
A Small #30plus Gathering At LadyTexan's Place

Better known to a few of us as: The Party "Almost" Held Via Car Phone!!

I was invited to attend my first #30plus gathering by LadyTexan. It was just a small get-together actually that she was going to host in August, 1995 at her home in Illinois. Now at first, she and I thought that was a just a simple invite ... but as time progressed the invite got more and more -- well, no longer simple. *chuckle*

A few days before the gathering my car decided to suffer an automotive-style of cardiac arrest. I believe that this was more so due to the fact that it couldn't get over the fact I was gradually finally learning how to shift gears almost smoothly in it. Whatever the case, one day I went out to start it up and the darn thing wouldn't shut off even when I removed the keys. I finally got the engine to shut off but it never stirred again. *laughing now at this memory, but didn't find it so darn funny back then* I relayed this information to LadyTexan who immediately started to think of a way for me to get to her house. We first thought of my roommate, who thought it would sound like fun to attend LadyT's gathering even though he was several years away from being anywhere near the age of 30 ... but then his request for those days off was turned down and he was scheduled to work so couldn't make it to the gathering. We asked several folks from the simple directions to my place, complete with landmarks and such other details. *Samantha Stevens imitation* Well ... it would've been simple if I had recalled she would be arriving via the west side and **not** the east, so all my directions were backwards!!! *laughing here* So, I suppose it is needless to say that they got promptly lost in Indianapolis thanks to me. (By "they" I am referring to the two others that decided to carpool in with her to come and get me so we could all visit on the way back to her place, Alton and DavidJ.) So here they were, driving aimlessly around trying to find their way to my place via the erroneous directions amidst the seasonal road construction detours and traffic tie ups blended in with the Brickyard 400 tourist traffic (we had forgotten that the race was held that week-end). *hanging head in embarrassed shame here ... and trying unsuccessfully to stifle a chuckle*

Finally, after a series of phone calls, they arrived intact to my apartment complex!! Yea!! But by then, time was becoming of an essence to get her back to her place. She had some things left to do before folks started to arrive and it had already taken an extra hour over the usual hour and a half that it should've taken her to arrive to my place ....

So, I jumped into the car and we headed back towards the route that would take us towards Terre Haute to on the road that would take us to her house. (And yes, I wasn't asked for any more help on directions by them...*chuckle*) DavidJ kept commenting on the Goodyear blimptm that he swore and declared was literally following them from the time they had crossed into Marion County. Everytime he spied it out of the corner of his eye, he would point it and try to somehow blame it for not allowing us to cross out of Marion County lines -- yep, we got stuck in a traffic jam on I-70 due to a mix of Brickyard 400 traffic and road construction, the traffic was at a standstill. *laughing at the memory of how DavidJ was sitting there blaming a blimp for all that had gone wrong thus far*

Alton turned the car around and headed back to get U.S. 40 and use it to get out of the Indy area. Well, we neared the Marion County line and ... wouldn't you know it ... road construction stopped us again about 2 miles from the line!! Complete with detours even through back country roads!! *starting to laugh so hard over here that my stomach is hurting recalling that LadyTexan groaned out loud about this time and grabbed the car phone to start calling her house to see if anyone was there yet ... then told them "I am on my way.. honest I am, but if I don't get there in time have the party without me... Marion County just doesn't seem to want to let me leave!!"*

Now, I have to admit that in spite of the traffic tie-ups and other difficulties encountered, these folks handled the situation well and in good humor. Alton just kept shaking his head vowing he was not ever returning to Indianapolis and thus I had to walk home after the gathering ... LadyTexan kept calling her house via the car phone every half an hour or so to give our latest traffic report and mile marker information ... and DavidJ kept blaming the blimp!! LadyTexan would roll down her car window as we passed out of state cars to yell out "You are trapped!! Trapped, I tell ya!!! This state won't ever let your leave!! Muahhahhahah!!" as we passed by them. Alton kept count of how many times a song was played on the radio during our ride. And DavidJ whooped and hollered with joy once the blimp was out of view and sight for the rest of the drive!! *laughing so hard here the tears are starting to come to my eyes*

If I had recalled what direction they would've been arriving from and the traffic construction hadn't messed things up for us as well, we would've originally arrived back to her home at least 2 hours before her party was scheduled to begin ... as it turned out though, we arrived and hour and half *after* the starting time. *humming Gilligan's Island theme song here*

Via the gathering, I got to meet LadyTexan (Illinois - now Texas), Alton, (Missouri - now California), Gentleman (Missouri - now Texas), Curious (Utah - now Colorado), DavidJ (Wisconsin), K_Kiraly (Minnesota), Chena and Michelle (Illinois), and weezil (Indiana - now AusTRalia). I also got to talk to Hiram and Zot_ over the phone when they called to see how things were going and to chat for a bit with folks. The grill was fired up to cook the meal, casually chatting and wishing Curious a happy birthday (the main reason behind the idea of the gathering was the fact that Curious was already going to be in the area around her annual cake and ice cream time of year) and watched her as her gift that Agent99 sent to her was "unwrapped". *a secret knowing style of chuckle* Then we all took turns on IRC for a bit to tell the channel of how things were going.

weezil had decided to show up the last minute, he had been off the channel for a week or so and heard about the gathering just that morning so decided "heck why not" and drove up to attend it. Since he lived a hop, skip, and jump from my apartment complex, he volunteered to drive me back to Indy and thus saved Alton and LadyTexan from more traffic nightmares. Hahahaha!!

Overall, it was a fun gathering - nice and laid back in attitude - and I really enjoyed meeting the folks. I had managed to forget my favorite baseball cap at LadyTexan's home and for some reason she insists that I *have to* drive her way to get it back ... Hmmmm... go figure... *shrug* *chuckle*

Last Updated October, 1997

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