U.S. Army Engineer Crest Photo Gallery for the
44th Engineer Group (Construction)
in Thailand from 1962-71
Honor Guard Hand Salute!
Friendship Highway under Construction
Friendship Highway - "The Road" - Under Construction
2 Photo Credit to "Super Surveyor" Roy Ney (see above work...)   Click here to email Roy your thoughts!
9th Logistics Command "The 44th Engineers
built the roads and the warehouses and the camps
so that the 9th Logistics Command could do their job
and feed our men and provide the ammo for the fight !"
U.S. Army Support, Thailand

* Looking for donations for a good photo depicting the work performed in Thailand, in the jungles, by members of the 44th Engineer Group (credits, of course, to donor.)   Photo should be no larger than 640x300 and 45K or less in size.   Larger photos may be used, edited, eg, color changes and/or sizing and can not be returned.   Thank you for your help and interest !

Notice:   Framed pictures are "thumbnail" versions of larger photos that you may click on with your mouse
in order to see a much larger version.   Under-lined phrases, words, statements may also be picture links!

    Page Break-outs for each Area, Camp, Units, Construction Projects, etc., ie, will follow soon!
9th Logistics Command, Korat (Year - Unknown)
9th Logistics Command Crest 9th Logistics Command Camp
.. was .. Camp "USARTHAI"
9th Logistics Command Korat, Thailand - 1964-65
"Tiger Pawz" E-Newsletter
Association of U.S. Army Transporters
in Thailand
Photo Credits:   1 "Mac" Thompson - Bangkok Click me to send the soldier an email!
  and 3 Joe "Truckmaster" Wilson Click me to send the soldier an email!
  9th Logistics Command Support Area; 528th Engineers, 501st Supply Depot   .. in the beginning
Camp USARTHAI - Home of the 44th Engineers in 64-68!
U.S. Army Support, Thailand Camp USARTHAI (9th Log Camp)
"Home of the 44th Engineers"
Korat, Thailand - Early 60's
"Nakhon Ratchasima"

  Original Entry Gate (See Photo Section for 1968)
  See 9th Log Command Section for additional info.
4 Photo Credits:   MSG Otto Uebel, 720th MP Battalion - Retired Click me to send the soldier an email!
  Camp USARTHAI - Camp #44   - Hqs for the 44th Engineers!   Originally home of the 9th Logistics Command !
Camp Friendship, Korat 1964 (Korat RTAFB Runway)
U.S. Army Support, Thailand Camp Friendship / Korat RTAFB
Korat, Thailand   Year -   1964 9th Logistics Command

  Foreground:   Army Base
Background:   Air Force Base

Photo Credits:
  1 "Mac" Thompson - Bangkok Click me to send the soldier an email!         9th Log - 44th Engr - USARSUPTHAI
  Camp Friendship
Friendship Highway around Rum Chit Chai @ 519th Convoy!
Rum Chit Chai from a Truckers' vantage point! Friendship Highway
- Under Construction -
Rum Chit Chai, Thailand
Est. 1967-68

  519th Battalion Convoy, 9th Logistics Command
- "Isaan Country" -- up North!   44th Truck ? - Yes!
519th Logisitcs Convoy - better times; better road!

3 Photo Credits:   Joe "Truckmaster" Wilson
Click me to send the soldier an email!    Visit "Truckmaster" Web Site!
The Road - 44th was in Thailand to build logistics roads and Camps, eg, Friendship!
31st Field Hospital, Korat (Year 1964)
U.S. Army Medicine (AMEDD) 31st Field Hospital Complex
U.S. Army Medicine (AMEDD) Korat, Thailand   Year was:   1964

..for more info on the U.S. Army Medical
Department (AMEDD)

1 Photo Credits:   "Mac" Thompson - Bangkok Click me to send the soldier an email!
  Coming Soon!     31st Field Hospital Complex
Camp Vayama, Sattahip (Year - Est. 1967-68)
Camp Vayama MP Advisors Camp Vayama
Sattahip, Thailand
Year:   Est. 1967-68

