The teams that I have currently included are ones that I have already put some work into completing. If you think I should add additional teams, please feel free to suggest a type of team.
Currently I have begun work on the following teams:
These are four teams that I have put a lot of effort into developing. As a former Army Ranger, I have put a lot of effort into recreating a team that I had the pleasure of serving on, minus the cyberware, of course.
E-Mail Me!! I would love to hear your comments about this particular page. If you have something you would like to submit, please feel free to do that. I will make sure that you get the credit for it. If you have any links you would like to add, also....drop me a note.
Seals are generally regarded as the elite of al Special Forces. This is true even in 2051. Seals are stil the best trained and the best supplied units of any governmental army. The overall missions of the SEALS has changed, as has everything else. Seals were initially developed as an Underwater Demolitions Team. As government control became more intense the role of a SEAL has evolved into several other theaters of war. Including, but not limitied to..Anti-Terrorism, Espionage, Hostage Recovery, and Training.
There are currently eight Seal Teams in service within the UCAS. Each team has a specific area of expertise, and a general mission statement. Here is a current breakdown of the Teams:
SEAL TEAM 1: Seal Team 1 is the primary training team for new recruits. The SEAL Training Center is located in Windsor, on Lake Michigan.
SEAL TEAM 2: Seal Team 2 is a Counter-Terrorism Units, also stationed out of Windsor, on Lake Michigan.
SEAL TEAM 3: Seal Team 3 is based in the Mediteranean Sea, actual location is believed to be in Italy, but no confirmed reports. Their mission statement is unknown, but believed to be antiterrorism. Striking terrorists prior to any terroristic activities being completed.
SEAL TEAM 4: Seal Team 4 is based in Seoul Korea. They are currently training the ROK forces in demolitions.
SEAL TEAM 5: Seal Team 5 is based in Seattle, UCAS. There primary mission statement has them assigned general training duties. Recent activity reports that they are being utilized as an Anti-Shadowrunning team.
SEAL TEAM 6: Seal Team 6 is based in somewhere in Maryland. Their activities include hostage rescue and security testing.
SEAL TEAM 7: Seal Team 7 is based in Detroit, UCAS. They are the most standardized Seal Team. They are listed as a RDF (Rapid Deployment Force) and are generally the most publicized and visible team.
SEAL TEAM (RED CELL): Initially Red Cell was established to test security and infiltrate friendly bases, embassies, and other government installations. As their proficiencies as skills grew, the government began using them for covert operations. In 2045 it was believed Red Cell was disbanned. In 2050 several of the former Red Cell team members were reunited for an unknown reason. It is believed that Red Cell is currently operating within the Tir Tangiere, but no proof is forthcoming.
It is said that a SEAL is not born or recruited, that he is built from scratch, molded into a perfect fighting machine. That is more true than you can imagine. To become a SEAL you must be selected, interviewed, and be able to pass SEAL Initiation Testing (S.I.T.). Other criteria includes:
*NOTE: Seals are required to be Cyber-Free and completely unenhanced upon entering S.I.T. SEALs are built and receive enhancements as the government sees fit. Seals receive quality Delta Grade Cyberware, but for the most part Seals are generally restricted to Bioware for unspecified reasons. Special wavers have been granted for certain individuals possessing cyberware, but they are limited.
Seal Team Five's primary mission is to exterminate Shadowrunning teams that have posed a threat to the UCAS or their interests.
<---FASTJACK 02:00, 12/12/47---That's the catch "or their interests". I've never run across a SEAL Team and don't particularaly want too, but I do know a SR Team that was geeked by one. As far as I know the SR Team went to Fort Lewis on an APDS run. Two weeks later....the team, the ammo,.....everything ......was gone!!!"--->
<---FallenAngel 17:15, 01/05/47---Yeah, I knew two guys on that team. They didn't do or see anything, except the guards, the warehouse, and the APDS rounds!! I think the SEALs were just flexing their muscles.--->
The SEALs jurisdiction, thus far has been limited to the UCAS borders and those countries that the Shadowrun Teams decide to run to. Seal Team reports have revealed recent missions into the CAS, California Free State, and NAN.
<---DarkStar 13:12, 02/04/49---Rumor has it that Seal Team Five ran a mission into Aztlan chasing a runner team that had stolen plans to a new fighter plane!--->
Seal Team Five is unlike other Seal Teams, as far as TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment) is concerned. ST5 consists of only 20 total members in the unit, including the Captain. It also uses a variety of equipment that normal Seal Teams wouldn't normally use. As a clandestine unit, ST5 tends not to use standard issue weapons issued by the SPECOPs. Most of the time ST5 is working like a Shadowrun Team in order to blend in to their surroundings.
