Look closely at a waterfall and this is what you'll see,
A rock escarpment embracing the flow-for all of us that be.
And though you think you see the start,
Of where it starts to fall,
The place where you were looking has changed,
It's not there after-all.
Water that transfixed that shaft of light, now races full-force in h flight.
Cascading in deafening impacts that free,
The swirling mist that envelopes me.
You'll feel the freshness that fills the air, as puffs of breezes toss your hair.
With tenacious strength, time tested strife,
Maiden-hair ferns still cling to life.
And mosses share a backdrop green,
To miniature rainbows through the screen.
But still it falls across the face, of time worn boulders that seem to grace,
This cathedral place, it stirs my heart,
Where waterfalls are, but never start.
Just knowing this magic, understanding the whys, is all it takes
To fill my eyes.
Belief that this feeling will always be,
Is it enough for you?---It is for me.
by 11bravovet
©1997, 11bravovet
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