HTML Color Chart
I have found it to be invaluable in selecting color code schemes for the HTML codes
HTML Codes & The Colors They Control In Your Web Pages
As an example of a body tag controling
the main colors in an HTML document,
here is the body tag of this web page:
Below you find what each means and what they colors then control in the HTML file:
- bgcolor = background color
- text = main text color (listed in the body tag)
- link = unvisited links
- vlink = visited links (what shows after one has been to a page)
- alink = active links (brief flash color when link is clicked)
- font = different color used for an accent of color for specific word(s) of text
The "TEXT" seen in the "BODY" tag above is for the main text color desired throughout the web page. However, should you wish to use a specific color for the particular emphasis of a word, phrase or paragraph, the "FONT" color tag as listed below is how you'd bring a different color into play. One should be careful to limit these colors for emphasis, because it can be very confusing since viewers are use to clicking on a LINK, of which is characterized by being a different color than the main text color throughout the page. Here is how to specify a color using the font tag:
Example of how font color tag is used to turn this text to blue
Please note that these are the number zero=0 and not the uppercase letter "O"
Also very important are the # symbol and the quotation marks seen here!
There are some links to very basic, easy HTML Help near bottom of this page also + other codes
Color Names and Codes
Color Name |
Code |
Color Name |
Code |
Color Name |
Code |
AliceBlue | eff7ff |
AntiqueWhite | f9e8d2 |
AntiqueWhite1 | feedd6 |
AntiqueWhite2 | ebdbc5 |
AntiqueWhite3 | c8b9a6 |
AntiqueWhite4 | 817468 |
Aquamarine | 43b7ba |
Aquamarine1 | 87fdce |
Aquamarine2 | 7deabe |
Aquamarine3 | 69c69f |
Aquamarine4 | 417c64 |
Azure | efffff |
Azure2 | deecec |
Azure3 | bcc7c7 |
Azure4 | 7a7d7d |
Beige | f5f3d7 |
Bisque | fde0bc |
Bisque2 | ead0ae |
Bisque3 | c7af92 |
Bisque4 | 816e59 |
Black | 000000 |
BlanchedAlmond | fee8c6 |
Blue | 0000ff |
Blue1 | 1535ff |
Blue2 | 1531ec |
Blue3 | 1528c7 |
Blue4 | 151b7e |
BlueViolet | 7931df |
Brown | 980517 |
Brown1 | f63526 |
Brown2 | e42d17 |
Brown3 | c22217 |
Burlywood1 | fcce8e |
Burlywood2 | eabe83 |
Burlywood3 | c6a06d |
Burlywood4 | 806341 |
CadetBlue | 578693 |
CadetBlue1 | 99f3ff |
CadetBlue2 | 8ee2ec |
CadetBlue3 | 77bfc7 |
CadetBlue4 | 4c787e |
charTReuse | 8afb17 |
CharTReuse2 | 7fe817 |
CharTReuse3 | 6cc417 |
CharTReuse4 | 437c17 |
Chocolate | c85a17 |
Coral | f76541 |
Coral2 | e55b3c |
Coral3 | c34a2c |
Coral4 | 7e2817 |
CornflowerBlue | 151b8d |
Cornsilk | fff7d7 |
Cornsilk2 | ece5c6 |
Cornsilk3 | c8c2a7 |
Cornsilk4 | 817a68 |
Cyan | 00ffff |
Cyan1 | 57feff |
Cyan2 | 50ebec |
Cyan3 | 46c7c7 |
Cyan4 | 307d7e |
DarkGoldenrod | af7817 |
DarkGoldenrod1 | fbb117 |
DarkGoldenrod2 | e8a317 |
DarkGoldenrod3 | c58917 |
DarkGoldenrod4 | 7f5217 |
DarkGreen | 254117 |
DarkKhaki | b7ad59 |
