Gourd Music

A dried, hollowed-out gourd makes an excellent resonator. The gourd has been utilized in this way in the making of musical instruments around the world. On the following pages, I have attempted to provide a few examples.

The section titled More Links contains some links to general information about gourds, including gourd art and how to grow and dry gourds.




More Links


Ipu Heke

The ipu is an Hawaiian gourd. The ipu heke is a drum that is made by gluing together two hollow gourds of unequal size. The instrument is held by the cord with one hand and struck with the other hand.


Natural Instrument Music Jam at Kamali'i Elementary School page - Surf their whole site! Cute!


The shekere is a type of African gourd rattle. A mesh strung with beads or seeds covers the outside of the gourd. Sound is produced by shaking or hitting the gourd.


Gourd Rattle - Picture and sound sample. *See below for home page.
How to Make a Shekere - Looks like fun, if you have time.


To make a basic gourd drum, you just stretch a "skin" over a gourd bowl. The gourd wall must be thick enough to withstand the tension. My illustration is mostly from my imagination.

Link -

Drum - *Description and picture.

Thumb Piano

Most modern thumb pianos are made of wood instead of gourds, or a combination of the two. This popular African instrument is played by plucking tuned metal tines. The instrument is known by several different names, most of which refer to the wooden version.


Thumb Piano - *Description and picture.
Spirit Talk Mbira -A page about a Zimbabwe thumb piano.


The rattle is the most basic and the most ancient of the gourd instruments. When a gourd dries with the seeds inside, it automatically becomes a rattle. The insertion of pebbles, etc. will create a sharper, more audible sound. Although many similar rattles are now made of wood, originally gourd rattles were used throughout the world.

Many gourd rattles are made with sticks replacing the natural gourd handle. Some, like the shekere or the Hawaiian "uli uli" have no handle. See the above Hawaiian links for illustrations of the uli uli.


Stephen Williamson
Illustrations of Native American rattles.
Gourd Dance - This is also a Native American site.

*The links marked with an asterisk all go to the
African Australian Music Website.
Some links don't go to the specific instrument. You might have to use the index at the left of the page.

I found the background music at "Free MIDI Files" at The MIDI Farm.
(Link temporarily disabled due to technical problem.)

<BGSOUND SRC="afrocub2.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">

All of the background graphics and illustrations on the gourd pages were done by me. Please do not take them!!

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