Belarus. Wallpapers
Photo Belarus. Photo Minsk.
Wallpapers for the Belarus.
Pictures for the computer
Digital photo Minsk
Pictures for the Belarus.
Catalog Sites 0
Studio LUVR
This "exotic character" we "dug up" in babushkinom sunduchke - and here what!
Seasons. Belarus
Photo of Belarus. Wallpapers from
Studio OF "LOUVRE"

Поиск по сайтам о Минске
Belarus. Photo of Belarus.
Photo of Belarus.
Photo of Belarus.
Streets of Minsk.
The places in history of Belarus
summer are the wall-papers
Leisure in Minsk.
Streets Of Minsk.
The places in history of Minsk
Studio LUVR represents : Travelling on St. Petersburg Travelling on White Russia Cottage Radzivill Last Tycoon Order Saratoga Locks Grodno Photo Moscow citadel

Belarus. На главную

Весна. Времена года
Belarus. 12 месяцев

Belarus. Весна!
Очей очарование! Природа пробуждается.
Привычные ландшафты предстают пред
нами в новых нарядах.

Belarus. Погода в Европе. Погода на завтра
Погода в Европе

Belarus. Времена года. Фото Беларуси
"Времена года"
Фото Беларуси

Rating All.BY

Каталог TUT.BY
Rambler's Top100
Минск. 2003-2007

Swans. Лебединое семейство. Мама и три дочки
Весенние фотографии. Весенние фото.
Весна в Минске. Мама и три дочки. Весеннее фото!

Swans. Photo Belarus. Лебединое семейство. Весенние фотографии. Весенние фото. Belarus.  Wallpapers. Photo.
Swans. Лебединое семейство. Мама и три дочки
Весенние фотографии. Весенние фото. Весеннее фото! Весенний портрет Минска. Весна в Минске. Мама и три дочки. Обои для компьютера.Belarus.
(Обои для компьютера 1024х768) Минск 2004г.

СТУДИЯ "ЛУВР" представляет: Minsk Photo Discovery Belarus Belarusian National-geographic Belarusian Discovery-science Belarusian Animal-planet Twelve Month Belarusian Hhistory

Photo of Belarus. Medieval castles Belarus. Mir-Castle. Belarus

Medieval castles Belarus. Mir-Castle. Photo Belarus
Belarus. Medieval castles Belarus. Photo of Belarus.   
Sites the Studio "LUVR"

Belarus. Studio Louvre presents : Travelling to Belarus Photo Paris by satellite Medieval castles Belarus I Step on the Arbat Sofia Kievskaya Train Minsk Catalog sites

Subway Map of Moscow

"Studio Louvre"

Site of wall-papers the "Seasons"
Spring in Minsk
Summer in Minsk
Autumn in Minsk
Winter in Minsk
April in Minsk
May vacations
June Den'za in the daytime

Map Of Minsk
Map Of Minsk
©Studio of "Louvre"

Minsk. 2003-2004

Connection with us on
ICQ 288-702-522 288702522

With the adoption of the materials of site the reference is required

Summer in Minsk. Belarus.
Wallpapers artistic
(Minsk "wallpaper textiles") Minsk. Belarus. Views.
Photo Belarus. Photo Minsk. Seasons. Wallpapers.

Photo Belarus. Belarus.  Photo Minsk. A.Pushkin in the guests in A.Mitskevicha. Minsk 2004.
A.Pushkin "in the guests" in A.Mitskevicha
Gift Of the mayor Of Moscow Yu.Luzhkova To Minsk.
Minsk. Belarus. Design-studio "Louvre" Seasons. Minsk sea. Wallpapers. Photo Belarus. Photo Minsk. Minsk 2004.

In order to skachat' wall-papers for the computer, it is necessary to select the pleased picture and to call on it by left button.
Picture is opened in the new window, within the framework of smaller sizes (although in reality it has a permission of y02yakh"'8). When it shakes to your computer one should call on it by the right button of mouse and to select inscription in the opened window "to make by a figure of working table". Then to call on this inscription by now already left button.


"as you managed to depict Minsk on the shore of warm sea!" - vosliknul our "khudruk", examining photographs and simultaneously obtaining from the pocket and stretching to photographer some strange object - "this my reward -" gold hole from the boublik "- bear it with the pride" - it said it to photographer. And it added - "A that they will give good tsifrovik and you will run out even to the competitors to any photo-megaportal. To nevertheless be the laureate of my prestige reward it is more solid than to have some tsifrovik "
So that if you in the city meet this shaggy muzhichka, which eternally somewhere hurries, with two enormous pockets, in one of which the "reward of khudruka", and in other simple photo-belonging - these are it - our photographer.

Rating All.BY

Minsk sea

Wallpapers..Minsk. Belarus.
Wind and the
Wallpapers.Minsk.1024x768.34 kb.
Storm at sea
Wallpapers.Minsk. Belarus.
at sea
Wallpapers. Minsk. Belarus.
Hotel "youth"

Zaslavskoye reservoir or Minsk sea is located between Zaslavlem and by Minsk - in all in tens of kilometers from the annular and on the area it is commensurate with Minsk.

Old city

wall-papers to working Belarus.
There was here Zamchishche
wall-papers to working Belarus.
Upper city
Weeping willows
wall-papers Belarus.
Sunset above Svisloch'yu
oboi. Belarus.
"boat station"

"why to you to go in the Minsk sea? It green - this is known to any infusorian - they there "tusuyutsya", and to people there it can't be helped!".
But here also no - this is dark-blue- dark-blue sea.

New city

Grove Belarus.
City block To uruch'e
Elite house
To skachat' wall-papers for the computer of 
To skachat' wall-papers for Belarus.
Hotel "Belarus'"
To skachat' wall-papers for the Belarus.

The reference on is required with the adoption of materials.
Sites the Web- stories of the Design- studio OF "LUVR" about Minsk
Studio Louvre.Minsk