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Located at Baltit Fort is about 1 - � km from Karimabad. This castle was rebuilt a number of times during the 1000 - year reign of the Mirs of Hunza. The present structure was constructed some 600 years ago and the architecture reflects a marked Tibetan influence.
A very famous location amongst the locals and foreigners alike, is the ever-spectacular and mesmerizing Hunza.
Hunza is the fabled land of ancient travelers' tales.
Visitors tell of the majestic splendor of Hunza's snowcapped mountain peaks, its vast glaciers and its awe-inspiring gorges.
In spring its terraced fields are redolent with the fragrance of apple, plum and apricot blossoms.
The visitors to Hunza are overwhelmed by the rugged charm,
the fragrant breeze singing through graceful poplar trees and the velvet- like green carpet of wheat fields,
set against the background of snow-covered mountains.