Klingon SymbolFrom their first appearance in the year 2218, the Klingons developed from a zealous "seek-and-destroy" warrior race to one with honorable principles and some of the bravest warriors yet seen. With a partly exo-skeletal bone structure, Klingons are capable of comparably greater physical strength and endurance than Terran humans. Their ages-old honor system and house/lineage centered society is a throwback to the chivalry of medeival Europe on Earth. Despite their tendency towards blood and violence, the Klingons have proven to be vital in the defense of the Alpha Quadrant

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Klingon Physiology

Klingons are among the earliest civilizations the Federation has contacted. Though classified as humanoids, Klingons possess several distinctive physiological characteristics that belong uniquely to their species. They have a body structure that is partly exoskeleton, meaning their resistance to physical force is far greater than mere flesh, and they have a higher muscle mass ratio than most humans. Their organs also have multiple redundancies, given the term "brak'lul", allowing the Klingon warriors enormous resiliency during battle.

The forehead is ridged, and the ridge is different for each Klingon. Very evident in pure Klingons, for half-Klingons, it is much less pronounced. The olfactory sense of a typical Klingon is very keen, and by the way they initiate the mating ritual with a lot of sniffing of the mate, it is possible that this is a possible way of identifying another Klingon.

Klingon Society

The Klingon Empire is adjacent to the Federation and Romulan Star Empire borders. A central government in the form of a Chancellor and an equally powerful High Council is located on the planet Qo'noS, but both Chancellor and Council members are roles only for males with powerful houses and a rightful lineage. Women may not serve on the Council, nor discommendated Klingons.

Klingon society functions through a system of family reputation and honor. Tradition is an integral part of their lives and breaking from observances is considered a grievious insult to society that is not forgotten easily: bringing shame to the offender's name for several generations. Bloodlines and relations are also taken very seriously by any true Klingon. Lines comprise of more than mere family members. It is more like a network of mutual obligations and defense agreements. Deeds done beyond living memory can indebt one family to another for generations, such is their emphasis on repaying debts. In this way, there comes a time when the line is too massive to maintain, and some line-founders must split off to form a new name. For a Klingon to join a family, it must be done according to the rite of R'uustal, after approval by the matriarch or patriarch of the family house.

Klingon Diplomat and WarriorAn integral part of tradition is the various rituals that mark milestones in a Klingon's life or the history of the Empire. Most notable of the rites is the "Rite of Succession", which a future leader of the Empire must complete with a valid Arbiter of Succession (Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the case of Gowron) overseeing the proceedings. Before the Rite can begin, there's another elaborate ceremony needed to confirm the death of the previous leader. This is known as the "Sonchi Ceremony". For individual Klingon warriors, they are expected to go through the Rite of Ascension to be recognized as a full adult.

Over time, the Klingon's view of life has warped to become increasingly obsessed with dying honorably instead of living with honor. Too often, the only words spoken before battle is "It is a good day to die!" Dying gloriously in combat, preferably having slain a few enemies, is the pinnacle of achievements for Klingons, and to all proud warriors, the only way to go. Groveling for mercy and prolonging life is enough for condemnation and the shaming of the whole house. For some dishonored Klingons, the only way to restore their lost honor is through the ritual of "Mauk-to 'Vor", which involves the killing of an individual to repair his honor.

Their code of honor, however, does not forbid treachery. On birds of prey or in any system of hierarchal command, officers are continually targeted for death by lower ranked crew. Though incomprehensible to outsiders, this is their method of keeping officers strong and capable.

Klingon women are treated as equals except in politics and matters of inheritance. They are prohibited by law from serving in the Council and cannot take control of their houses unless they have the money and no male successors of the lineage. Otherwise, it is expected of Klingon women to exhibit the same physical prowess and lust for blood and honor as the men.

