
A Bit Of Happy Happy Joy Joy News From The Secretive One

In December 1996, I made a trip to Indiana to have a slightly belated Christmas with my family and some friends. The weather was slightly unseasonably warm so driving was a piece of cake and enabled me to enjoy my visit by getting out and walking about a bit on my "home turf" areas.

My boyfriend, FP-, was the one who did all the driving ... which was kind of interesting after we gathered up my children to take to Indianapolis, since he didn't know his way at all around Indianapolis and the kids talked non-stop while I was trying to tell where to turn and when. *chuckle* So in the car, FP- had to tune in more finely to what I was saying ... i.e. "That's great news Steph!!! Take a left when you take the next exit ramp ... Yes, Jessi - we just may be able to try to do that while out and about today ...." or "Megan, quit bothering Nyssa - take a right at the stoplight ... Nyssa, how can I chew out Megs for hasslin' ya if you are gonna see if you can hassle her first? ..." *laughing at the memory that is surely shared by more than one parent*

We hit Indianapolis late Friday evening, after spending a couple of hours at my mother's. The next morning we all woke up early to have our gift exchange .. wrapping flew and oohs and ahhs and thanks filled the air.

A traditional Christmas thing I do with the children is to take them to a bookstore to let them personally pick out a couple of books apiece, and this year was no different. FP- was impressed by the Half-Price Bookstore's selection and could easily see why the girls and I wanted to go to that particular store. Now book selection is no minor process ... my oldest selects a particular author, if not a specific book before even entering the store; my oldest middle selects the I-don't-know-what-theme-I-want; the youngest middle goes on an animal or science theme; and my youngest grabs the most expensive ones if she can't find a "journal" type book. *shrug* Like I said, no minor feat ... *chuckle* So, it easy to say a quick trip to the bookstore for me and my brood is a couple hour event!! *laughing*

The next day we went to our favorite area in Indianapolis, Broad Ripple. It was a nice sunny day so we parked the car and leisurely walked around. The oldest two and I like a particular store, so that was our first stop in. This is the happy couple ... Taken by Megan, 1997I visited with the owner while the girls gave FP- a tour of the shop. (And yes, he was yanked hither and yon between display shelves and such! *chuckle*)

Now the children had been teasing FP- since Friday nite. Comments like "... ew..yucky! you kissed her, you can't kiss my mommy!!", "You called my mom "dear", you can't call my mom "dear" unless you are married!", and his personal favorite from my youngest being "... you touched my mom's butt, you can't touch my mom's butt cause you are a boy and you might get girlie-type germs!" *chuckle*

So imagine when FP- asked the store owner to pull out some rings for him to look at, the kids all clamored around him to look at the rings also. My kids are "natural women", they like to try on and look over bits of jewelry. FP- asked me to try a couple on, and he slipped a couple of different ones onto the ring finger of my left hand. Now I had already told the children that FP- has asked me to marry him, but it took a few minutes of them asking "Why is he putting it on that finger? That ring is pretty, so what if it is too small...try it on another finger?" before you knew it - suddenly four little "lightbulbs" lit up over their heads! The ring selection process that they were involved in suddenly took on a whole new meaning and they set forth to help FP- find "the perfect ring".

Finally the ring selection was ended, and FP- paid for the one the girls deemed to be perfect for my hand and then turned to me, slipped it on my finger while other customers, the employees, manager, and my children looked. "With this ring, I officially engage thee." The girls grinned and then gave him permission to kiss me and call me "dear", and Stephanie even quit chastising him for hugging me or touching my tush. *chuckle*

Before we came back home to Pittsburgh, we met up with my former Indianapolis roommate at Hall's (a nice little restaurant in the Castleton Mall area) for a couple of glasses of soda pop and catching-up type of dialogue. *grin* Bryan later gave us a tour of his new business venture, impressing FP- considerably with the set-up and equipment. We went on IRC for a bit as we visited with Bry at his new work place via online and real life while FP- shared our happy news with the folks on #30plus as I told the folks on #Tarot. *smiling* I was impressed as it is was the first time I had ever been on what they call a "T-1" line ... man, things just zoomed on that puppy!!

As yet, we haven't decided upon a wedding date ... but the wedding itself will take place most likely in Pittsburgh or the Indianapolis area *tossing coin over here* ... but then many folks *know* how easily wedding plans can change at a drop of a hat. *laugh*

© Secretive aka Carol

Posted originally January, 1997

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Many heartfelt thanks to JoAnn from #30plus for scanning the picture for me to insert onto this page! *hugs*