Colour Canaries - Self section
The Self (melanin) section includes all birds which show a full pattern of melanins in whatever form, irrespective of their ground (lipochrome) colour and will have a dark or pigmented underflue. The melanin forms are divided into :
Eumelanin varying from black to brown and is always situated down the middle of the feather
Phaeomelanin varying from dark brown to pale beige and is always situated around the edge of the feather.
Both these melanins can be present together or separately in the normal or diluted form. The melanin section is sub-divided into Classics and Non-Classics (Mutations).
The Classics are:
Green series
Brown series
Agate series
Isabel series
The Non-Classics (Mutations) are:
Pastel series
Opal series
Ino series
Satinette series
Topaz series
Eumo series
Onyx series
Cobalt series
All the Self (melanin) canaries are combined with one or the other of the ground colours, and all the Mutations are combined with one or the other of the Classics, and are named accordingly. It is advisable that the Non-Classics should not be crossed, as the CCBA show standards do not cater for them, i.e. Opal crossed with Ino, Pastel crossed with Ino, Onyx crossed with Pastel etc.
Click On The Images To Enlarge
Dimorphic Gold Agate hen
Intensive Rose Brown cock
Non-Intensive Gold Ivory Agate
Gold Green Greywing Pastel
Gold Brown Ino hen
Non-Intensive Rose Bronze
Red Brown Ino hen
Recessive White Brown Pastel
Dimorphic Red Agate Opal
Intensive Red Bronze
Dimorphic Red Agate Topaz cock
Dimorphic Red Agate hen