History of the Empire

The modern Klingon Empire was founded by Kahless the Unforgettable, the brilliant strategist who killed the tyrant Molor and unified his people some 1500 years before. His legendary story of valor and courage still stirs emotions of pride in his descendants, now warriors of the Klingon Empire. Kahless was a philosopher of sorts, and his work is still studied by Klingons centuries after his death. During his day, he came to realize his race was so consumed with victory that they resorted to treachery, to which he warned, "Watch your back. Friends may become enemies in less time than it takes to draw a dagger." But he did not heed his own advice, for he soon proved to be too popular -- too dangerous to a leader -- and was murdered by K'ashked, the Klingon Emperor, in 2125, leaving the Klingon High Council in command of the Empire.

By 2215, Klingon technology allowed them to maintain a speed of warp 4 on their interstellar vessels. The Federation made first contact with the Klingons in 2218, but with disastrous results. For the next 70 years the Federation was entrenched in open hostility with the Klingon Empire. A cat and mouse game of conquest and resistance was played out mainly by Kirk's crew and Qo'noS's finest warriors.

In the incident on Organia, Stardate 3198.4, or 2267 in standard years, Kirk stopped the Klingons from claiming the planet, risking interstellar war to preserve the existence of what looked like a primitive humanoid civilization. However, the beings were in fact powerful noncoporeal lifeforms who don't need protection in the least. The Organians turned the tables and mediated a peace treaty on both Klingons and Federation, predicting lasting eventual friendship for the two sides in the future. This treaty put a dampener on hostilities for some while and the provisions within included allowing space station docking for ships from both sides. The Organians never interfered again and have not been heard from since then.

Bilateral talks between the Klingons and the Federation continued through 2289. Even though the meetings did not result in any breakthroughs, the Klingon diplomatic team learned to respect the Federation representative Curzon Dax as a worthy man.

K-7 plant
The K-7 plant
However, encounters with the Federation remained unpleasant at best, as shown by the run-in on Stardate 4523.3, when the Klingons launched a covert operation to poison emergency quadrotriticale supplies crucial to the Sherman Plant. The K-7 plant that was storing the hybrid wheat sent a distress call answered by the Enterprise. With the help of numerous Tribbles, the Klingon sabotage was revealed and terminated. Klingon hatred for the furry and enormously prolific creatures was immediate after their first contact. Some time in the future, the Klingon Empire reportedly eliminated the Tribble homeworld, undoubtedly one of the most glorious victories for the Empire.

Soon after the incident, the Empire signed an alliance with the Romulan Star Empire. In exchange for the cloaking device, Klingons provided design specifications for their warships. This was more of a friendship of convenience, and when both side got what they wanted, the alliance was dissolved in 2292. The terms on which the two sides parted remains unclear, but they would become bitter foes for the next 75 years.

The turning point in relations between the Federation and the Empire came with a catastrophic explosion on the Klingon moon Praxis on Stardate 9521.6. Serious environmental repercussions from this incident wiped out key energy resources and sparked an economic crisis. Mired in chaos and destruction, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon, leader of the Klingon High Council, had little choice but to launch a peace initiative with the Federation when it became apparent the Empire could not maintain its military any longer.

A true end to hostility and even future collaboration with the Federation were placed on the agenda, and talks soon opened when Chancellor Gorkon agreed to travel to Earth. However, the Chancellor was murdered en route to Earth by factions within the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire worried about altering the status quo of relations. Federation officers Kirk and McCoy were set up with the blame and arrested by Klingons under interstellar law.

Camp Khitomer
Camp Khitomer
The peace conference was then moved to Camp Khitomer, a planet near the border of Romulan space. Azetbur represented her late father Gorkon and opened the conference which lead to the landmark Khitomer Accords. The Khitomer Conference of 2293 would later be seen as the single most important peace treaty in Federation history, ending the period of open hostility between the two major powers of the Alpha Quadrant and beginning an era of cooperation and joint ventures. However, it was only after Spock forced the truth out of his traitorous protege Valeris, that the Enterprise and the Excelsior (under command of Capt. Sulu) prevented another assassination attempt -- this time on the Federation President -- from succeeding. After exposing the villains within each party, the talks continued and an era of peace resulted.

