From their first appearance on Stardate 47987.5 in the Deep Space 9 episode "The Jem'Hadar", this humanoid species come across as unreliable, deceitful, and cunning. Eris, the Vorta operative with psionic powers, almost succeeded in infiltrating Deep Space Nine by befriending Sisko and helping them escape from the Jem'Hadar prison. Later Vortas, most notably Weyoun, proved equally deceptive and manipulative under their insincere smile.
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The Founders created the Vorta as diplomats of the Dominion. They were genetically engineered and improved upon an already existing species. If the Vorta Eris's account of the Vorta homeworld could be trusted (which is still in doubt), Vortas originate from the planet Kurill Prime, in the Gamma Quadrant. Weyoun No. 6 gave another narrative of how the Founders changed their evolutionary path. Long ago, the Vorta were a race of tree-dwelling, ape-like species with undeveloped intelligence. An injured Founder stumbled into their forest one time, and a family of Vorta sheltered him. In return, the Founder promised that one day the Vorta would become an integral part of an empire that spanned the galaxy. The Jem'Hadar being too violently inclined and lacking in social graces, the Vorta had their DNA resequenced and populated the second tier of the Dominion -- diplomacy and administration.
Vortas have pointed ears which are connected to the mandible, and the size and shape of the ears allow for a highly acute sense of hearing. They are all highly intelligent and soft-spoken as a rule, but the outer appearance of compliance and friednliness hide a manipulative nature. In the numerous dealings with the Dominion, the Federation officers have learned to trust the Jem'Hadar more than the Vorta. While the Jem'Hadar are blunt and almost incapable of lying, no one can easily read the intentions of a Vorta. The Founders changed the genetic coding of the original species, and the "enhanced" Vorta also blindly follow the Founder's orders and regard them as Gods. As Weyoun No. 6 said, "Why be a God if there is no one to worship you?"
In line with their diplomatic duties and posts of command over the Jem'Hadar, Vortas are immune to almost every kind of poisoning. This comes in very handy when they are dealing with hostile races. Vortas are experts at cloning, and seem to reserve backup copies of themselves that can be cloned if an earlier version was killed or lost in the treacheries involved with Dominion diplomacy.
One particularly prominent Vorta supervisor, Weyoun, has gone through 8 reincarnations before the last clone was destroyed by Garak in the Dominion's last stand on Cardassia Prime prior to the end of the war. The same Vorta has supplied the Federation with knowledge that Vorta have great hearing, a keen olfactory sense but poor vision. They also cannot "taste" anything, another genetic programming from the Founders to help them "remember their roots" and keep them in their place. When asked whether the Founders made a mistake in choosing a species with poor eyesight to be diplomatic delegates, the Vorta Weyoun fervently denied even the possibilities of their "Gods" making mistakes.
The Founders sometimes gives special abilities to certain Vortas for the successful completion of their mission. The first Vorta seen by the Federation was a female named Eris. She had telekinetic powers that enabled her to manipulate energy. Later Vortas have not been noted to possess such powers, and it is the belief of the Federation that Eris was an exception.
The Vorta are the administrators and diplomats of the Dominion, the ones who carry out the dictates of the Founders and "negotiate" new worlds into submission. In serving the Founder, Vortas are also zealous in protecting the Dominion's agenda. If captured, Vortas are also obligated to commit suicide rather than surrender to enemies. One Vorta, Keevan, however did not follow this policy and opted to kill his Jem'Hadars rather than die. They revere the Founders in much the same light as Jem'Hadar do, and give precedence to the safety of a Founder's life over everything else. Vorta supervisor Kilana once exchanged a whole Jem'Hadar ship for the ashes of a dead Founder.
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The Vorta and the Jem'Hadar First are the only ones with a headset | What it looks like through the headset |
One Vorta is usually at the head of every Jem'Hadar Attack Craft, along with a complement of 42 Jem'Hadar. Several are believed to be aboard the larger Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser. Inside the Jem'Hadar ship, the supervisor and the Jem'Hadar First only are given headsets that allow them to visually see what is happening outside of the ship.