DarkOliveGreen | 4a4117 |
DarkOliveGreen1 | ccfb5d |
DarkOliveGreen2 | bce954 |
DarkOliveGreen3 | a0c544 |
DarkOliveGreen4 | 667c26 |
DarkOrange | f88017 |
DarkOrange1 | f87217 |
DarkOrange2 | e56717 |
DarkOrange3 | c35617 |
DarkOrange4 | 7e3117 |
DarkOrchid | 7d1b7e |
DarkOrchid1 | b041ff |
DarkOrchid2 | a23bec |
DarkOrchid3 | 8b31c7 |
DarkOrchid4 | 571b7e |
DarkSalmon | e18b6b |
DarkSeaGreen | 8bb381 |
DarkSeaGreen1 | c3fdb8 |
DarkSeaGreen2 | b5eaaa |
DarkSeaGreen3 | 99c68e |
DarkSeaGreen4 | 617c58 |
DarkSlateBlue | 2b3856 |
DarkSlateGray | 25383c |
DarkSlateGray1 | 9afeff |
DarkSlateGray2 | 8eebec |
DarkSlateGray3 | 78c7c7 |
DarkSlateGray4 | 4c7d7e |
DarkTurquoise | 3b9c9c |
DarkViolet | 842dce |
DeepPink | f52887 |
DeepPink2 | e4287c |
DeepPink3 | c12267 |
DeepPink4 | 7d053f |
DeepSkyBlue | 3bb9ff |
DeepSkyBlue2 | 38acec |
DeepSkyBlue3 | 3090c7 |
DeepSkyBlue4 | 25587e |
DimGray | 463e41 |
DodgerBlue | 1589ff |
DodgerBlue2 | 157dec |
DodgerBlue3 | 1569c7 |
DodgerBlue4 | 153e7e |
Firebrick | 800517 |
Firebrick1 | f62817 |
Firebrick2 | e42217 |
Firebrick3 | c11b17 |
FloralWhite | fff9ee |
ForestGreen | 4e9258 |
Gainsboro | d8d9d7 |
GhostWhite | f7f7ff |
Gold | d4a017 |
Gold1 | fdd017 |
Gold2 | eac117 |
Gold3 | c7a317 |
Gold4 | 806517 |
Goldenrod | edda74 |
Goldenrod1 | fbb917 |
Goldenrod2 | e9ab17 |
Goldenrod3 | c68e17 |
Goldenrod4 | 805817 |
Gray | 736f6e |
Gray0 | 150517 |
Gray1 | ffffff |
Gray18 | 250517 |
Gray21 | 2b1b17 |
Gray23 | 302217 |
Gray24 | 302226 |
Gray25 | 342826 |
Gray26 | 34282c |
Gray27 | 382d2c |
Gray28 | 3b3131 |
Gray29 | 3e3535 |
Gray30 | 413839 |
Gray31 | 41383c |
Gray32 | 463e3f |
Gray34 | 4a4344 |
Gray35 | 4c4646 |
Gray36 | 4e4848 |
Gray37 | 504a4b |
Gray38 | 544e4f |
Gray39 | 565051 |
Gray40 | 595454 |
Gray41 | 5c5858 |
Gray42 | 5f5a59 |
Gray43 | 625d5d |
Gray44 | 646060 |
Gray45 | 666362 |
Gray46 | 696565 |
Gray47 | 6d6968 |
Gray48 | 6e6a6b |
Gray49 | 726e6d |
Gray50 | 747170 |
Gray51 | 787473 |
Gray52 | 7a7777 |
Gray53 | 7c7979 |
Gray54 | 807d7c |
Gray55 | 82807e |
Gray56 | 858381 |
Gray57 | 878583 |
Gray58 | 8b8987 |
Gray59 | 8d8b89 |
Gray60 | 8f8e8d |
Gray61 | 939190 |
Gray62 | 959492 |
Gray63 | 999795 |
Gray64 | 9a9998 |
Gray65 | 9e9c9b |
Gray66 | a09f9d |
Gray67 | a3a2a0 |
Gray68 | a5a4a3 |
Gray69 | a9a8a6 |
Gray70 | acaba9 |
Gray71 | aeadac |
Gray72 | b1b1af |
Gray73 | b3b3b1 |
Gray74 | b7b6b4 |
Gray75 | b9b8b6 |
Gray76 | bcbbba |
Gray77 | bebebc |
Gray78 | c1c1bf |
Gray79 | c3c4c2 |
Gray80 | c7c7c5 |
Gray81 | cacac9 |
Gray82 | cccccb |
Gray83 | d0cfcf |
Gray84 | d2d2d1 |
Gray85 | d5d5d4 |
Gray86 | d7d7d7 |
Gray87 | dbdbd9 |
Gray88 | dddddc |
Gray89 | e0e0e0 |
Gray90 | e2e3e1 |
Gray91 | e5e6e4 |
Gray92 | e8e9e8 |
Gray93 | ebebea |
Gray94 | eeeeee |
Gray95 | f0f1f0 |
Gray96 | f4f4f3 |
Gray97 | f6f6f5 |
Gray98 | f9f9fa |
Gray99 | fbfbfb |
Green | 00ff00 |
Green1 | 5ffb17 |
Green2 | 59e817 |
Green3 | 4cc417 |
Green4 | 347c17 |
GreenYellow | b1fb17 |
Honeydew | f0feee |
Honeydew2 | deebdc |
Honeydew3 | bcc7b9 |
Honeydew4 | 7a7d74 |
HotPink | f660ab |