Peace didn't come about overnight, but through the years a better understanding of the Federation and what they stood for changed the perspectives of many Klingons. The courageous efforts of the Enterprise-C, under the command Captain Rachel Garrett, in defending the Narendra III Klingon outpost in 2344 from Romulan forces solidified the pact further. To the Klingons, a Federation starship defending Klingons from destruction was proof that they were truly an honorable ally.

In later years, the Klingons remained on friendly terms with the Federation. In 2364, Lieutenant Worf, son of Mogh, made history by becoming the first Klingon Starfleet officer. His first post was aboard the Galaxy-Class starship Enterprise-D, as a lieutenant in security, when it was launched out of space dock.

Turmoil on Qo'noS prevailed again when furor erupted over the death by poisoning of Chancellor K'mpec, High Council leader. Such a death and the dishonor of the murder had been foreseen by K'mpec, who knew very well it could plunge the Empire into civil war. To counter such a disastrous possibility, K'mpec took the precaution of having appointed an Arbiter of Succession. However, he broke convention by choosing Federation Captain Jean-Luc Picard as mediator in choosing the next head of the Klingon Empire. It came down to two candidates, Duras, partly responsible for the discommendation of Worf, and Gowron, a rising political figure. A web of intrigue and betrayal resulted in the death of Duras, son of Ja'rod. Worf actually wielded the knife that killed Duras and was reprimanded for his conduct afterwards. He had avenged the death of Emissary K'Ehleyr, who confronted Duras with his family secret of responsibility for the Khitomer betrayal before she was killed. With no other challenger, Gowron emerged as Council leader, leaving the Duras line extremely unsatisfied.

Duras sisters
The Duras Sisters: Lursa and B'Tor
The Duras family tried to reinstate their power in the Klingon Empire by pulling their connections and attempted to put Toral, the son of Duras, into Council leader. Certain High Council members who were allies of the House of Duras opted to side with them, and a deep rift in the Empire was formed. In the following civil war, the Duras family secretly utilized Romulan forces to aid their cause, promising a split with the Federation when they succeeded in deposing Gowron. Gowron issued a formal statement for assistance from the Federation, but dutifully observing the Prime Directive of non-interference, Starfleet declined to involve themselves in the war.

Three weeks passed and Gowron's forces were heavily depleted by the Duras family. However, suspicion of illicit help to the Duras house began to circulate after the destruction of their supply base seemingly did nothing to stop their war efforts. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, among many others, suspected Romulan influence, the immediate implication of which meant the termination of Klingon-Federation alliance to make way for a Klingon-Romulan alliance. Starfleet at this point agreed to Picard's suggestion to step in and blockade the Romulan/Klingon borders.

Romulan operative Sela, daughter of deceased Tasha Yar, demanded the withdrawal of Federation ships, but Picard advised Gowron to launch a full-scale attack on the Duras warriors so as to expose their relationship with Romulans. Under heavy fire and failing defenses, the Duras sisters asked for a supply convoy from the Romulans, and in so doing revealed their connection with the most hated enemies of the Klingon Empire. When word got out, support for the House of Duras fell and Gowron was placed firmly into power. The war quieted with the escape of the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Tor, and the Romulans returned home, foiled once again by the Enterprise-D's interference. Young Toral was spared from death by Worf, whose father Mogh was at last cleared of wrong-doing. Honor was restored to the House of Mogh.