  Photo Credits:   2 "Super Surveyor" Roy Ney
- Des Moines, Iowa   697th & 538th Click me to send the soldier an email!
  4 MSG Otto Uebel, 720th MP Battalion Click me to send the soldier an email!
- U.S. Army (Retired)   .. Right Photto
  Camp Vayama
Camp Samae San, Sattahip (Year - Est. 1969-70)
Camp Samae San
Sattahip, Thailand
Year:   Est. 1969-70

4 Photo Credits:   MSG Otto Uebel, 720th MP Battalion - U.S. Army (Retired) Click me to send the soldier an email!
  Camp Samae San     "Home of the Central Identification Laboratory - Thailand in '73"
697th Engr Co 'Pipeline Playhouse'
Photo Credits:   5 Bob Potter, 697th Click me to send the soldier an email!     "697th Pipeline Playhouse", Camp #44 (Camp USARTHAI)
Coming Soon!     697th Engr Co - Pipeline New Photo Page Break-Out for Members of the 697th Engineer Company - Pipeline!
  Coming Soon!     809th Engr Bn - Camp Ruam Chit Chai New Photo Page Break-Out for Members of the 809th Engineers and Camp Ruam Chit Chai!
  .. stories and photos from its members on the road to NKP ...
  Check NKP out on a map of Isaan Country!   (Just below the top, right-hand corner map legend)
A beautiful sunset in
"the Land of the Smiles"

Location:   unknown
..our "Super Surveyor"
is looking it up in his slides..

2 Photo Credits -
"Super Surveyor" Roy Ney Click me to send the soldier an email!
- Des Moines
Beautiful sunset in Thailand
  Thailand   Photos from Korat, Satahip, the "Highway" and "Thai U.S.A."   Thai U.S.A. - Life in America for Thai People!
  Place of Honor - Photo Credits by Donor
Soldier Rank Unit Duties Email/Hometown
16 Adams, Gary SP/5 809th   809th Engineer Battalion - Sakorn Nakorn Click me to send this soldier an email!  
15 Anderson, Frank Civ P.C.   U.S. Peace Corps (P.C.) Mission in Thailand Click me to send this personnel an email! Korat
9 Kurtz, Ed SGT US Mail   Mail Clerk at Camp Friendship   Nov'65-May'67 Click me to send the soldier an email! Shamokin, PA
Photo Album
14 Marsh, Frank SGM 31st   Korat Hospital - Medic; U.S. Army (Retired) Click me to send the soldier an email!  
8 McArthur, William Sp/4 561st   Cmp Friendship Dec'62-63 Inter Speed Radio Click me to send the soldier an email! Cape May Beach, NJ
12 McBrien, Richard SP/5 Co C   4/68-7/70 Ruam Chit Chai - Photo   Grandpa Click me to send the soldier an email! Watertown,   SD
2 Ney, Roy SP/5 538th   'Super Surveyor' @ Samae San '69 Click me to send the soldier an email! Des Moines,   IA
11 McGurk, Floyd Lt. HHC   C.O. @ Camp Friendship '64-65   "Mai Pen Rai" Click me to send the soldier an email! ???, Mac & Floyd
6 Petty, Tom SP/4 697th   Picture today!   Utility (Pipeline) Worker ... Click me to send the soldier an email! Sioux Rapids, IA
#10 Picchione, Frank SP/5 697th   Company Clerk @ Camp#44 '68 - HHC too! Click me to send the soldier an email! Las Vegas - Baby!
5 Potter, Bob SGT 697th   Mechanic - Motor Pool Click me to send the soldier an email! Belgrade, MT
7 Strain, John   697ths   Camp #44 Military Police Click me to send the soldier an email! Roodhouse, IL
1 Thompson, Mac Lt. HHC   Engineer Officer - Camp Friendship Feb'64-65 Click me to send the soldier an email! Bangkok
4 Uebel, Otto MSG 720th   720th MP Battalion - Ft Hood, Texas Click me to send the soldier an email!  
3 Wilson, Joe SP/4 519th   Truckmaster - 9th Logistics Command Click me to send the soldier an email! Colorado Springs

Share your memoirs with the world here!

