Mary and ME!!
What Kind of Friend Are You?
1.While lunching with a friend, you sense something
is bothering him/her. So you say:
A. "You seem upset. If you need to
talk about anything, I'm here."
B. "Friends share everything - please
tell me what's going on."
2. A critical comment from your boss ticks you
off. You comfort yourself by:
A. talking it over with a sympathetic
B. calling your best friend immediately.
3. What do you hide from your closest friends?
A. Intimate secrets. There are some
things you just don't feel comfortable sharing.
B. Absolutely nothing.
4. A dear friend has just moved across the country.
How often will you talk to him/her in the next few months?
A. At least every few weeks. You'll
want to keep in touch.
B. As often as you have something to
share with him/her - probably once a week or more.
5. Yesterday, your friend made an unflattering
remark about you. Today (s)he apologizes profusely. Your response:
A. "It's nothing. Don't worry about
it at all."
B. "I was pretty hurt - but of course,
I accept your apology."
6. Two of your friends just don't get along with
each other. So you:
A. see them separately.
B. try to find ways to help them overcome
their difference.
7. On the night of a pal's party, you're the one
who can be counted on to:
A. pop into the kitchen once or twice
and offer to help serve or tidy up.
B. arrive early, help set up and continue
to help throughout the evening.
8. Your friend phones as you and your mate are
watching your favorite TV show. You:
A. tell him/her you'll call back when
the show's over.
B. take the phone into the next room
to chat.
9. At a party where you know only one other person,
A. greet your pal, chat a bit then
B. stick close to your friend all night,
meeting other guests as a pair.
How did you score?
Mostly A's - At ease
You take a loving but relaxed approach to friendship, putting the emphasis
on quality, not quantity, of time spent with your pals. Reliable but never
too clingy, you value your own privacy and respect that of others. Family
and friends admire your independent spirit, cherishing precious moments
spent with you all the more because of it. No wonder you're so popular
with everyone!
Mostly B's - High intensity
You're serious about friendship, offering absolute loyalty and expecting
the same in return. An expert secret-keeper, you rarely divulge details
friends share in confidence. You're always there to lend a helping hand
or shoulder to cry on. Sometimes you may feel over burdened, but take heart:
every last bit of kindness you show will be returned to you tenfold.
Personality Links
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter
The Leadership Dimension.
Personality Dynamics
Body Mind Queendom
Personality Tests on the WWW
The Duniho Enneagram Test
Descriptions of the Enneagram types
Myers-Briggs Test
The Matrix Space
My Handwriting
INFP webring