Space marauders without hope of returning to Qo'noS anytime soon, Lursa and B'Tor made other attempts to gain power. Their exploits brought them to the Deep Space Nine where they sold bilitrium explosives to a Bajoran Kohn-ma terrorist who planned to use it to blow up the wormhole and drive away the Federation. The last time the Duras sisters were reportedly seen was when they associated with Dr. Soran, ferrying him to the Nexus while he provided them with trilithium weapons capable of mass destruction. The Enterprise-D interfered and destroyed the Bird-of-Prey, presumably killing the sisters in the process.

Kahless the Unforgettable returned Qo'noS on Stardate 4685.2, standard year 2369, as he declared he would before his death. After some research it was revealed he was a clone of the original Kahless, brought back by clerics of Boreth. Gowron knew his people hungered for the spiritual leadership of Kahless, and conceived an idea that would give Kahless the position to use his influence while keeping the real political power to himself and the High Council. Kahless was proclaimed the new emperor of the Empire, a figurehead position without true power, but all the pomp and circumstance the honored name of Kahless called for.

It was at this time that the Dominion threat took center stage in the Alpha Quadrant. Concern over reported Founder infiltration into the Quadrant's political arena mounted, and certain Klingons were greatly disturbed by the overthrow of the Cardassian Central Command, something they interpreted as the work of the Founders. Voices shouting for war and glory pressured Gowron into action. He gave orders to invade Cardassia on the premise of rooting out the Founders Klingons believed had replaced the Cardassian Detapa Council.

Captain Sisko and Lt. Commander Worf got wind of the Klingons' intentions and warned against such a rash and unprovoked attack, one which could mean the dissolving of the long-standing Khitomer Accords with the Federation. Gowron disregarded the warning and proceeded with plans. General Martok led an armada of birds-of-prey in the attack on Cardassia, nearly wiping out the its infrastructure in the process. Despite Gowron's firm resolve to go to war with Cardassia, there were several Klingons within the Empire who did not support the invasion, not the least of whom was Emperor Kahless and Worf's brother Kurn, now a member of the High Council.

Assualt on Deep Space Nine
The Klingon assault on Deep Space Nine
The Klingons did a great deal of damage after they penetrated Cardassian defense lines. The civilian council members were saved from certain death only by the unified efforts of Gul Dukat and Captain Sisko, who placed them in the relative safety of Deep Space Nine. When demands to release the council members were not met, the Klingon fleet bombarded Deep Space Nine with heavy fire, resolved to force them out or destroy the station. Sisko had the foresight to reinforce the defensive and offensive capabilities of the station a year ago, and the station withstood everything the Klingon fleet could launch at it.

The attack on Deep Space Nine ended when Sisko made Gowron see that this turn of events was manipulated by the Founders, who turned allies into foes to weaken them for the Dominion invasion.
By then, Klingons had already occupied several Cardassian worlds, and even as they engaged in peace talks with the Federation, they were engineering an eventual conflict by killing Bajoran and Cardassian nationals meeting for peace talks and by setting up Worf to make an unprovoked attack on a Klingon transport. At the end of 2371, talks between the Federation and Klingon Empire ended with mutual dissatisfaction. The Klingons were insulted by the incessant demands to retreat from Cardassian territory, and soon after the Khitomer Accords were officially annulled by Gowron.

Upon returning to Deep Space Nine after he was tried on the Founder homeworld, Odo strongly suspected Gowron to be a Changeling and reported his suspicions to Captain Sisko. Gowron had already issued an ultimatum to the Federation to withdraw from the Archanis Sector, an area of space which the Empire had given up its claim to centuries ago. Ten days later, a full scale war began, and the Federation fleet could only just slow down the frenzied Klingon forces. With the Klingons encroaching on Federation space and the Odo's suspicions, Sisko was given the assignment of exposing the Gowron Changeling and put an end to the hostilities. For the undercover assignment Sisko surgically altered himself to appear Klingon (and he looked very convincing) along with Odo and Worf. With Gul Dukat's bird-of-prey as cover, they managed to infiltrate deep into the Tiger Core, where the Empire's military headquarters were situated. However, they were soon intercepted by General Martok, who threw them into a holding cell.