The Vorta are in charge of distributing the Ketracel White |
Their hold over the Jem'Hadar is nowhere as solid as the Founders', but given the Jem'Hadar's loyalty complex and their dependence on Ketracel White, the Vorta almost always come out with the upper hand. There had been stories of the Jem'Hadar First killing his Vorta supervisor, but such occurences are rare. Before distributing the White, the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar both solemnly go through a bried ceremony where the Vorta asks the First to vouch for the loyalty of his men.
"First [Name], can you vouch for the loyalty of your men?"
"We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from now until death."
"Then receive this reward from the Founders. May it keep you strong."
Galaxy class U.S.S. Odyssey destroyed by Jem'Hadar ships | With the discovery of the wormhole connecting the Gamma Quadrant to the Alpha in 2369, the Founders grew irate at the "incursions" into their territory. Through their Jem'Hadar, they sent messages to Deep Space Nine warning the Federation that further intrusions into their territory would not be tolerated. Commerce and science expeditions in the Gamma Quadrant were badly received, and the Dominion responded by massacring the Bajoran colonists of New Bajor. Commander Sisko, Jake, Quark, and Nog were captured in the Gamma Quadrant by Jem'Hadar troops on Stardate 47987.5. Rescued at the price of the U.S.S. Odyssey and other smaller vessels who risked entering the Gamma Quadrant to find them, none of the four had suspected that the female Vorta who was with them throughout their capture was in fact a highly skilled Dominion operative. When the Vorta Eris was revealed to be a spy for the Dominion, she left a foreshadowing of what was to come: You have no idea what's begun here.
With an impending invasion soon to come from the Gamma Quadrant, Starfleet dispatched the first cloaked warship to come out of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to Deep Space Nine. The Defiant was a sleek, maneuverable vessel built expressly for battle. Initially meant as a first line of defense against the Borg, it was instead assigned to Deep Space Nine to protect the wormhole and Bajor. With the Borg, at least one could always be sure who the enemy was, but the Changelings were far more insidious foes. The first time Commander Sisko used the Defiant on a mission to locate the Founders he was ambushed by Jem'Hadar, but managed to return to the station with Dax, Bashir, O'Brien, and Romulan officer T'Rul. Kira and Odo were left behind and escaped on a shuttle. While finding a way home, Odo suddenly instinctively felt compelled to head towards the Omarion Nebula, and insisted to an objecting Major Kira that they must go there. When she acquiesced, they found a planet there, which, upon landing, looked desolate except for the large ocean of gelatinous liquid. From the sea of liquid, other Changelings emerged to receive Odo, welcoming him back into the folds of the Great Link. Both Kira and Odo were stunned to learn that Odo's people were the Founders. Odo's sense of justice objected to the Founder's pursuit of total domination of the Galaxy, and rejected the invitation. When his decision was final, the Founder spokeswoman let them go and released the rest of the Defiant crew, who were held in a comatose state on that same planet, warning him the Dominion would not be so lenient next time.
Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar attacking Founder homeworld | Information of the Founder's homeworld was relayed to the Romulans, as part of the agreement between the Federation and Romulan Empire to share all information gathered about the Dominion in exchange for use of the cloaking device on Defiant. The Romulans were by then very nervous about the Dominion threat, and the Tal Shiar began a secret cooperative venture with the Cardassian Obsidian Order. The covert operation was revealed in part with the discovery of heavy activity in the Orias system, but the implications of the discovery was not known until the the operation had already begun. On Stardate 48622.5, the Romulan and Cardassian intelligence agencies jointly launched a preemptive strike on the Founder homeworld, hoping to take out the Dominion by eliminating the Founders. They sailed right into an ambush of 150 Jem'Hadar ships that wiped out both the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar. A Founder had been working undercover as the Romulan Colonel Luvok, prodding both Cardassian and Romulan intelligence agencies to attack the Founders, a disaster that ultimately led to the collapse of both agencies. Only then did the Alpha Quadrant begin to have an inkling of the penetrating method of infiltration the Founders were capable.
