IQ: 3D6+1
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6
PS: 3D6
PP: 4D6
PE: 3D6
PB: 5D6
SPD: 3D6
Attributes are NOT supernatural.
Hit Points: PE + 1D6 per level of experience
SDC: 10, plus those gained from OCC's and physical skills.
Horror Factor: 8 (10 when eyes are glowing).
PPE: 5D6.
Alignment: Any, but mostly good or selfish.
Natural Abilities:
Averages life span:
Skills of Note:
Dwarf RCC:
Flyjt RCC: Attributes: Size: 6 feet + 1D6 inches tall.
Orc RCC:
Size: About 6 to 8 feet tall.
Uruk-hai RCC:
Current homeworld: Isengard
Typical Equipment:
All other stats and notes are per OCC.
IQ: 3D6+1
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6
PS: 3D6
PP: 4D6
PE: 3D6
PB: 5D6
SPD: 3D6
Attributes are NOT supernatural.
Hit Points: PE + 1D6 per level of experience
SDC: 10, plus those gained from OCC's and physical skills.
Horror Factor: 8 (10 when eyes are glowing).
PPE: 5D6.
Alignment: Any, but mostly good or selfish.Natural Abilities:
Averages life span:
Skills of Note:
Typical Equipment:
All other stats and notes are per OCC.
; (Sketch 5,
IQ: 3D6+1
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6
PS: 3D6
PP: 4D6
PE: 3D6
PB: 5D6
SPD: 3D6
Attributes are NOT supernatural.
Hit Points:
Horror Factor:
PPE: 5D6.
Natural Abilities:
Averages life span:
Skills of Note:
Typical Equipment:
All other stats and notes are per OCC.The Flyjt have, for many eons, been under the boot of one oppressor or another; Even under the toe of the UGC, they bristle, though compared to the Atorians the REF was a hand up.
"Enchateresse"; A Drallish Fljyt Enchantress; 縎he'd make a good bard or sorceress, don't you think? Actually, this is Lance Corporal Idril Helyanw-Ancala璵on, REF Marine Corps, a Cycloner during the war with the Regent and later in both the First AND Second Liberation of Terra (while on liberty). (Sketch 5, AST Catherine Smith-Desbiens, UGC SPAES.)Their homeworld, Flyjt, was invaded in 1511 by the Atorian Empire, after some 150 years of independence, won when they kicked the previous rulers, the Old Ones, off their world.
The coming of the Atorians was a GHASTLY tragedy for the Flyjt; All their technology, all their magic, their psionic powers could not stop, nor even slow down, the juggernaught that was the Atorians. Backed as they were by then with the zentraedi armies, the Flyjt Defenses crumbled in days. To punish the Flyjts for their "lack of proper spirit to the new galactic cooperative", the Atorians devastated Flyjt; a world once alive with forests covering 90% of her surface was now practically paved completely over, less a few sites dedicated to mining in one form or another.
Many of the Flyjts managed to escape; These, the Drall, swore vengeance at any cost, and to liberate their homeworld. Several centuries living in a toxically polluted environment changed the Flyjt's bodies, darkening them and misshaping their hands to 6 fingers.
The long occupation also polluted their collective minds- The Firse Flyjts, those who remained on Flyjt, waited so long and suffered so much at the hands of the Ators that they'd long-abandoned hope of liberation. They believe that they, alone, have the right to Flyjt.
The Drall, on the other hand, believe they have suffered far more than their kin on Flyjt, and it was they, with the REF Allies, who liberated their homeworld; they believe that their kinsmen should accept that Drall are the ones who should rule.
This schism has been exacerbated by the PHYSICAL changes to the two races; While the Drall kept their original appearance, the Firse's bodies were tempered and beaten. Other than the noticeable darkening and the sixth finger, however, there are no major changes, though Drall eyes tend to be of darker colors (an effect believed to have been caused by the Drall's long time in space, with nothing, not even soot, to protect their eyes).