Martok then relayed his suspicion to the captives that Chancellor Gowron wasn't really Gowron, who had originally been reluctant to initiate warfare with the Federation, but suddenly called out for every Klingon to die honorably. Martok agreed to release Sisko and his crew if they killed Gowron. Worf was just getting ready for the death ritual over Gowron when Odo suddenly knew that it was Martok, not Gowron, who was a Changeling, and with help from 56 Klingon disrupters, terminated the Martok Changeling.

The sudden change of events lead to a cease-fire between the Empire and the Federation. Gowron admitted he was pushed to war by the Martok Changeling, who would have been able to take control of the government and weaken the Empire even further if his plot to kill Gowron through Sisko had succeeded.

But the damage was done. Neither the Federation, Klingon Empire, Cardassia Union, nor the Romulans could summon a fleet to defend from the imminent Jem'Hadar invasion through the wormhole around Stardate Stardate 50560.1. Having taken everything in consideration, the Federation decided to use modified graviton emitters to seal the wormhole without damaging the Prophet inside. However, sabotage from another Changeling in disguise -- this time as Doctor Bashir -- prevented them from closing the wormhole, and the Jem'Hadar fleet poured through to the Alpha Quadrant.

However, this was nowhere as stunning as the announcement Gul Dukat made a week ago that the Cardassian Union had joined the Dominion. Dukat was made the new head of the Union, and the Dominion soon removed all Klingon presence from their territory as well as summarily slaughtered all Maquis terrorists. Having tasted victory upon victory in so short a time, Dukat soon revealed his plans to reclaim Terok Nor for Cardassia.

The Klingon fleet, battered by Dominion ferocity, withdrew to the Bajoran system, where Captain Sisko persuaded the Empire to consider a resigning of the Khitomer Accords, arguing that the Dominion would be easier to fend off through a joint effort. So whereas suspicion of Dominion involvement initiated the string of events and severed Federation-Klingon ties, the confirmation of Dominion involvement in Cardassia would restore the peace accords and end the conflict.

The resigning of the Khitomer Accords marked the beginning of close strategic cooperation on the part of the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Klingon fleets joined Federation vessels in protecting the Bajoran system from a possible Dominion invasion, and a Romulan fleet joined the defense line as they waited for the Jem'Hadar ships approaching fast ahead on their sensors -- only there was no Dominion fleet. A Changeling posing as Dr. Bashir tried to make the Bajoran sun go nova, but Major Kira and Lt. Dax uncovered the plot and destroyed the runabout Yantzee, which was ferrying the Changeling and his explosives, before he could succeed.

Later, when Worf and Garak were thrown into Internment Camp 371, the place where enemies of the Dominion were confined, they discovered the real General Martok and Doctor Bashir as well as Enabran Tain, who survived the disastrous joing Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar attack on the Founder homeworld a year earlier. After their safe return to the Alpha Quadrant, Martok was made commander of the Klingon forces stationed around DS9 as part of the new Khitomer Accords.

In the following months, more Dominion convoys were sent through the wormhole into Cardassian space. It was soon apparent that the Dominion was planning to take over the whole Quadrant when they had everything in place. At around Stardate 50975.2, Captain Sisko convinced Starfleet that the wormhole entrance must be mined to prevent more Jem'Hadar from entering the Alpha Quadrant. With the help of Klingon ships as cover, the self-replicating cloaked mines were successfully placed and activated just seconds before the Federation personnel were forced to abandon Deep Space Nine.

Amassing fleets at Starbase 375
The next three months inflicted terrible losses for the Federation. Whole fleets were destroyed and the war proved to be a very bloody affair for both sides. When news came through that the Dominion had almost dismantled the minefield and was ready to send through massive reinforcements, Captain Sisko knew they could wait no longer. He convinced the Federation to launch a risky strike, sending three fleets from Starbase 375 to Terok Nor in a gamble that could reclaim the station if successful.

