E Ô Mai
Keali`i Reichel
Punahele Productions



`Auhea Wale Ana `Oe

He Lei No Kamaile

E Ô Mai

Mâlie's Song / Hawaiian Lullaby

Pua Hînano


Ka `Ano`i Pua O Uka

Ka `Opihi O Kanapou


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 `Auhea Wale Ana `Oe
He mele no ka ua `Ulalena
(Song for the `Ulalena rain)

Composed about 1879 by Nakulula,
translated by Puakea Nogelmeier


`Auhea wale ana `oe,
Where are you,
E ta ua `Ulalena.
Oh `Ulalena rain,
Kâhito maila i uka,
Adorning the uplands
I ka nani o Pi`iholo.
Amid the beauty of Pi`iholo
Ua like me ka `ôpua,
Like the billowy clouds
Noho maila i `Awalau.
That grace `Awalau,
Au a`e nei ka mana`o,
My thoughts are drawn
E pili me ke aloha.
To being together with my beloved.
Aloha `o Makawao,
Beloved is Makawao,
I ka ua `Ûkiukiu.
In the `Ûkiukiu rain.
He tiu na ka Nâulu,
A watcher for the sudden Nâulu showers,
I ke tula o Kama`oma`o
Over the plains of Kama`oma`o.
`O ka loa ka`u i ana,
I measured its whole expanse
I ka `oni o ka lihilihi
With but a fleeting glimpse.
Ilihia iho nei loko,
A thrill has come over me,
I ka ukana o ke aloha.
From the effects of love.
Ha`ina mai ka puana,
Let the story be told
Mâka`itûana he inoa.
A name song for Mâka`itûana.


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E Ô Mai
words & music ~ Keali`i Reichel

Kâua i ka wai
We two in the waters
Wai olohia o Kahualoa
The sighing waters of Kahualoa
Kokôhi i ka wai puhia
Hold back that driven current
E ku`u aloha, e ô mai.
O my love, answer me.

Kaomi i ka wai
Restrain those waters
Wai mâpuna hâ`ale i ka poli
Surging wellsprings, stirring the heart
Pahe`e i ka wai lohia
Glide on those waters as they sparkle
E ku`u aloha, e ô mai.
O my dear one, acknowledge me.

Pûhemo i ka wai
Then, released with the torrent
Wai welawela hô`eha i ka `ili
Waters of passion, burning the skin
E inu i ka wai a kena
Indulge until you are satiated.
E ku`u aloha, e ô mai.
O my beloved, respond to me.


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s-eomai.html - anchorulalenaPua Hînano
words & music ~ Puakea Nogelmeier

He nani ka pua hînano, êhê
The hînano is a flower of great beauty
I uka o `Âhuimanu
There above `Âhuimanu
I kumu pali wehiwehi
At the verdant base of the cliff
Kau ai ka maka iâ `oe.
The eyes are drawn to you.

`Ôpu`u mai ka hînano, êhê
The hînano bud emerges
A môhala i ka nahele
And blooms there in the forest
He lalilali ka lihi
The sheaths are smooth and glossy
I ka ua Pô`aihale
In the swirling Pô`aihale rain

Onanona nô ka hînano, êhê
The hînano is so fragrant
He mâpuna i ka Moa`e
An aroma carried on the trade wind
Ho`olale i ka mana`o
So stirring to the thoughts
Ia hanu anuhea
Is that sweet scent you exude

`Auhea ku`u hînano, êhê
Hear me, my dear hînano
E lû helele`i ka `ehu
Let your snowy pollen scatter down
A paoa ke kulu aumoe
So the night shall be perfumed
Moe pono iho kâua
You and I shall enjoy our repose 

Ha`ina mai ka puana, êhê
Let the story be told
He nani ka pua hînano
The hînano is a flower of great beauty
He wehi no `Âhuimanu
An adornment for `Âhuimanu
Kau ku`u maka iâ `oe.
My eye is fixed on you.


