Westies United Webring

Westies United Webring Graphic
Download this Graphic to use for Webring.

This webring has been created for those with a love of the West Highland White Terrier and to unite Westies all around the world. It is for all lovers, breeders, and owners of this wonderful breed. If you are involved in rescue, agility, obedience, tracking, conformation, earth dog trials or simply have a much loved pet you are invited to join.

If you would like to join the Westies United Webring, please fill in the following form. You will receive, via email, the correct ring fragment to be added to your page. (AOL members may have problems - click here for help)

Please take note of your ID and password, you will need them in the future if you choose to edit your site info. The page that you list here MUST be the page that contains the ring code, don't list your main page unless that is the page the code is on.

You can download a copy of the Ring graphic that appears on this page and upload it to your own server (no remote loading please). If you are on AOL, please read the message about saving graphics. If you are found to be direct-linking an image from my server, you will not be added to the ring.

Once your fragment is up on your page, please notify me at westiesd@yahoo.com . Please remember to send me your ID number and URL so I can visit your page. I will come and check your html fragment and if it is correct, you will be added to the ring.

Remember, filling out this form only adds you to the queue, you must first have the html fragment up and running on your page before you will be added to the ring. Sites only stay in the queue for 7 days before they are deleted, so please add the fragment within that time. If you are deleted it doesn't mean you can't join, it only means you need to reapply.

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The HTML fragment may be copied from this site by clicking on the link below. If you choose to copy from this site, you will have to personalize it for your site.

Here is the HTML ring fragment:


Edit your site info here

Ring Members
Ring ID:

Site ID:

Site Password:

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AOL members may have problems receiving the code via e-mail. This is because of the way AOL mail hides HTML. If you have this problem, please come back to this page after adding yourself to the queue, you can either copy the code listed above and edit it for your information OR go to the section above to "Edit your site information", enter your new ID and password and the webring will generate a page that contains your site info along with the HTML code. E-mail me if you continue to have problems.

BEFORE you save the graphics through AOL, you need to go to MEMBERS, PREFERENCES, WWW and be sure that "uncompressed graphics" is selected. If not, when you upload the graphics to your site they will only be viewable by people on AOL, not the rest of us. I can not add a site to the ring that has broken image symbols for the ring graphics.

This ring is owned and operated by Westies Downunder

The Westies United Webring made possible by

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This page is Copyright © 1998-2002 PamJam
Email: westiez@yahoo.com
Last revision: November 2002