Meanwhile, an armada of 2,800 Dominion ships queued up to enter the wormhole into the Alpha Quadrant. The Defiant broke through the Cardassian/Dominion line, but was obviously no match against the Jem'Hadar fleet. Right before the Defiant came into weapons range of the Jem'Hadar, the alien entities within the wormhole spoke to their Emissary "the Sisko" again, but with more urgency than before. Sisko made clear to them what the devastating result would be if such an enormous fleet were to reach the Alpha Quadrant. Not wishing their Emissary to die, and aware of the outcome should the Jem'Hadar ships reach the Alpha Quadrant, the Prophets decided to act, and made all 2,800 ships vanish without a trace.

Gul Dukat, who was with Weyoun and the Founder female in Terok Nor Ops, was already celebrating his glorious victory. When the reinforcements vanished without a trace from the sensors, and the Defiant alone emerged from the wormhole, he could not comprehend what had happened. Everything was lost, and more Federation ships were on their way. The Dominion had no choice but fall back to Cardassian space.

The Romulans, who had signed a nonaggression pact with the Dominion prior to this, was pulled into the war when they were convinced the Cardassians murdered Romulan Senator Vreenak. Thus, the Klingons found themselves fighting alongside the Federation and Romulans against a common enemy.

The highly destructive orbital weapons platforms
The destructive orbital weapons platforms
Among the first joint campaigns of the Klingon/Federation/Romulan forces was the taking of the Chin'Toka System. Targeted for its thin defenses, the fleet led by Sisko encountered resistance only in the orbital weapons platform deployed there. After destroying the main power source, the aystem came under Federation control. Dukat, who escaped from a Federation prison escort ship when it crashed in a remote planet, returned to Deep Space Nine to destroy the Orb of Prophesy and in the process unwittingly killed Jadzia Dax, who was praying in the Bajoran Temple at that time. The wormhole inverted and collapsed, sending the Bajorans into panic about the disappearance of their Celestial Temple. Three months later, Captain Sisko restored the wormhole by rediscovering the Orb of the Emissary on Bajor.

Kor, the D'jarr master and legendary hero of the Klingon Empire, felt the time had come for his final, glorious death to usher him into Sto'vo'kor, where his old cronies, Kang and Koloth, had already gone. He came aboard in 2375 to ask Worf's help in securing a position on General Martok's ship where he could go into battle and hopefully die a fitting death for a warrior of the Empire. Martok, though resentful of the man who had refused him entry into the Klingon Guard, allowed Kor to remain Third Mate when Worf appointed him the position on the Ch'Tang, Martok's flagship. During the attack run on Trelka Five. Kor succeeded in the end to sacrifice his life in slowing down the wing of Jem'Hadar fighters on the tail of the Ch'Tang, and he entered Sto'vo'kor in a blaze of glory.

The Breen's weaponry destroy the Defiant by siphoning all available power and rendering the ship an easy, defenseless target
The Defiant in its death throes
The Klingons fought alongside the Federation and suffered the most damaging losses when the Breen used their energy dissipater weapon against power-hungry attack vessels the Federation, Klingon, and Romulans at the second battle of Chin'toka, and the System once again fell under Dominion control.

Shortly after the attack, Chancellor Gowron came aboard Deep Space Nine to induct Martok into the Order of Kahless, the highest honor possible for any Klingon. But afterwards, Martok was relieved of his post as commander of the Klingon fleet, and Gowron repeatedly asked him to waste men and ships in suicide missions. Martok was too proud and too loyal to disobey the commands of Gowron, but eventually Worf came to see that Gowron had his own political motives for the waste of resources. He challenged Gowron's tactical decisions, and in the ensuing Bat'leth duel killed the man he helped install into Chacellorship. Worf refused the mantle of the Chancellor, instead throwing it over Martok, who reluctantly accepted his new role as Chancellor as well as regained his old role of commander.