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Ka `Anoi Pua O Uka
words & music ~ Kekoa Kekuaokalâ`au`iliahi Paredes

Nowelo ka `i`iwi
The `i`iwi bird searches
I ka pili aloha
For the loving bond
He aloha nô ia
It is indeed a love
I ka pua lê`î
For a flower that attracts all
Leia i ka noe lehua
Wreathed in the fine lehua rain

`Auhea `oe e ka `ano`i?
Where are you, my beloved?
Ka`ano`i pua o uka
My cherished blossom of the upland
E ake nô e inu
I yearn to drink
I ka wai hu`ihu`i
Of your cool essence
Âhea kâua e pili ai ê?
When will we be united?

 Ho`okahi wale nô pua
There is but one flower
E mana`o ana e lei
That I wish to wear as a lei
`A`ohe lua
Beyond compare
I ka lau lehua
Amid the multitudes of lehua
Kamaha`o, kûkahi i ka lâ
Wonderous, singular in the light of day.

Hâ`upu ka mana`o
Memories stir in my mind
I ka hanu kolopua
As I inhale your fragrant perfume
Kolonahe wale
Gently carried on the breeze
Ke lawea mai nei
Brought here to me
A e kupa i ke anuhea
I shall grow familiar with your cool scent

Heahea mai ka `i`iwi
The `i`iwi bird beckons
I ke auâlipo aloha
Overcome with love and desire
Auê, eia a`e nei
At last! There you are
Ka lehua maka noe
My dainty lehua in the mist
Hia`ai ka mana`o ke `ike aku
I delight at the very sight of you.


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He Lei No Kamaile
words & music ~ Puakea Nogelmeier
music & oli ~ Keali`i Reichel

Lei Kohala i ka ua
Kohala is adorned with the rain
Ka `Âpa`apa`a
And the `Âpa`apa`a wind
E pâpahi ana
Bestowing honors
Iâ Kokoiki
On the land of Kokoiki
I hîpu`u `ia
Entwined together
Hi`ilei `ia mai
And embraced like a lei
E `oe
By you
E Kamaile ê
By Kamaile

Lei Pâ`ia i ka malu
Pâ`ia is adorned with the calm
I ka ulu niu
Amid the coconut grove
Hâinu mau `ia
Forever infused and refreshed
Me ka huna kai
With the fine spray of the sea
I huia mai
Brought together
A puîa nô ke ao
Imbuing all the world
E `oe
By you
E Kamaile ê
By Kamaile

He lei ho`i kô aloha
Your love is like a garland
He kâhiko ia
A thing of finery to behold
E nani ai ke ola
That makes life beautiful
Ke pû`ili `ia
When held in its embrace
E lei `ia mai
Let it be bestowed
Ia wehi kamahoi
That splendid adornment
E `oe
By you
E Kamaile ê
By Kamaile

Lei Poli`ahu
Poli`ahu wears as a garland
I ka maile lau nui, ka maile lau li`i
The big-leafed maile, the dainty maile,

Ka maile kaluhea, ka maile pâkaha
The fragrant maile, the oval-leafed maile

Eia ho`i kou inoa
Behold your name

E ô mai ê
And respond


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Mâlie's Song /
Hawaiian Lullaby

Mâlie's Song--words & music ~ Keali`i Reichel
Hawaiian Lulllaby--words & music ~ Peter Moon, Hector Venegas (1973 Panini Productions, Inc.)

He nani lua `ole
Of unsurpassed beauty
Ku`u wehi o nâ lani
Is my heavenly adornment
He kilohana `oe
You are a finely crafted kilohana
Na`u e pûlama mau
That I shall always cherish
Hô`olu i ka poli ê
Comforting my heart
Mehana i ka nau ê
Bringing warmth to the cold

I can smile when it's raining
And touch the warmth of the sun
I hear children laughing
In this place that I love.