<----DarkStar 14:10, 02/04/49---Yeah, just like a Shadowrun Team!! Drek, we had a Seal working WITH our team for three months. By the time we realized it the other Seals had moved in and wiped most of the team out.---->
<----JazzMan 14:11, 02/04/49---I've been waiting for you DarkStar!! You may remember me as Seal Team Five's Decker!!! Say good night Gracy!"-->
<----DarkStar 14:12, 02/04/49---Ack!!!! Ugh!! Um.....goodnight Gracy!!!--->
Special Forces Teams should be generated NPC characters that have spent most of their lives in training. Their cyber enhancements provided by the government, unless they had it prior to entry. A player character saying he was special forces or a Seal would be inaccurate, unless they were attached to them for a mission and never reinvited. Again, Special Forces agents are stronger and more talented than any entry level Shadowrunner, but that should be the case. As there may be runners out there on the same level as a Seal or Ranger, it took them time and cost them some blood along the way....and these Seals are combat trained.Coming soon!!
The UCAS Rangers are comprised of four battalions of 500 men. Their primary mission is to be able to deploy immediately to any area in the world to protect UCAS interests and citizens. They are highly trained in weapons and tactics. Each Ranger Company is broken down into specific teams. These teams may act independently from the company they belong to, depending on the missions and situations. It is rare that a Ranger Team would come up against a Shadowrun Party, unless that party was breaking onto a military installation guarded by the Rangers.
1st Battalion/75th Infantry: The primary HQ of the 1/75 Battalion is Akron, Ohio. They work independently of the UCAS Army and have established their own small unit base, near the Akron/Canton Airport. What used to be a National Guard Armory is now their main training center. They have Military Airlift Command at the Akron/Canton Airport on standby for deployment.
2nd Battalion/75th Infantry: The primary HQ of the 2/75 Battalion is Fort Lewis, Washington. They are dispatched from McCord Air Force Base, neighboring Fort Lewis. This battalion seems to get a lot of action, with Seattle so close. Each Ranger Company is rotated into a guard posture to defend the armory at Fort Lewis. It seems that many Shadowrunners and illicit organizations will stop at nothing to get their hands on the many goodies in the armory, especially APDS rounds, missle launchers, and powered armor.
3rd Battalion/75th Infantry: The primary HQ of the 3/75 Battalion is Fort Monmouth, Virginia. This base was reopened in 2012, after being closed in the mid 1990's. It is a major deployment center to the European countries and even into the Middle Eastern troublespots. Fort Monmouth has become a virtual military post again, with many units and a large developmental equipment testing center. Ranger companies are often tasked to transport vital equipment between here and Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
4th Ranger Training Battalion: Although the Rangers train all over the country and world, they are based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Actually, the small training center is located north of Harrisburg. This base is also used by the other Forces for the Army War College. Many officers do tactical training and strategic learning there. The Training Battalion does not have a worldly assignment, or any deployability, as training is a primary concern. It is rumored that the cyber enhancements military personnel get is done here.
Ranger TOE: Rangers have limited equipment, no matter how high-tech or modernized it may be. They, just like a normal UCAS Army unit works on a budget, albeit a much higher one, but a budget nevertheless. Unlike the SEAL Teams, they do not receive additional funding per missions. They must work within the parameters and money allotted to them. As equipment is lost and destroyed, it must be replaced from within the budget, thus losing an APC or weapon, might change training schedules and mission capabilities.
We're all familiar with the work that DocWagon does in and around the country. Serving both the UCAS and the CAS, DocWagon is now negotiating contracts with regions of NAN, California Free State, and Hawaii.
While we are all familiar with the function of DocWagon, I am going to introduce you to a specialized DocWagon Rescue team. This crew has won many prestigious medical awards, as well as a few from the local security companies. I chose this team, because when the drek hits the fan and no other team wants to go into the Barrens for a Platinum Contract member that has somehow managed to get himself hurt.....DocWagon Rescue Team 213 is the first to volunteer.
DocWagon is not without competition, as many new firms are offering the same types of standard plans and generally the same type of service, but DocWagon has been established in Seattle for many more years, thus having contacts and sources that other firms may not be able to develop. With the kind of nuyen that pours in from various types of people, DocWagon is very well equipped and the crews highly trained. That kind of capital also dicates that this company, just like Ares, or Mitshuami, Renraku, or even Fuji, this is about the nuyen and expansion. DocWagon has it's own security firm, and security vehicles. There has been much talk in recent years that they are getting too powerful for an ambulance/hospital service.
<--AjaxGeneral, 01/13/46, 13:23, ---- I served with their combat doctor in Aztlan during the uprisings. He may be getting a bit old, but I wouldn't want anyone else pulling a bullet out of me when the situation is less than desirable! ---->
Coming Soon!!
The CIA is still very much in operation in 2050. They have also increased their abilities to keep up with technology and the Shadowrunners. IMF, or Impossible Mission Force, Teams are geared mostly towards espionage and retreaving data or people from foreign countries. They are highly trained and not to be used as player characters, as their skills will just overwelm them.
The IMF Teams are few, but very cross-trained. Specific teams have been established to work in certain areas of the world, specifically Japan and Aztlan. The team that is below is located in Japan. They are not currently on assignment, but may be soon. Check back for their postings.
Coming Soon!!