A Firse Fljyt Priestess of the Clan Atcue, House of Nonan, of the Sepicure Sect; Sepicure Sect, unlike some other sects, beleives in teaching their chaplins to be warrior-priests. Her headress device appears to be a Vericha Lesser Preistess's Talismn (Vericha is very much like Terran Christianity, with the exception that Vericha believes a female, not a male, died for all, as Vericha is Matriarchal). The gold highlights on her hand guards indicate she is unmarried. (Sketch 2, Sarah E Gross (Dragoness' Gallery).The schism threatened to cause a civil war, until the REF interceded with their usual diplomatic method: "STOP FIGHTING OR WE START SHOOTING!" was the general gist. When both sides agreed to a cease-fire, diplomats from the Plenipotentiary Council sat both sides down at a table onboard UES C脥 VOL (SDF-11). Over a three-hour talk, the two sides agreed to talk the next day. So it went for about 3 months, until Captain Fairidiae, , UES C脥 VOL, (illegally) locked them in the room and told them they'd get nothing but fresh(er) air and water until they reached an agreement- Or starved to death, whichever came first (she really didn't care at that point). It took them 5 days, but they eventually agreed to treat the situation as if family members had left on a trip and returned home to clean up a mess.
Other than their outward physical appearance, Drall and Firse Flyjt are EXACTLY the same. All Flyjt are slightly psychic, with some become masters in mental powers- Those who do not share this trait study either the sciences or magic. Flyjt are master engineers, master mages, and master psychics, and they know it and they're a little smug about it. To their credit, however, they treat Terrans and zentraedi as "Master Races", in effect being equal to themselves. (Dr Ryan Kitsune and Ms Luisa Mischa contributed to this report.)
IQ: 3D6+1
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6
PS: 3D6
PP: 4D6
PE: 3D6
PB: 5D6
SPD: 3D6
Attributes are NOT supernatural.
Hit Points: PE + 1D6 per level of experience
SDC: 10, plus those gained from OCC's and physical skills.
Horror Factor: 8 (10 when eyes are glowing).
PPE: 5D6.
Alignment: Any, but mostly good or selfish.Natural Abilities: High Agility and Beauty. Have generally high intelligence. Night vision 120 feet (36.6 meters). Night Vision is combined infra red vision (both light emitting and non light emitting) and light amplification. When using active infra red vision, eyes glow red. Naturally ambidextrous and automatically have paired weapons in one weapon that they learned in their youth. Flyjts get +2% on Prowl, any tracking skills, and the Skill "Identify Plants and Fruit" specialized for underground plants.
Disadvantages: Without protection against bright light, Firse Flyjts get -2 to strike, parry, and dodge as well as -10% to skill proficiencies in bright light (includes sun light or globe of daylight) without protection against the light.
Combat: Two without combat training, or those gained from hand to hand combat and / or boxing.
Bonuses: Only those gained from attributes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses.
Psionics: Standard, basically same as humans.
Averages life span: 550 years.OCC: Virtually Any. Military, Magic, or Psyonic OCC's are common for Flyjts.
Skills of Note: 90% speak and read the Flyjt and zentraedi languages at 98%, speak and will be literate in one other language, know basic math (all at +20%), in addition to OCC Skills.
Habitat; Drall Flyjts Open areas, such as feilds, orchards, woods, and cities. Drall moreso than Firse, like big cities and technology.
Habitat; Firse: Dark and enclosed areas, includes caves, caverns, old tunnels, and even huge underground cities. However, woodlands areas are also popular, if you're nearest neighbor is at least a hour's drive away. Firse prefer natural environs, and tend to shy away from cities.
Enemies: They're actiully LIKED by all, but Drall/Firse animosity continues to this day. The simple fact is, Flyjt on Flyjt hatred is worse than everything everyone else has to offer combined and cubed.
Allies: Terrans, zentraedi, Drinn, Vagars, and occasionally Perytonians and Garudans; However, they're known to use just about every race for labor force, and TREAT all the same, if not THINK the same of them.
Weight: 150 to 230 lbs.
Typical Equipment: Throwing Claw/Knive, some type of body armour, cloak, Talisman of Moriquendi (shows clan), pistol, and a sword (often a Zatoichi, for it's ease of use both offensively as a sword or defensively as a club).
All other stats and notes are per OCC.
The Uruk-hai Clan Lord Salakier addressing the UGC Council during thier Application of Nations. His speech was reported by some to have been VERY passionate; Many Councillers and Senators alike remarked how eloquently spoken he really was, and all were suprised at it. It should be noted that Salakier was a Pikesman when he first joined the Uruk-hai Army. (Photo , One Ring News Wire.)
IQ: 3D6+1
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6
PS: 3D6
PP: 4D6
PE: 3D6
PB: 5D6
SPD: 3D6
Attributes are NOT supernatural.
Hit Points:
Horror Factor:
PPE: 5D6.