Chancellor Martok votes to attack
Chancellor Martok wishes to attack the Dominion while they're weakened
With a countermeasure against the Breen weapon developed by the Federation, the Dominion pulled back into a tight perimeter around Cardassia Prime, where they hoped they could rebuild while the Federation and the other enemies would cease pursuit and be content to return home. Chancellor Martok voted to strike the Dominion down once and for all, before they have time to rebuild, an opinion Sisko shared. The Romulans eventually went along with the Federation and Klingon Empire, and a full-out attack began.

Back on Cardassia, Damar, whose formal military resistance movement had been crushed by Weyoun, ignited a civilian rebellion that succeeded in taking out power on Cardassia Prime for the duration of the Federation/Klingon/Romulan attack on Dominion forces. With communication cut, Weyoun and the Female Founder could not contact their fleet, and the Founder was so incensed she ordered Lakarean City, 2 million in population, destroyed. She also ordered every house levelled in Cardassia if necessary until Damar and his rebels were found. The Jem'Hadar eventually knocked found them, and were about to kill the trio when the Cardassian soldiers that had come along with the Jem'Hadar killed the Dominion soldiers and pledged their loyalty to Damar.

Sisko, Martok, and Ross lead the attack, and they clearly were losing ground when the Cardassian ships suddenly turned to fire on the Dominion. Soon, it was the Dominion whose line was faltering rapidly under the firepower of all the hostile ships. It was only then that long-range communications returned to Weyoun and Founder. Knowledge that the entire Cardassian fleet had turned against the Dominion angered the Founder into declaring that all Cardassians untrustworthy. She immediately ordered the extermination of the entire population on Cardassia Prime and sent Jem'Hadar ships to level every inch of Cardassia Prime. The Breen general volunteered to fight in the front lines, leaving Weyoun and the Founder almost entirely alone on the planet surface.

The Founder, alone in the command center and a dead Weyoun lying at her feet while under Kira and Garak held her prisoner, would not call off her Jem'Hadar, content to let every last Dominion soldier die fighting. Odo convinced her to surrender and stand trial as a war criminal when he healed her disease and imprinted on her his experience of solids.

The war was over! Sisko, Martok, and Ross opened a barrel the Chancellor's special celebratory bloodwine, but when Sisko and Ross saw the death and destruction of Cardassia, their spirit failed them, and they left Martok to drink to the glorious victory.

Worf was reassigned to become Federation Ambassador to Qo'noS, a prospect that delighted Martok. "Who would have known I would go Targ hunting with an ambassador?" He roared. The new Chancellor and new Federation ambassador mark another turning point in the long history of the Empire. Having gone through the wages of war side by side, the Empire and the Federation will no doubt be allies, realizing the Organians' prophecy of lasting peace and friendship.

| Dominion || Cardassia Union || Obsidian Order || Federation |

| Klingon Empire || Romulan Star Empire || Tal Shiar |


Kahless the Unforgettable
Chancellor Gorkon
Chancellor Gorkon
General Chang
General Chang
Chancellor K'mpec
Emissary Kehleyr
Emissary Kehleyr
Alexander -- Worf and Kehleyr's son

Quotes -- Click on Klingon Emblem to hear clips

It is a good day to die! ~Worf 22kb
I am Worf, son of Mogh. ~Worf 43kb
You will do great deeds in the comming days. Deeds worthy of songs. ~Gowron 80kb
Honor has been satisfied. ~Gowron 102kb
The Jem'Hadar will soon learn to regret this day. ~Gowron 82kb
Klingons make great warriors but terrible doctors. 87kb
I tell you they are without honor. 47kb
Sirella curses in Klingon 63kb
(Klingon) My Lord 29kb
Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war! 60kb
You are now prisoners of the Klingon Empire, against which you've commited a wanton act of war! ~TOS Kor 50kb

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