The Klingons then invaded Cardassia on the pretext that the Detapa Council were overran by Founders, but they soon turned to attack Deep Space Nine when Sisko intervened and rescued the civilian government aboard the Defiant. Through cool manipulation on the part of the Founders, political instability spread throughout the Alpha Quadrant. The landmark Federation/Klingon Khitomer Treaty was dissolved and with it a major stabilizing alliance within the Quadrant when the Klingon Empire could not force the civilian Detapa Council out of the sanctuary of Deep Space Nine. With Cardassia in ruins, Federation and Klingon hostilities rising, and Romulans lapsing into seclusion after the Tal Shiar disaster, the Quadrant was at its most vulnerable.
Renegade Jem'Hadars attack DS9 | On Stardate 49904.2, some Jem'Hadar stole station equipment and launched a sneak attack on Deep Space Nine. The Defiant was away and the station sustained heavy damage with 18 casualties and many more injured. Sisko did not intend to let an unprovoked attack on the station go by unnoticed and pursued the Jem'Hadar through the wormhole on the Defiant. Midway they encountered a damaged Jem'Hadar ship with the Vorta supervisor Weyoun, who informed them that rebel Jem'Hadar were responsible for the attack and that these renegades were unsanctioned by the Dominion. The rebels had nearly completed the Iconian Gateway (a portal that gives the user instant access to any location in the galaxy and beyond.) and planned to take over the Dominion and the Federation. Captain Sisko agreed to a collaborative mission in tracking down these rebels with Weyoun, and they jointly eliminated the renegade Jem'Hadar successfully.
Odo kills one of his own while saving the Defiant and its crew | The Founder Changelings had long been suspected of infiltrating the Alpha Quadrant with operatives, but no one except themselves knew the full extent of their network. Shortly after the exposure of the Luvok Changeling, Ambassador Krajensky of the Federation was also replaced by a Changeling who went aboard the Defiant but was discovered before he could sabotage the ship. His plan had been to initiate warfare between the Federation and Tzenkethi by taking the Defiant and launching an unprovoked attack upon the Tzenkethi System. Odo killed the Changeling to save the Defiant and the Federation, but he broke the law of nonviolence held sacred among his people, and was to suffer later.
Odo was forced to stand trial for his crime on the Founder homeworld, and his punishment was severe indeed -- the removal of his ability to shapeshift, the identifying trait of Changelings. During his trial, he was implanted with the suspicion that Gowron, head of the Klingon high council, was a Changeling. When he revealed this piece of information to Commander Sisko, who later relayed it to Starfleet, the Federation sought to cease warfare with the Klingons by revealing Gowron was a Changeling. Sending Sisko, Odo, O'Brien and Worf in undercover operations, they were ready to kill Gowron when Odo suddenly realized that General Martok was, in fact, the Changeling. The Martok Changeling was eliminated with the combined firepower of 53 Klingon Disruptor shots.
Shortly afterwards, Sisko discovered a crashed Jem'Hadar warship with a dead crew, which he decided to retrieve for the Federation to study. Another Jem'Hadar ship led by their Vorta supervisor, Kilana, showed up and promptly took out Sisko's runabout from the the sky. The Jem'Hadar attacked the away team, who retreated into the wrecked Jem'Hadar ship for shelter. Kilana negotiated with Sisko for the return of "Dominion property" instead of storming the away team into submission. She was intent on retrieving the ashes of a dead Founder (killed during the crash) and gave Sisko the ship in return for the remains of the Founder. With the ship Sisko hauled in to the nearest starbase, the Federation managed to study a Jem'Hadar ship up close for the first time.
In 2372, Gul Dukat announced Cardassia's alliance with the Dominion, shaking up the status quo of the Alpha Quadrant dramatically. The Klingon invasion on Cardassia had destroyed Cardassia's industrial base and left the Union weaker than it has ever known. The assistance of the Federation in rebuilding Cardassia shamed its people, and Gul Dukat took matters into his own hands, negotiating with the Dominion secretly for the Dominion's military might in return for the Cardassian's allegiance. Dukat was subsequently named head of the new government when negotiations were closed. With the Cardassian/Dominion alliance in place, the Dominion could position their ships and Jem'Hadar within striking distance of any political party within the Quadrant, and they in return only had to do small favors for the Cardassians.