HotPink1 | f665ab |
HotPink2 | e45e9d |
HotPink3 | c25283 |
HotPink4 | 7d2252 |
IndianRed | 5e2217 |
IndianRed1 | f75d59 |
IndianRed2 | e55451 |
IndianRed3 | c24641 |
IndianRed4 | 7e2217 |
Ivory | ffffee |
Ivory2 | ececdc |
Ivory3 | c9c7b9 |
Ivory4 | 817d74 |
Khaki | ada96e |
Khaki1 | fff380 |
Khaki2 | ede275 |
Khaki3 | c9be62 |
Khaki4 | 827839 |
Lavender | e3e4fa |
LavenderBlush | fdeef4 |
LavenderBlush2 | ebdde2 |
LavenderBlush3 | c8bbbe |
LavenderBlush4 | 817679 |
LawnGreen | 87f717 |
LemonChiffon | fff8c6 |
LemonChiffon2 | ece5b6 |
LemonChiffon3 | c9c299 |
LemonChiffon4 | 827b60 |
LightBlue | addfff |
LightBlue1 | bdedff |
LightBlue2 | afdcec |
LightBlue3 | 95b9c7 |
LightBlue4 | 5e767e |
LightCoral | e77471 |
LightCyan | e0ffff |
LightCyan2 | cfecec |
LightCyan3 | afc7c7 |
LightCyan4 | 717d7d |
LightGoldenrod | ecd872 |
LightGoldenrod1 | ffe87c |
LightGoldenrod2 | ecd672 |
LightGoldenrod3 | c8b560 |
LightGoldenrod4 | 817339 |
LightGoldenrodYellow | faf8cc |
LightPink | faafba |
LightPink1 | f9a7b0 |
LightPink2 | e799a3 |
LightPink3 | c48189 |
LightPink4 | 7f4e52 |
LightSalmon | f9966b |
LightSalmon2 | e78a61 |
LightSalmon3 | c47451 |
LightSalmon4 | 7f462c |
LightSeaGreen | 3ea99f |
LightSkyBlue | 82cafa |
LightSkyBlue2 | a0cfec |
LightSkyBlue3 | 87afc7 |
LightSkyBlue4 | 566d7e |
LightSlateBlue | 736aff |
LightSlateGray | 6d7b8d |
LightSteelBlue | 728fce |
LightSteelBlue1 | c6deff |
LightSteelBlue2 | b7ceec |
LightSteelBlue3 | 9aadc7 |
LightSteelBlue4 | 646d7e |
LightYellow | fffedc |
LightYellow2 | edebcb |
LightYellow3 | c9c7aa |
LightYellow4 | 827d6b |
LimeGreen | 41a317 |
Linen | f9eee2 |
Magenta | ff00ff |
Magenta1 | f43eff |
Magenta2 | e238ec |
Magenta3 | c031c7 |
Maroon | 810541 |
Maroon1 | f535aa |
Maroon2 | e3319d |
Maroon3 | c12283 |
Maroon4 | 7d0552 |
MediumAquamarine | 348781 |
MediumBlue | 152dc6 |
MediumForestGreen | 347235 |
MediumGoldenrod | ccb954 |
MediumOrchid | b048b5 |
MediumOrchid1 | d462ff |
MediumOrchid2 | c45aec |
MediumOrchid3 | a74ac7 |
MediumOrchid4 | 6a287e |
MediumPurple | 8467d7 |
MediumPurple1 | 9e7bff |
MediumPurple2 | 9172ec |
MediumPurple3 | 7a5dc7 |
MediumPurple4 | 4e387e |
MediumSeaGreen | 306754 |
MediumSlateBlue | 5e5a80 |
MediumSpringGreen | 348017 |
MediumTurquoise | 48cccd |
MediumVioleTRed | ca226b |
MidnightBlue | 151b54 |
MintCream | f5fff9 |
MistyRose | fde1dd |
MistyRose2 | ead0cc |
MistyRose3 | c6afac |
MistyRose4 | 806f6c |
Moccasin | fde0ac |
NavajoWhite | fddaa3 |
NavajoWhite2 | eac995 |
NavajoWhite3 | c7aa7d |
NavajoWhite4 | 806a4b |
Navy | 150567 |
OldLace | fcf3e2 |
OliveDrab | 658017 |
OliveDrab1 | c3fb17 |
OliveDrab2 | b5e917 |
OliveDrab3 | 99c517 |
OliveDrab4 | 617c17 |
Orange | f87a17 |
Orange1 | fa9b17 |
Orange2 | e78e17 |
Orange3 | c57717 |
Orange4 | 7f4817 |
OrangeRed | f63817 |
OrangeRed2 | e43117 |
OrangeRed3 | c22817 |
OrangeRed4 | 7e0517 |
Orchid | e57ded |
Orchid1 | f67dfa |
Orchid2 | e473e7 |
Orchid3 | c160c3 |
Orchid4 | 7d387c |
PaleGoldenrod | ede49e |
PaleGreen | 79d867 |
PaleGreen1 | a0fc8d |
PaleGreen2 | 94e981 |