Natural Abilities:
Averages life span:
Skills of Note:
Enemies: Just about everyone really, which is why they keep to their homeworld.
Allies: Human and Tśentr鎑i are about the only species willing to deal with them. that COULD be considered an ally.
Typical Equipment:
All other stats and notes are per OCC.The Uruk-hai are a species that is an abomination before nature; An abomination which only the zentraedi can TRULY appreciate, and only the Terrans can accept. They are the cloned and genetically modified bodies of the Orcs.
Like their Orcish cousins, the Uruk-hia are soldiers, pure and simple. In battle, they fought using scimitars, poisoned daggers, arrows, and broad-headed swords. Their armor was chain mail and steel-plate with dangerous jagged helmets. The Uruk-Hai first appeared during the Third Galactic Dark Age, during the Ring War, when they conquered Ithilien and simply destroyed Osgiliath. They were created by the Saruman Faction Faction as shock troopers and cannon fodder, of the Orcish Race which an even EARLIER empire had created from the Elvish Races (seen Orcs). The Saruman Faction was not completely pleased with the Sauronian Orc soldiers, so they bred a new Orc creatures and called them the Uruk-hai, meaning "half-orcs."
Satisfied in their creation, the Saruman Faction did not breed these creatures, but rather simply cloned them. Like the zentraedi, Uruk-hai had no childhood, but are are "born" in full strength and intelligence (although limited).
They were created to be larger and stronger than the Orcs and to withstand the light of the sun better. The Saruman Faction used great armies of Uruk-Hais to destroy the Ring Fellowship and gain control of one ring, but because they were a little bit stupid, managed SOMEHOW to capture the wrong ring. However, they are FEIRCE warriors, and one of the Uruk-Hai clans killed the ENTIRE Boromir Command at the Battle at Galen Parth. it is fortunate that the Saruman Faction was finally defeated at the Battle Of Black Gate, the entryway to the Mordorian Empire, after the Uruk-hai 18 TH Army, dispatched to destroy the Th茅odens of Rohan were overwhelmed and, generally, defeated at the Battle of Helm's Deep and the 21ST Army, sent to conquer Osgiliath and Minastirith, which were defended under the questionably competent command of General Stewart (though his subordinate, Captain Foromir, was fortunately QUITE competent). (The 25TH Army was defeated and nearly annihilated trying to hold Black Gate).
The Uruk-hai's teeth are fanged, and their skin BADLY sunburned. They are a little taller than Terrans, black-skinned and black-blooded. They are larger, stronger and fiercer in battle than Terrans, as their only objective is to kill. When in battle, the Uruk-hai sometimes wear black armor and carry straight swords and poisoned arrows, and spears. They are also used to mark their faces and bodies by the White Hand of Saruman Faction. The Uruk-Hai made up a large part of Saruman Faction's army, together with the Dunlendings and other enemies of Rohan, and also served as the elite troops of the Mordorian Empire. They are smarter, stronger and larger than Orcs and could travel during the day without being weakened. Certainly, other creatures in Saruman Faction's armies appear to have been hybrids.
Even though the Uruk-hai do tend to be viewed as sadistic beings, this is not true: They fully believe that what they are did was right at the time. It is bad enough that the Universe dealt them a bad hand, they don't REALLY want to make it WORSE.
On occasion a member of the race or even a small to medium group of them will start destroying SOMETHING, mostly out of racial frustration and rage; On occasion this has led to conflict between them and other groups (such as their ONLY defenders, ironically the Terrans and zentraedi).
The other reason that Uruk-hai are often seen as evil is due to thier natrually vicious attitude, which often attract various evil and destructive people looking for cannon-fodder for one operation or another. As time has gone on, more and more groups of Uruk-hai have come under the control of one group or another; The Atorian Malconts, Ebsis, the Mafia, and others have hired out whole Clans for their foot soldiers.
Some Uruk-hai that have lived alongside other races have mamaged, with patience (and often with large, heavy, and VERY HARD implements applied with great force to places where it will do no permenant damage, such as their heads) to control their rage; This has proven especially effective on the penal farms where Clan D藕忙sti艈 was shackled to farm equipment for TWO WHOLE GENERATION, until GIS Investigators shut the farm down and arrested the owners on violation of 25 diffrent anti-slavery laws. An occasional Uruk-hai in society will discard the anti-EVERYONE biases as well as being unworkable. They are the ones who ussually turn to some form of religion, trying to convert their brethern to "the new way".
