


















Cousin Itt

Cousin Itt is the most enigmatic of the many Addams Family cousins. The three foot tall mass of hair normally sported sunglasses, gloves and a small derby on top of itt's... on itt's top. Cousin Itt spoke in a high squeal which was understood by the family members, but rarely anybody else.
Cousin Itt has his own miniature room within the mansion, where he stays when he is not off galavanting with the women ( gossip abounds as to his abilities with the ladies!!). He has the distguishment of being the only Addams to actually work in 200 years. As such he has been an opera singer, an actor, a zoo director, a zoo attraction, a magician and many other carreers too numerous to mention in one sitting.

Cousin Itts best traits are his cuteness and his family ties. Of all the cousins, it is apparent he is the favorite of the family.

Classic TV

Felix Silla

Born: January 11, 1937

Felix Silla was born in Rome Italy, and immigrated to the United States when he was sixteen. Felix stared his career with the Ringling Brothers Circus. In the 50's he moved to LA and became "Commodore P.O.P." for the Pacific Oceans Amusement Grounds. It was here that the producers of the newly signed Addams Family show saw him. thus Cousin Itt was born.
Since that time, Mr. Silla has portraid many different characters in many tv shows as well as Cinema. Some of his more memorial portrails were as "Twiki" the robot in "
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" and as an Ewok in the third Star Wars movie, " Return of The Jedi" He has also done stunt work and under cover acting for such show as "HR Puffinstuff", "ET", "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and "Batman Returns". By the way, Felix was never in "The Wizard of Oz". Currently, Felix and his wife Sue live in California.
They were married in 1965 and have three children.
Keep track of Felix by visiting his web site, "The Worlds of Felix Silla"

Felix Silla and his Alter Ego

Tony Magro

Born; unknown

Tony Magro is one of those magical people behind the scenes who gets absolutely no credit whatsoever for their work. So why is he in the section under Cousin Itt's Biograhpy? Well, because he is the true owner of the voice that is so widely recognized ( but not understood.) Tony played with a few ideas before recording himself talking fast and speeding it up. As Magro states in "The Addams Chronicles", I envisioned some guy that would be spitting his words out because hair would be in his mouth. I fooled around with that idea and the producers liked 'the fast rat'."
Tony has sound effects credits on tv's "
Mr. Ed" and the movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High"





John Franklin

Born: unknown

John Franklin is another one those well-known people who blend into the background. You probably would never notice him in person. His on- screen credits, on the other hand are well known.
In addition to playing cousin Itt in both the Addams Family and Addams Family Values movies, he has portrayed Isaac Chroner in " the
Children of the Corn", a jockey in " Wag the Dog", and as the owner in "The Killing Grounds" John recently revived his role as Isaac in "Children of the Corn 666 'Isaac's Return'." Due out in October 1999.

John Franklin as Isaac in children of the Corn and as Cousin Itt

Ghost Line

Ghost Line

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