PaleGreen3 | 7dc56c |
PaleGreen4 | 4e7c41 |
PaleTurquoise | aeebec |
PaleTurquoise1 | bcfeff |
PaleTurquoise2 | adebec |
PaleTurquoise3 | 92c7c7 |
PaleTurquoise4 | 5e7d7e |
PaleVioleTRed | d16587 |
PaleVioleTRed1 | f778a1 |
PaleVioleTRed2 | e56e94 |
PaleVioleTRed3 | c25a7c |
PaleVioleTRed4 | 7e354d |
PapayaWhip | feeccf |
PeachPuff | fcd5b0 |
PeachPuff2 | eac5a3 |
PeachPuff3 | c6a688 |
PeachPuff4 | 806752 |
Peru | c57726 |
Pink | faafbe |
Pink2 | e7a1b0 |
Pink3 | c48793 |
Pink4 | 7f525d |
Plum | b93b8f |
Plum1 | f9b7ff |
Plum2 | e6a9ec |
Plum3 | c38ec7 |
plum4 | 7e587e |
PowderBlue | addce3 |
Purple | 8e35ef |
Purple1 | 893bff |
Purple2 | 7f38ec |
Purple3 | 6c2dc7 |
Purple4 | 461b7e |
Red | ff0000 |
Red1 | f62217 |
Red2 | e41b17 |
RosyBrown | b38481 |
RosyBrown1 | fbbbb9 |
RosyBrown2 | e8adaa |
RosyBrown3 | c5908e |
RosyBrown4 | 7f5a58 |
RoyalBlue | 2b60de |
RoyalBlue1 | 306eff |
RoyalBlue2 | 2b65ec |
RoyalBlue3 | 2554c7 |
RoyalBlue4 | 15317e |
Salmon1 | f88158 |
Salmon2 | e67451 |
Salmon3 | c36241 |
Salmon4 | 7e3817 |
SandyBrown | ee9a4d |
SeaGreen | 4e8975 |
SeaGreen1 | 6afb92 |
SeaGreen2 | 64e986 |
SeaGreen3 | 54c571 |
SeaGreen4 | 387c44 |
Seashell | fef3eb |
Seashell2 | ebe2d9 |
Seashell3 | c8bfb6 |
Seashell4 | 817873 |
Sienna | 8a4117 |
Sienna1 | f87431 |
Sienna2 | e66c2c |
Sienna3 | c35817 |
Sienna4 | 7e3517 |
SkyBlue | 6698ff |
SkyBlue1 | 82caff |
SkyBlue2 | 79baec |
SkyBlue3 | 659ec7 |
SkyBlue4 | 41627e |
SlateBlue | 737ca1 |
SlateBlue1 | 7369ff |
SlateBlue2 | 6960ec |
SlateBlue3 | 574ec7 |
SlateBlue4 | 342d7e |
SlateGray | 657383 |
SlateGray1 | c2dfff |
SlateGray2 | b4cfec |
SlateGray3 | 98afc7 |
SlateGray4 | 616d7e |
Snow | fff9fa |
Snow2 | ece7e6 |
Snow3 | c8c4c2 |
Snow4 | 817c7b |
SpringGreen | 4aa02c |
SpringGreen1 | 5efb6e |
SpringGreen2 | 57e964 |
SpringGreen3 | 4cc552 |
SpringGreen4 | 347c2c |
SteelBlue | 4863a0 |
SteelBlue1 | 5cb3ff |
SteelBlue2 | 56a5ec |
SteelBlue3 | 488ac7 |
SteelBlue4 | 2b547e |
Tan | d8af79 |
Tan1 | fa9b3c |
Tan2 | e78e35 |
Thistle | d2b9d3 |
Thistle1 | fcdfff |
Thistle2 | e9cfec |
Thistle3 | c6aec7 |
Thistle4 | 806d7e |
Tomato | f75431 |
Tomato2 | e54c2c |
Tomato3 | c23e17 |
Turquoise | 43c6db |
Turquoise1 | 52f3ff |
Turquoise2 | 4ee2ec |
Turquoise3 | 43bfc7 |
Turquoise4 | 30787e |
Violet | 8d38c9 |
VioleTRed | e9358a |
VioleTRed1 | f6358a |
VioleTRed2 | e4317f |
VioleTRed3 | c12869 |
VioleTRed4 | 7d0541 |
Wheat | f3daa9 |
Wheat1 | fee4b1 |
Wheat2 | ebd3a3 |
Wheat3 | c8b189 |
Wheat4 | 816f54 |
Yellow | ffff00 |
Yellow1 | fffc17 |
YellowGreen | 52d017 |
Quickest, Best and Fastest HTML Sources
Beginners to Advanced
Many have asked me for a graphic to use as a link
to the Innocent Angel Home page to help in the fight
against senseless tragedies and deaths of loved ones.
So, I finally made this one *smiles*
I wanted something that met a special criteria:
- Colors that would match any color scheme or background
- Something with a touch of class and eye-catching movement
- One that represents the innocence of an angel
