Art Bell Memorial libertarian - dedicated to freedom & liberty

The Chase

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UFO      Art Bell      Alien Flag

Art Bell Resigns!

     You may recall about a year ago... I told you that there was an event, a threatening terrible event occurred to my family, which I could not tell you about. Because of that event, and a succession of other events, what you're listening to right now, is my final broadcast on the air. This is it folks, I'm going off the air and will not return. And what I will tell you now is what I told you then. When the time comes when I can tell you what occurred, I will tell you, through the press, through the media, of one sort or the other. I will explain to you the entire thing, it's not that I want to hold anything back from my audience, however, for the protection of my family, until it is otherwise revealed, I can't discuss it, I won't discuss it. And if you were in my position, you would do exactly the same thing. And when you finally hear whatever it is, what it is, whenever you hear it, I think you will then understand.

     At any rate, I wanted to tell you, I didn't want to go without saying a word, so I'm telling you now. What you are listening to, is MY FINAL BROADCAST. It's been a good run, and you've been a great audience, and it's been an absolutely incredible forum. And my presumption is, that the forum will continue. At any rate, it certainly is my hope, that the forum will continue.

     And again when the time comes, when this information can be released, you can be sure that I will release it, and I would assume because of the magnitude of the forum that I have held, at that time, you'll get the whole story. But the time will come when I will tell it.

     So for now and the foreseeable future, that's it! That is the end of this man's broadcast career. So, thank you, and goodbye...

(Art Bell, 1998-10-13)

Art Bell Reassures

     "Greetings to you from the Kingdom of Nye. Tuesday morning October 13th without prior notice to anybody without being advised or pressured by anyone, I resigned my position as host of this program. I did it for the reasons I gave then, because of a terrible life-threatening event which occured to my family about a year ago, as well as events subsequent to it. Although there is, (and I want to be sure you understand this), no immediate danger to my family. What did occur then, absolutely requires my full-time attention now. And to not give it right now, would surely be negligent and neglectful of those I love. Also to disclose details of what did occur, would have a rather immediate negative affect on my family and I will not do that.

     Several news organizations, broadcast and print media, have uncovered what went on. So far, perhaps because of legal ramifications or one might hope ethical behavior on their part, they've chosen not to proceed with the story. For this I'm very thankful. Of course as soon as I can, if the story breaks, and I will not be the one to break it, I will discuss it with you, I'll tell you all about it.

     You know developing this program, over the past 14 years, has been one of the great joys of my life. And you should know I miss it terribly. I'd like to sincerely thank everybody who has sent their heartfelt support to me. And there are many of you.

     Since my resignation, my network has been doing their very best to help resolve the situation, frankly I on the night I resigned, I thought it could not be resolved. Now, I hope it can. Allowing me to return to what I love doing so much! But I need more time. While I can't discuss what in fact did occur, I can say this -- It certainly was not a publicity stunt or contract ploy as rumored by my competitors and detractors. It is real and serious. This should become self-evident to you when you know, and you will know.

     I believe personally in the power of prayer, if you do, for now, that's how you can help. Good night."

(Art Bell, 1998-10-20)

Art Bell Retires

     On the night of 2000-04-26 Art Bell interviewed Michio Kaku, Professor of theoretical physics.  It was to be Art's last appearance on Coast to Coast before his retirement.  His last word was, "Goodby."  We'll all sorely miss you Art.  You have been a treasure, my friend in the night.

Eye Tear

(BUNI, 2000-04-27)


Rollye James
Barbara Simpson
Whitley Strieber
Ramona Bell
George Noory
Peter Weissbach
Ian Punnett
Mike Siegel
Hilly Rose


