Pakistan Post Foundation is a welfare-cum-industrial organization and a fully self-supported private sector entity. It's welfare operations are financed through its industrial/commercial projects.

Pakistan Post Foundation has a vast welfare budget for Postal Employees. Pakistan Post Foundation paid huge amount worth of taxes/duties in the year 2000. It has huge numbers of beneficiaries and has welfare operations in education, health, and vocational/technical training areas and information Technology. It spends huge percentage of its earnings on welfare.

Pakistan Post Foundation was established to achieve the broad objective of the welfare of ex-employees of Pakistan Post Office and their entitled dependents. Self-supported as it is, the Foundation generates financial resources by itself and meets all welfare expenditures through its own commercial/industrial projects.
Besides assisting its beneficiaries, the services and operations of the Foundation yield additional benefits in the form of improvement in the country's economy, creation of skilled manpower, provision of better job opportunities, rehabilitation services.