"Ariba la Rasa!"
Konnan is a wrestler of Mexican descent. He was a one time Mexican wrestling champion.
Konnan was a one time member the Dungeon Of Doom until they disbanded a couple of years ago. He then joined
the original group of the NWO. When Kevin Nash formed the Wolfpac faction
of the NWO Konnan went along with him. He had been a key member of that group. As well as being a good wrestler
Konnan seems to raise the intensity of his friends and fans. When one thinks of Konnan they think of his
rousing cheer as he enters the ring. Konnan is also
a former U.S. Champ. Konnan has now teamed up with Rey Mysterio Jr.. They have also fought well as a tag team.
Konnan Personal Info:
REAL NAME: Carlos Ashenoff
HEIGHT: 5 ft. 10 in.
WEIGHT: 237 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Mexico City, Mexico
WCW Title History
Television Champion
United States Championship
Signature Moves The Tequila Sunrise
"Konnan is bowdy bowdy and rowdy rowdy!"