C. Crane Company
Great American Products
Hardin Optical Company
Lear Financial


911     9-11     12th Planet, The     AIDS     Alien Abduction
Alien Autopsy, The     Alternative Medicine     Animal Behaviour     Angels     Anunnaki, The     Anthrax Vaccine, The     Anti-Christ, The     Anti-Terrorism     Ancient Civilizations     Ancient Extraterrestrial Contact     Area 51     Area 54     Art's Parts     Artificial Moon, The     Astrology     Astronomy     Atlantis
Bad Foods     Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO Incident     Betty & Barney Hill     Bible Codes, The     Big Bang, The     Bigfoot     Bilderbergers     Billy Meier & the Pleiadians     Bio-Terrorism     Black Holes     Cape Girardeau Crash, The
Cattle Mutilations     Celestine Prophecy, The     Channeling     Chem-Trails     Chupacabras     Clairvoyance     Cold Fusion     Computer Security     Con-Artists     Condon Report, The     Conspiracies     Crisis Preparedness     Crop Circles     Cryogenics     Cryonics     Crystal Skulls, The     Cyborgs     Cyclic History     Dark Energy     Dark Skies     Earth Changes     Edgar Cayce     Energy Conservation     ESP     Exorcism     Extraterrestrials
Face on Mars, The     Feng Shui     Forbidden Archeology     Future Maps     Genetically Engineered Food     Ghost Lights     Ghosts
Global Superstorm, The     God Part of the Brain, The     Government Dirty Tricks     Government Spying     Grays, The     Great Pyramid, The
Great Sex with a Reptillian Alien     Gulf War Syndrome     Halloween
Hollow Earth, The     Holocaust, The     Holy Grail, The
Hubble Space Telescope, The     Human Cloning     Hyperdimensional Physics     Hypnotic Regression     Hypnotism     Illuminati, The
Interspecies Communication     Interstellar Travel     J. F. K. Assassination, The     Jersey Devil, The     Knights Templar, The     Lemuria     Mafia, The     Majestic     Magnetism     Masons, The     Mel's Hole(s)     MIB     Miracles
Moon Landing Hoax, The     MUFON     Murphy's Law     Nano-Technology     NASA     NBCW     Near Death Experiences     Near-Earth Objects
Nibaru, The     Nicola Tesla     Nostradamus     Occult, The     Ouija Boards
Out of Body Experiences     Parallel Universes     Paranormal, The     Parapsychology     Philadelphia Experiment, The     Pirate Radio     Planet X     Polar Shift     Power of Prayer, The     Project Blue Book     Prophecy
Psychic Healing     Psychokinesis     Quantum Physics     Quickening, The     Raelian Sect, The     Reincarnation     Remote Viewing     Roswell Crash, The     Satan     Serotonergic Medications     SETI     Shamanism     Shroud of Turin     Smallpox Vaccine, The     Solar Storms     Space-Time Continuum, The     Stonehenge     Subliminal Communication     Sunspots     Super String Theory     Supernatural, The     Synchronicity     Tarot     Telepathy     Teleportation     Terra-Forming     Time Travel     Trilateral Commission, The     UFOs     Underground Bases & Tunnels     Urban Legends     Vampires     Witchcraft     Y2K     Yeti, The     Yowi, The    


Ghost Face
Ghost Gallery


Milk Hill
Crop Circles


Big Foot

Don't Ask
Fun Fotos

The Quickening
The Quickening


The Art of Talk             The Quickening             The Coming Global Superstorm             The Source


Also Sprak Zarathustra
American Pie
Bette Davis Eyes
Black Magic Woman
Breakfast in America
Chase, The
Classical Gas
Dancing Queen
Devil Went Down to Georgia, The
Devil Woman
Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue
Ghost Dance
Highwayman, The
If You Could Read My Mind
I'm So Excited
I Feel Love
It's a Wonderful World
Logical Song, The
Midnight at the Oasis
Midnight Express
Oh of Pleasure, The
Right Back Where We Started From
Some Velvet Morning
Sweet Dreams are Made of This
Take the Long Way Home
Logical Song, The


(Super Stars     Banned for Life)

Nick Begich     Jim Berkland     Harry Browne     Sylvia Brown
George Carlin     Edgar E. Cayce     Peter Cochrane     Col. Gordon Cooper
Philip Corso Jr.     Benjamin Creme     Major Ed Dames     Dr. Lorraine Day     Candice DeLong     Stan Deyo     Cmdr. William Donaldson     Matt Drudge     Christopher P. Dunn     Red Elk     Jose Escamilla     Joe Firmage
Andrew Fraknoi     Stanton Friedman     Peter Gersten     Robert Ghostwolf     Dr. Bruce Goldberg     Wayne Green     John Greenewald
Dr. Steven M. Greer     Merle Haggard     Graham Hancock
Dr. Kenneth Hanson     Mike Heiser     William Henry     Richard C. Hoagland     John Hogue     Budd Hopkins     Dr. Leonard Horowitz     Linda Moulton Howe     Dr. Michio Kaku     Steve Kates (Dr. Sky)     Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D
Dean Koontz     Bart Kosko     Phillip H. Krapf     Amazing Kreskin, The
Jan Lamprecht     Bob Lazar     Dr. Roger Leir     Gordon Lightfoot
Michael Lindemann     Eugene Linden     Hal Lindsey     Gary Lockwood
Dr. Jeff Long & Tricia McGill     Ramon E. Lopez     Archie Huel Lowe
Michael Lynch Ph. D.     Shirley MacLaine     Dr Jesse Marcel, Jr.
Mike "Mad Man" Marcum     Jim Marrs     Fr. Malachi Martin     Bill McDonald     Terence McKenna     Dr. Paul Moller     Dr. Melvin Morse
Robert Morning Sky     Sean David Morton     Leonard Nimoy
Dr. Gary North     David John Oates     Charles Ostman     Dr. Evelyn Paglini     R. Gary Patterson     Edmund J. Pankau     Dr. Eric Pearl     Dr. Paul Pearsall     Luman Perry     Richard Picciotto     Jerry Pournelle     Steve Quayle
Patrick 'Speaking Wind' Quirk     Rael     Kevin Randle     Jon Rappoport
Silver Ravenwolf     Red Elk     Joyce Riley, RN, BSN     Billy Rogers     Gordon-Michael Scallion     Dr. Gary E.R. Schwartz     Steven Seagal
Dr. Seth Shostak     Stephen Simon & Barnet Bain     Nancy Sinatra
Zecharia Sitchin     Neil Slade     L. Neil Smith     Robert Stack     Brad Steiger     Mark Stern and Pen Densham     Robert Stephens     Pamela Stonebrooke     Whitley Strieber     Russell Targ     The Amazing Kreskin     William Thomas     Craig O.Thompson     Lori Toye     Spike Tyson     Dr. Tom Van Flandern     James Van Praagh     Jon Voight     Erich Von Daniken     Brian Walker
Travis Walton & Mike Rogers     Joshua P. Warren
Professor Kevin Warwick     Mel Waters     Howard Weinstein
Brian L. Weiss, M.D.     Dr. Hank Wesselman     John Anthony West
Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.     Silver Raven Wolf     Robert Ghost Wolf
Edward Yourdon     Paul Young     Bryce Zabel     George Zeiler    
     "He was a friend to us who are seeking the truth - a familiar voice in the darkness."