With the looming Dominion threat overshadowing other matters within the Quadrant, the Klingons resigned the Khitomer Accords with the Federation, and the two powers stood together in fronting a defense against an imminent Dominion invasion. When the fleet was out tersely awaiting the fleets of Jem'Hadar that were showing up on sensors, they were surprised to find nothing coming towards them. Instead, behind their backs, a Changeling impersonating Dr. Julian Bashir flew a runabout directly into the Bajoran sun, carrying with him with a bomb which had the capability of making the sun go nova. The Changeling and the runabout were destroyed before the mission was carried through but left everyone dazed at the ingenious designs of the Dominion.
The Dominion offered Bajor a nonaggression pact shortly after, one that Kai Winn stalled in giving a response to at the advice of the Emissary, who had recently prevented Bajor's entrance into the Federation. The Romulan Star Empire, however, was more receptive and signed a nonaggression pact with the Dominion, an act which prompted a certain Klingon Security Officer aboard Deep Space Nine to declare: [Bang! Fist hits table] The Romulans! I always knew they are without honor; now they have proven it. The Romulans sought neutral status during the war, content to watch its neighbors fight and perish.
The minefield in front of the wormhole | The buildup of Dominion presence in the sector did nothing to lessen the tension within the Quadrant. Sisko recommended mining the entrance of the wormhole to prevent any more Dominion reinforcements through, a recommendation the Federation gave the go-ahead to. Work laying the self-replicating cloaked mines immediately commenced, and Weyoun soon came aboard the station warning Sisko to deactivate the mines or face full-out warfare. Sisko refused, and a fleet of Jem'Hadar and Cardassian ships attacked Deep Space Nine almost immediately. After hitting hard on the Dominion fleet with the newly installed armaments aboard the station, Sisko evacuated the station when nothing else could be done. Before engaging the Dominion fleet, Sisko recommended the Bajoran Council of Ministers to sign the nonaggression pact proffered by the Dominion earlier. Without any means to protect Bajor at the moment, the Emissary wanted to keep Bajor intact, which would be guaranteed by the pact. Gul Dukat and Weyoun successfully seized "Terok Nor", and was greeted by Kira and Odo, who because of their respective political situation remained aboard.
The price of victory was high, but a victory nonetheless for the Dominion. With Weyoun's PR prowess in full gear, Terok Nor once again lapsed into routine operation. Off the station, the Federation and Klingon forces suffered devastating defeat at the hands of the efficient and aggressive Jem'Hadar almost at every turn. Whole fleets were annihilated, and the losses were on their side alone. The Defiant led the charge of what remaining ships there were, but everyone felt the futility of their resistance bearing down on the morale of the fleet. Sisko was later reassigned to a mission to take out a major Jem'Hadar Ketracel-White supply depot deep in Cardassian space and hopefully weaken the Dominion forces if successful. Sisko and his crew flew the Jem'Hadar ship he had scavenged a year before to infiltrate Dominion lines and succeeded in blowing up the Ketracel-White depot. However, the ship they were on was badly damaged in the explosion. Its communications gone, warp drive, shields, weapons off-line, the nearest Federation starbase was 17 years away by impulse power.
Jem'Hadar ship crashes on planet surface | The limping Jem'Hadar ship was soon pursued by two ships which attacked it, forcing Sisko to crash-land on the nearest planet. There, members of their crew were captured by Jem'Hadar also stranded on the planet surface. Their injured Vorta supervisor Keevan released Nog and Garak, taken prisoner while out hunting for water and food, in exchange for Doctor Bashir's treatment. With his supply of Ketracel-White running out, Keevan sold out his soldiers to save his own neck. Keevan proposed to order his Jem'Hadar into a trap and kill them all with the help of the Federation officers. Though the Third Remata'Klan was warned by Sisko of the death sentence he was facing, he replied that it was inherently impossible for him to disobey the orders of his Vorta supervisor, even when fully knowing the result would be fatal. The reasoning Remata'Klan gave was quite simple : I am Jem'Hadar and he is Vorta, that is the order of things. In the end, no Jem'Hadar survived, and Sisko, disgusted though he was at the Vorta's treachery, took Keevan as prisoner back to Deep Space Nine after General Martok arrived on the Rotarran and rescued them.