Were you in the 44th or 9th?   Want to join? ..be listed?

Sign-Up Form can be found here!

Contact the   Membership Committee

"The 44th Engineers
built the roads and the warehouses and the camps
so that the 9th Logistics Command could do their job
and feed our men and provide the ammo
for the fight !"

Thai Tribute honoring those fallen that gave theirs all ...

U.S. Army, Thailand Order of Battle (TOB)
44th Engineer Group (Construction)   12/62 - 1/1/70   (Hqs, Korat)
Major Project:   Camp Friendship     Today:   Thai Army Base

Engineer Companies -

16th Engineer Co - Dump Truck   8/2/67 - 2/20/71 ****

54th Engineer Co - Construction Support   12/20/68 - 6/15/70 ****

91st Engineer Co - Dump Truck   8/7/67 - 6/15/70 *

528th Engineer Co - Construction   from/to dates not given ..

561st Engineer Co - Construction   8/10/63 - 6/15/70 *

593rd Engineer Co, 9th Logistics Command - Construction   6/6/63 - 8/1/63

738th Engineer Co, 9th Logistics Command - Supply Point   3/2/63 - 7/15/65

697th Engineer Co (Pipeline) - Construction Support   8/29/65 - 12/1/69 ***

Engineer Battalions -

538th Engr Bn   7/14/65 - 6/15/70 ***   and   809th Engr Bn   3/24/62 - 2/3/71 **

Other - 9th Logistical Command - Logistics Support   4/63 - 6/12/70

- - - - - -   Notes   - - - - - -

* Kanchanaburi Province     ** Phanom Sarakam

*** Korat and Satahip Service     697th sent 2nd Platoon to Korea and Vietnam ...

538th/697th Major Project:   Camp Samae San

**** Sakhon Nakhon

SP/5 Francis Picchione, Company Clerk
    44th Engineer Group Locator "Duty Roster"

    Beyond the historic value, though, is a strong desire to reunite with my fellow company members in reunions held annually or as often as possible both in the United States and in our "second home," or "home - away from home" Thailand !   Publishing a Locator Directory or Roster of member names, and with their individual permission as much as so desired, eg, email address, home address and a phone no. to just be able to "reach out" and talk to another friend, another veteran of S.E.A. !


    Like in any major under-taking, there are many team members and I have solicited as many people as I possibly could beginning with the following folks:

Mike Ellis, Command PFC, 697th, 561st, 809th & MPs - FTA697@aol.com

Roy Ney, Super Surveyor, 697th & 538th - runner551@aol.com

Yours truly,

Frank "mahknut" Picchione, Company Clerk/44th HHC & 697th -

Photo of "moi" at Camp #44/Camp USARTHAI
- Korat, Thailand (Mother's Day'68)

      SP/5 Francis Picchione - "At Ease!"   .. and, "Welcome Home!"   Telephone:   (714) 891-8230


Center of Military History - U.S. Army

    And, please ..   whatever you do; send pictures ! ***

*** Please see the non-copyright "disclaimer" posted on this page and throughout this web site which I feel is important and right motivation for tribute and purpose of this site.   If you can not agree or approve of this statement, thank you for your assistance, contributions and/or information, but no thank you for the portion you hold aside from same.

U.S. Army Support, Thailand

Patch of

    U.S. Army Support, Thailand

Image from the Collection of Colonel Vidrick, Commander
519th Transportation Battalion, 9th Logistics Command

The hat/helmet of a Veteran...
The documents and graphics on this web site
have been written and updated by and for veterans, is non-copyrighted.
It may be freely copied, reproduced, distributed, or linked to.
Question the motivation of others that wish to charge you a fee
or "protect" their graphic images
when the proper motivation is to remind people of the sacrifices
made by all of us veterans alive and dead.

Corrections and Additions - Webmaster
Frank "dFox" Picchione, Company Clerk