Mercury Class Fast Response Vessel
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Class : Mercury
Type : Fast response vessel
Origin : Federation
Number : 1
Designations : USS HERMES (NCC-169001)
Weaponry : Light
Shields : Standard
Sensors : Standard
Speed : Very Fast
Size : Starship-Medium
Crew : 400
Mission Profile : Fast emergency response vessel
Secondary: Scout/Patrol
Length 380 metres
Width 120 metres
Depth 68 metres
Total 346
Officers 28 minimum
Crew 318
Civilians 0
Max. Life Support 800
Warp Engines : WN-450 MK II
Number : 4
Warp Speeds
Standard Cruise Warp 8.9
Maximum Cruise Warp 9.8
12hrs Sustained Warp 9.9
Emergency Warp 9.99
Core Breach Warp 9.999
Speed Rating 11
Impulse Engines : IMP-430
Number : 2
Thrusters : Bio-Type Mk IV
Manoeuvrability Rating 10
Main Reactor : M/AM-500
Secondary Reactor: FUS-500 Network
Phasers, Type VIIIs (Stream)
Number : 4 banks
Range : 200,000 km
Cover : 1Right/1Left/2 Forward (1upper/1lower)
Strength : 6
Phasers, Type IXp (Pulse)
Number : 1 turret
Range : 300,000 kilometres
Cover : Forward (lower)
Strength : 7
Photon Torpedo, Mk V Seeking/Programmable
Number : 1 tube
Range : 3,000,000 km
Cover : Behind
Casings : 30 Photon
: 2 Quantum
Strength : 6 (Photon)
: 10 (Quantum)
Multiphase Regenerative Projection, Type III
Strength : 70
Standard Subspace Sensor Platform(SSSP), Mk VIII
Rating : 90
Standard, 6-person : 4
Emergency, 16-person : 10
Cargo : 4
2 bays, Containing:
Shuttle Pod (Type I) :4
Cargo (Type II) :2
Modified Cargo (medical) :4
Runabout (Danube) :1
D-Warp :2
Additional notes
Primarily designed for fast emergency response, with enhanced provision for mass medical facility's but with enough firepower to undertake a holding action to protect an area whilst backup units are found.
It has a secondary role as a scout/patrol vessel.
The saucer section contains the vast majority of the medical facility's, the capacity separation at warp (limited warp flight following by micro-managment of the residual warp field) and minimal defensive capability's (Phasers, Type XIIs (Stream), one bank upper, one bank lower).
The naming convention for the MERCURY class is names of historical Alchemical or Medical figures.
Registration numbers for the MERCURY-Class are of the 169xxx series.
Deck Main Feature
1 Bridge, Captain's Ready Room
2 Briefing Room, Officers Quarters, FO's Office
3 Junior Officers Quarters, CNS's Office, Computer Core(A)
4 Sick Bay, CMO's Office, Crew Quarters, Med bays 1-3
5 Lounge, Holodeck1, Crew Quarters, Med bays 4-6, gym
6 CSciO's Office, Science & Astrometrics, Sensor Rooms, Shuttle Bay1 (Drive section)
6 Deflector Dish, Shuttle Bay 2
7 CSO's Office, brig, Crew Quarters, Holodeck2
8 Computer Core (B), Impulse Drives
9 Engineering (level 1), Life Support, Nacelle Supports
10 Engineering (level 2), CEO's Office, Aft torp/probe tube
11 Engineering (level 3), Cargo Bay (1 and 2)
MERCURY Class specifications by Raven
(With advice from Shaun Darlington)
for alt.holoworld.rpg.startrek
© Copyright by alt.holoworld.rpg.startrek for use in the fleet
and Raven and Shaun 2001 for all other use