


Some photos of F4 in concert... "Blue Power"!!

New made Page introducing other Asian stars ::::::: boys & girls
<<< Filled with Pictures / rather than info>>> about "Zhao Wei"

But if you want some info about the singers/actors I've posted pics about mail me!


This site is dedicated to F4, because I'm one of the big fans of them. But this site is concentrated on Jerry & Vic the most... cos' they are my favourites!

As you could see from above, you can navigate this site by clicking on the links .. ^


If you do not know where to start, let me guide you through:

  1. Home -- it leads back to this page {Home} no matter where you are in this website

  2. Profiles -- here, there are loads of info [profiles] on the 4 members of F4

  3. Albums & Lyrics -- This page will lead you to different aalbums of F4 >> lyrics and translations!!

  4. Galleries -- some cool [sorted] pics of F4<ordinary and concert pics>  and even more pics on Vic and Jerry!!

  5. Meteor Gardens -- This page will lead you to MG I AND MGG II for synopsis, screenshots and more!

  6. Wallpapers -- Wallpapers of F4 and Jerry + Vic indivvidually!!

  7. Asian Stars -- Pictures and wallpapers of other Asiann star rather than F4... this month >> "Zhao Wei"!!!

Last, but not least, I really hope you do enjoy my website!! >_<''


Thank You to School Icons for the cute backgrounds and icons::

{ }



All contents from this website is free and allowed to be used anywhere else... but if you don't mind please refer back a link to this website :::
but above all I'd like you to visit the sites here [credits] to thank you them of letting me have the information about F4
and also if you'd like to know more about me click here [about the webmaster] << Thank You >>

Also by Me!::: Ning Go {}
Please Visit!! It's a cute variety web for girls!!