York University, Canada:
- PhD in Physics & Astronomy, June 1993
- Project title: Broad band imaging of isolated and interacting Seyfert galaxies
- Advisor: Dr. M. M. De Robertis
- Publications from thesis:
- Xanthopoulos & De Robertis 1991, AJ 102, 1980
- Xanthopoulos 1996, MNRAS 280, 6
York University, Canada:
- MSc in Physics, June 1987
- Project title: High proper motion stars in the center of our Galaxy
- Advisors: Dr. M. M. De Robertis & Prof. Prince
University of Thessaloniki,, Greece:
Employment History
1993-1996: College Teacher. English Academy, Greece – Physics Course Instructor and Lab Organizer
1993-1996: Researcher. University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Seyfert galaxies
1996 (summer): Postdoctoral Researcher. University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Government (PENED) funded: N-body simulations of interacting galaxies
1996-1998 (changed after six months to next position): Postdoctoral Researcher. University of Crete, Greece – Government (PENED) funded: Optical observations of Globular Clusters
1997-2000: Postdoctoral Researcher. Jodrell Bank Observatory, United Kingdom - European funded research through the training and mobility framework – Consortium for European Research on Extragalactic Surveys (CERES)
1999 (3 lectures):Lecturer. University of Manchester, United Kingdom – Seminars for the course “Frontiers in Astrophysics” general topic ‘Active Galactic Nuclei’
2000 (3 lectures):Lecturer. University of Manchester, United Kingdom– Seminars for the course “Frontiers in Astrophysics” general topic ‘Gravitational lenses’
2001-2006 (changed to next position on December 1, 2003): Research Associate. University of Manchester, United Kingdom – funded through the AstraZeneca Strategic Alliance Scheme to work on medical projects (in all areas and modalities of medical research) agreed by both parties (the University and Company) in order to develop novel image analysis techniques
2003-2005: Postgraduate Researcher X & XI & Assistant Project Physicist. University of California Davis funded position based at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – To work on follow-up multiwavelength observations and spin-off research projects from the FIRST VLA radio survey (Active Galactic Nuclei, Gravitational Lenses, Binary Quasars, Cosmology etc). (Position became: ‘Assistant Project Physicist’ in January 2005)
Documents to download
Here you can download my most recent CV in PDF or Word document (Last updated July 21 2008)