January 19, 1999 06:30:37 PM

HamRadio RANTS

I'm pissed off!!!!

Sometimes I get mad. The news can be something that pisses folks off. I'm here to give you all of my pent up energy and frustration. The Rants will be informative... It will make you laugh and sometimes... sometimes it will make you cry.

Latest Rant....

Date: January 19, 1999

  • INTERNET CHARGES: I recently received a spammed message detailing efforts by the Telephone Companies to charge calls to your Internet Service Provider differently than the normal local call (or toll call) that you may be using. This is your typical act from these companies who are getting bigger and bigger. Imagine your unlimited calling to AOL or other ISP now tracked by the Phone Company and charged for that time!!!! You could in essence single handledly ruin all Internet Usage!!! Or if it's their goal, to force you to choose their ISP to save on the cost of going to a competitor!!! Here's the rest of the rant....

Archive of Rants:

Title Date Description
Internet Charges 1/19/99 INTERNET CHARGES: I recently received a spammed message detailing efforts by the Telephone Companies to charge calls to your Internet Service Provider differently than the normal local call (or toll call) that you may be using. This is your typical act from these companies who are getting bigger and bigger. Imagine your unlimited calling to AOL or other ISP now tracked by the Phone Company and charged for that time!!!! You could in essence single handledly ruin all Internet Usage!!! Or if it's their goal, to force you to choose their ISP to save on the cost of going to a competitor!!! Here's the rest of the rant....


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Updated: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 06:30:37 PM

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