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This is an excellent opportunity for you to show off your knowledge of the Wizards and the NBA. You can become a part of WOnline in several. WOnline is a non-profit site, and our main goal is the create the best Washington Wizards community on the internet.

Become A Columnist

Authors get the opportunity to write about the issues, teams and players that interest them. WOnline strives for cutting-edge commentary, insightful analysis and editorial content that goes beyond scores and statistics. There is no pay, but the perks are unbelievable. First and foremost, you are becoming a part of great community that take nothing less than success. Also, not only will your article appear on WOnline, but also on other sites such as Xoom.com, NFL ProWeb, NetSport Mag, Sports Fans of America, and many other sites.

How is this possible? E-Sports! Content exchange program lets you "submit an article. E-Sports will then distribute it to hundreds of other sports sites. Your article will be prominently branded with our logo and will link back to our web site. This will let thousands of web surfers at hundreds of sports sites see the quality of your content! So you get promotion, exposure, and traffic. No where else can you find such an opportunity."


Want to experience how it is like to run a sports page? If you know a little HTML, then you can take control of any section (besides the front page)and you design and update it. Your name/nickname will appear on that page, and it is a good way for you to make a name for yourself on a specific topic. All you do you is change a page in text file (or something compatible) and WOnline will load it on the site. You can take over the Sports or NBA Section and let your creativity run wild.

Newsletter Coordinator

You can help run WOnline's montly newsletter. This is great for those who want to express their opinions but have limited time. WOnline's newsletter is filled cool facts and opinions, which is only found in the newsletter and not on our site. As a newsletter coordinator, you will come up with ideas to make each issue new and innovative.

Final Note

WOnline is committed to bringing the best in sports and entertainment, especially with the Washington Wizards. WOnline will continue to create the best Wizards community on the web, and our record shows that. WOnline is the Fan Center for the Wizards.

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