The Piano Place - Feedback

Please use this form to let me know of what you think about the site. I've added this feature in order to get some opinions about the new design of my page. Of course you're still free to email me and sign the guestbook.

note: The confirmation page that you'll get after clicking on "submit" is Geocities's default. I'm trying to attach my own confirmation page to the HTML code but couldn't figure out how. Any ideas? For now, just click the "back" button on your browser to go back.


Of the two advertising options offered by Geocities, which would you rather cope with? I used regular ad banners before but now I've switched to ad squares for the new version.

ad square
regular ad banner
no preference

What do you think is the most lacking in my site?

(for returning visitors) Compared to my old site's design, what do you think of my new design?

much better than the old one
a little better
the same
it's worse
I'm a first-time visitor

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