Uruk-hai most often live underground in caves, caverns, old tunnels, and even huge underground cities they have created. Firse Flyjts are excellent engineers, and the two speces often collaberate on the building of such wonders, though the Firse Fljyts make it clear that Uruk-hais are not allowed into "their" part of the city (regardless who else is).
For clothing, Uruk-hais normally wear leather and LOTS of steel, ussually plate if they can afford it. They also love cloaks.
Under the various masters, Uruk-hai society was rather harsh, with only the strongest surviving (all others were eaten). Under the far less oppresive UGC overseership, the Uruk-hai have been able to stop eating their own, and even developed farming (of slib, an under-ground growing wheat-like plant with a VERY thick, hard trunk, ideal for burning as fuel) and ranching (of snogaz, a kind of snake, that's as eager to eat their masters as the master are to eat them).
However, old habits die VERY HARD indeed, and it is no surprise that assassination is considered a CRITICAL skill in their society; It is in fact a recognized and honorable tool by which to prove ones fitness to advance, even to Lordship over a village. Uruk-hai normally organize into clans with the strongest male being the Lord of his Clan, which includes every Uruk-hai within that city. In such a anarchistic society as the Uris, the position of Lord is a viciously contested one, and more than anyone else the Clan Lord is constantly tested for his power. NONE are the Clan Lords that have died of old age; Equally, none have build such a reputation that no one dares to challenge them anymore.
Due to thier adaption to underground environment, they have trouble with sunlight (hurts their eyes) and prefer to stay in dark environments, though the can easily enough overocme their problems with sunlight by wearing eye protection and cloaks to shroud their bodies from direct sunlight.
Unlike Orcs, the Uruk-hai have shown a true desire to develop into good members of the UGC, though the road to rehabilitating an entire species twisted and broken TWICE has proven quite challenging to them; Never the less, they TRY very hard.
Capital City: None; There are no cities, now, on Isengard, though the generally acknowledged High Cheiftans own Cave and Tunnel Systems are steared clear of by anyone wanting to stay alive for long.
IQ: 2D6+1
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 5D6
PP: 2D6
PE: 5D6
PB: 3D6
SPD: 3D6
Attributes are NOT supernatural.
Hit Points: PE+3D6, plus another 2D6 per level of experience
SDC: 10, plus those gained from OCC's and physical skills.
Horror Factor: 10; However, Uruk-hai aren't really UNGLY, except in the mouth.
PPE: 1D4.
ISP: 1D4
Alignment: Any, but mostly selfish or evil; Abberant is most common.Natural Abilities: Night vision 200 feet (36.6 meters). Incredible endurance; beyond the PE listed above, they can run, WITHOUT STOPPING, for a month, and do not need sleep at all for UP TO SIX MONTH at a time. +10% on tracking, non-electtonics based military skills (such as Armorer and Seige Weapons), and the Skill "Identify Plants and Fruit". They can also use nergy weapons, but can not FIX them (to complicated).
Disadvantages: Without protection against bright light, Uruk-hai's are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge as well as in sun light without eye protection against the light (includes sun glasses).
Combat: Two without combat training, or those gained from hand to hand combat and/or boxing.
Bonuses: Only those gained from attributes, OCC, and skill bonuses.
Psionics: Mental Block Auto-Defense (they are a little dense), but that's IT.
Averages life span: 500 years.OCC: Any MILITARY or Laborer OCC that doesn't require high technical skill.
Skills of Note: 90% speak and read the Urik (an Orcan dialect) and zentraedi languages at 98%, Orcan at 90%, know basic math (all at +20%), in addition to OCC Skills. (Yes, Uruk-hai CAN read. They just don't LIKE to.)
Habitat: Dark and enclosed areas, includes caves, caverns, old tunnels, and even huge underground cities. However, woodlands areas are also popular, if you're nearest neighbor is at least a hour's drive away. Uruk-hais prefer urban environs, but tend to shy away from non- Uruk-hai cities.
Enemies: Only the Firse Flyjt would even SPEAK with them outside of the Orcan cousins. However, Terran and zentraedi happen to be able to deal with them on a mature, professional level, and these two races have managed to maintain communication with them since thier homeworlds liberation. Uruk-hai preferr zentraedi company, though, because the friggen HUGE and tougher than theUruk-hais.
Allies: Terrans, zentraedi, and occasionally the Firse Flyjt.