Hi everyone, and welcome to "Whispers of The Angels". This is an extension site to my main site Heart N Soul. I do hope you enjoy this section of my site as much as I do. It was truly a blessing putting it all together.
I strongly believe in Angels, and as far as I can remember I always have. But my belief over the years, has grown steadily stronger. I Believe that angels are involved with us everyday, and they protect, and guide each of us. We all have a guardian angel, this is what I believe. But also we need to remember not to overlook our angels here on earth as well. I myself have been blessed with many angels right here on earth.
For one I'd have to say my Hubsand. He truly is my angel on earth! My Strength, my heart and soul. Also my children, my family, and many friends. But sometimes we are blessed with angels on earth, that we don't even know in a close relationship. God sends to us all types of people. Different people cross our paths, because that is where God intended them to be. Some are more special then others, or impact our lives in different ways, but all are truly a big part of our lives.
Over the course of my life I have been shown so many things, I have had so many questions answered, yet there are still questions that remain. I feel like I have grown so much in my life and my spirituality.
So relax, sit back, and go on a journey with me through these angelic surroundings. And be sure you always stop and listen for the whispers of the angels.