- To be transparent to show off your background or bgcolor
- Not so large in appearance to overpower your page
- Small in file size so it would load quickly on your page
- A quality graphic you would hopefully want to display
I only ask that, if you take this little angel,
please, please copy and paste the link below to your web page
to help in this fight around the world and say a little prayer
with all of us sometime in support of innocent lives everywhere,
"Together We DO Make A Difference"
I do hope you like it and want to display it with pride
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
*Angel* aka Angelblueyes
To copy the code just drag your mouse over the text to highlight it
right click and choose Copy,
Right click in the window and choose Paste
Go to FILE, click SAVE AS, give it a name like mycodes.txt
Then, navigate to the folder to save the text file in.
I have found that keeping a text file of codes I'd
want or need to use has been an invaluable practice and
a great way to not have to "remember" HTML codes and placements.
Hear The Whispers Of
Innocent Angel
Home of
Just right click on image below, choose SAVE, navigate to a folder to save it to
Then, upload it to the server where your home page is
and copy the code to your home page. *Smiles* So easy
This is how the above code will display on your page,
but will display with your selected text and link colors:
Hear The Whispers Of
Innocent Angel
Innocent Angel
Home of
Here is the HTML code to place a pic on your web page
If you want it centered as most do to start off with, then
copy and paste this code and replace the file name with the
name of your file (make sure you upload file to the server too -
(if you "follow me" at the above link, then I will show you
how to in the Geocities File Manager):
Now, another code you will find useful is for midi music.
The code below will continuously play forever with a small console.
Because many people surf the net listening to other music on their computer,
it is thoughtful to give them a means to turn off your chosen midi song
Just upload a midi file to the server and place this code on
your page (change the file name to name of uploaded midi)
Because wav songs take too long to load and play, one should
really stay with midi files for music on a web page.
This code will play midis in Netscape and Internet Explorer
(Sign of a good web page designer is to accomodate as many
different browsers as possible - Want many to see and hear
your creative works, right?) This code is also centered on page:
Go Ahead - Listen to Them All *smiles*
Now...please contact me and let me know where your site is
I would love to visit your home pages, too... please?
I'll soon have a links page for those linking to my site
Bless you and your's and I pray you stay safe and happy.
Love *Angel*
Page was posted April 6 1999
Please know ....
I can not take the credit for coordinating
these colors and code numbers of this color chart
since the originating page no longer exists.
I hope you find these colors as useful as I have.