Mau loa ke aloha
Love is everlasting
I kô pu`uwai hâmama
Because of your generous heart
He u`i lani `oe
You are a heavenly beauty
Na`u e mâlama mau
For me to always treasure
Aia i ka la`i ê
Existing in tranquillity
Hemolele i ka mâlie
Flawless there in the calm. 

I can smile when it's raining
And touch the warmth of the sun
I hear children laughing
In this place that I love.

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words and music by Puakea Nogelmeier

E nematoda kolo i ke anu
Oh nematode, crawling in the cold
Me ka pouli o ka lepo i lalo
In the darkness of the dirt there below
E lâlau a`e i ka mâ`ama`ama
Reach out for the brightness and the light
Me ka mehana o ke ao âkea
Here in the warmth of the great, wide world.

E nematoda i ka mâla pua
Oh nematode in the flower garden
Mai `imi i ke a`a e omo ai
Don't seek out the rootlets for you to suck upon
E honi i ke `ala nôheahea
Inhale the sweetness of the heady fragrance
I ka mâhie me ka uluwehiwehi
Amid the splendor and the lush beauty.

E nematoda `ôku`u wale
Oh nematode, just squatting there
Ho`ohalahala i ka nani o ka paia
Finding fault in the beauty of the wall
E pâ`ihi`ihi `oe i ke o`a
You should exhale the rafters themselves
Me ka pouhana e kûpa`a ai ka hale
And the pillars that stabilize this house.

E nematoda `auhea `oe
Oh nematode, won't you take notice
E alo pû ana i ka hale kanaka
You live together in a world of people
Hewa `ole kauhale kanaka `ole
There are no flaws in a world uninhabited
I laila paha `oe e `oli`oli ai
Maybe that is where you could find delight

Kaukau `ia mai me ke aloha
Admonished kindly and with affection
I ke ao kanaka e mâhie nei
In this delightful world of human existence
Hea aku mâkou, e ô mai `oe
We call out to you, respond to your name
E nematoda, e môhala mai
Oh nematoda, let yourself bloom forth.

"E nâ nematoda e ho`olohe mai nei!"
"Hey all you nematodes who are listening!"
"Tsa `oukou!"
"Shame on you!"
"E nânâ iâ `oukou iho." "`Ae."
"Look at your own selves." "Yes."
"He aha kâ `oukou hana i kêia wâ?"
"What are you doing now?"
"Nematoda wale!"
"Criticizing as usual!"


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Ka `Opihi O Kanapou
composed by Keali`i Reichel

I Kanapou ka i`a makaiauli
At Kanapou is the dark-fleshed limpet
Me he pae pu`u i ho`opu`u `ia
Clustered like little hills
Mai ka lae `o Hâlona
From Hâlona Point
A ka ihu o ka lae `o Kaule, lâ
All the way to the tip of Kaule Point
`Ea lâ, `ea lâ, `eâ

`O ka `opihi hâlala, lâ `eâ
The giant limpet! Oh!
Hamohamo i ka pali hâlala, lâ `ea
Rubs against the large cliff! Oh!
Kolo i ka pôhaku hâlala, lâ `ea
Crawls on the large rocks! Oh!
Po`ipû, `ume`ume, hâlala, lâ `ea
Covering up, enticing, large…Oh!
`Ea lâ, `ea lâ, `ea

`O ka i`a i pokepoke `ia
It is the limpet that is scooped out
E ka lêhia o ke kulu aumoe
By the skilled fisherman of the midnight hours
Hinuhinu wale i ka lihi o ke kai
Shining there at the sea's edge
I ke kai olohia o Kalapakea, lâ
The surging sea of Kalapakea, lâ
`Ea lâ, `ea lâ, `ea


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© 1997 Punahele Publishing (BMI)/ Zomba Music

Please respect the copyright. The lyrics and their translations are posted here for the sole educational purpose of furthering your personal study of the Hawaiian Language.