     "I am in disbelief!!  I loved this show and this forum.  I have suspicions that he HAS been threatened in a way that he thinks is very serious.  I can only ponder the MANY scenarios and possibilities.  I hope that it is revealed very soon.  Doesn't this make one think, "how safe and free are we"? "

     "When I heard him give the news, it felt like all my blood drained to my feet."

     "Art, It has been a pleasure to listen to your show."

     "I was deeply shocked and saddened by the news. "

"I am shocked.  It looks like we may be looking at a giant step toward the end of free speech...."

     "Art has been my friend in the dark of night, every night, for 3 years now."

     "Art, whatever is threatening you and your family, don't forget you have many friends including your faithful listeners to help."

"It is a sad night in radioland.  A great man will truly be missed.  He gave us the truth and made us better people for thinking about the subjects he brought up."

   "May Love and White light surround you."

"Art you will be missed..."

     "It was approx. 2:56 am, and I'm checking out links on the Art Bell web site, radio's tuned to where it always is in the middle of the night, when... "It happened."  Those words!...  No! ...he must be joking, Isn't he?  Then it really hit me and suddenly it all seemed so, "FINAL!"  In a flash I felt as I did when hearing of other sad events like the Challenger explosion, the O.J. Simpson verdict or the death of Mother Teresa.  All I know is, it must be "BIG" for Art to give up his career.  We'll miss you and God Bless! "

     "Art Bell is an American Truthteller and Hero to millions throughout the world.  He represents the best in all of us."

          "I, too feel that I have lost a good friend.  And I think this is a very serious blow to our already threatened freedom of speech, although I don't blame Art for quitting.  If my family were threatened I would also do what was best for them.  If you perchance to read this, Art, you were the best, man!  Best of luck to you and Ramona."

     "Art made people Think.  I do believe that his show made people seek out Information and Knowledge.  He awakened people from their dreaming/sleep of life."

     "Your show was the only place that was different from everything else.  I'll miss you. Good luck."

      "YIKES!!!!!! Just like Conspiracy Theory. Which one(s) were right?"

     "It's a sad day for America and for freedom of speech if Art Bell can be silenced.  If he can, anyone can. Who's next?"

     "Your broadcast was the best thing I have ever listened to. The world was much better off and certainly more informed because of it."

     "So many, many people, linked across the world by his show.  We are grieving.  Yes, I know, to some it's just a radio show, but for many it was much more than that, and it is truly a profound loss."

     "I couldn't believe there was actually someone out there who had the guts to examine such thought provoking subjects in such an unbiased fashion.  From day one I was hooked!"

"My family will miss you for sure."

     "Gee Art you were a hell of a lot of fun.  I will miss your Beacon coming from Pahrump.  But I know you will shine wherever you are."

"This country is headed for a POLICE STATE."

     "The Art Bell Show was more to me than just a talk-radio show, it changed the way I think about everything."

"People can you hear the silence?  It's sad."

     "I will always be grateful for the insight he shared with us.  His unique ability to explore the truth changed my perspective about so many important issues."

"We'll miss you Art!"

     "ART, You were the only major talk show host who didn't screen his calls.  That always said to me so much about the way you liked to look at things.  Unrehearsed, unscripted, unusual, unique."

     "The Art Bell show was the finest talk show available to the night people.  Oh how we will miss Art, the Beacon of the Night.  His leaving makes me wonder how far the blades of the black helicopters can reach."

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