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Check these out!!
Superstition Spacemodeling Society
Ye Olde Rocket Shoppe Ye Olde Rocket Forum

Estes 1/70 Saturn 1B
single "D" power 1976

5-stager in tha house-
but not 4 long!!

Dont let this
happen to you!!
Essence's Model Rocketry
Reviews and Resources
JimZ Rocket Plans
Model Rocket Plans
Balsa Machining Service
Source of balsa and other
cool stuff
Estes Industries
Doug Gerrard
Rocket Photography
Model Rocketry Page
Rocketry Online Spacecraft Encycolpedia
Great prototype source
Dr. Zooch Ant Scale
Rocket Kits
Totally Tubular
Tubes and supplies
*New Web Store*
Flis Kits
Unique Sport Model Rockets
Ultimate Paper Rocket
Consumer Aerospace
Big Fellow Rocketry
Semroc Astronautics
Retro-Repro kits...
Tango Papa Decals
Upscale Mars Lander kits
Real Space Models
Resin kits (non-flying)

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