Back on Terok Nor, Kira and her new resistance cell (a fallback to old times) plotted against the station's Dominion masters, but the Female Founder who could not return to the Gamma Quadrant due to the minefield disrupted her plans. Having linked with Odo, the Female Founder ferreted the truth about Kira and her cell from Odo, whom she succeeded to turn away from the "solids", at least for a while. The Dominion was still hard at work dismantling the mines, and Sisko with his crew just as desperate to prevent them from succeeding. When Damar eventually hit upon a solution to take the mines down and began work to do so, Sisko simultaneously led a task force of some 600 ships from Starbase 375 to forcefully retake the station. Between the Federation and the station were 1,200 Dominion and Cardassian ships. With help from General Martok and several wings of Birds-of-Prey, the Defiant broke through the Dominion front and sped toward the station, where Rom and Kira had almost succeeded in disabling power to the graviton emitter about to deactivate the minefield.
The Dominion leaders in Ops | The minefield went down, seconds before the power was cut, and the wormhole entrance was clear. 2,800 Jem'Hadar ships, no doubt with their Firsts rehashing the "Victory is life!" speech, were ready to invade and take out any further resistance to the Dominion within the Alpha Quadrant. For everyone who prized the freedom of the Alpha Quadrant, it was perhaps a good day to die. Sisko took the Defiant into the wormhole, seeking to stop as many Jem'Hadar ships as was possible, knowing full well he may never emerge alive. Before the Defiant was destroyed, the Prophets visited their Emissary with more urgency than before. Sisko convinced the Prophets to remove the Jem'Hadar, but he was to pay a price later. When he returned to linear timeline, the Defiant emerged from the wormhole pursued by -- nothing. All 2,800 ships disappeared without a trace, Dukat, Weyoun, and the Female Founder tasted total failure for the first time since the war began. Dukat took it hardest, having lost everything, this coupled with the murder of his daughter Ziyal at the hands of Damar broke him entirely, and he never fully recovered from these devastating losses.
The Dominion presence withdrew from the station and retreated back into Cardassian space while the Federation returned to Deep Space Nine. The Feds may have won the battle, but the war was was far from over. Lists of casualties poured in daily, and fatigue settled in even the most boisterous of Starfleet officers. In an effort to end the war quickly, Sisko involved the Romulans into declaring war with the Dominion through a plans Garak help carry through. The Romulans did end up joining the war, though not by means Sisko would have liked to remember, and the prospect of a joint Federation/Klingon/Romulan force against the Dominion boded well.
| The destructive orbital weapons platforms | Among the first joint campaigns of the Klingon/Federation/Romulan forces was the taking of the Chin'Toka System. Targeted for its thin defenses, the fleet led by Sisko encountered resistance only in the orbital weapons platform deployed there. After destroying the main power source, the system came under Federation control. While the battle was being fought, Dukat, possessed by a Pagh-wraith he freed, destroyed Orb of Prophesy in the Bajoran Temple on Deep Space Nine. The wormhole inverted and collapsed, sending the Bajorans into panic about the disappearance of their Celestial Temple. Three months later, Captain Sisko restored the wormhole by rediscovering the Orb of the Emissary on Bajor.
In 2374, startling news of a plague within the Great Link was revealed to Constable Odo when Weyoun number 5 confided in him about the fatal disease that plagued the entire Link. This disease had infected all Changelings except for Odo and perhaps the other Changelings that were sent away as infants. This piece of information would prove to be a key in ending the Dominion war.
A few months later, the Breen joined the Dominion, an action which prompted Legate Damar to break off ties with the Dominion and launch a campaign to rid Cardassia of Dominion presence. However, the Dominion already had complete control over the Cardassian military, and Damar resorted to plotting a resistance movement along the lines of the tactics used by the Bajorans against the vastly superior Cardassian military at the time of the Occupation. Damar freed Worf and Ezri, captured by the Breen as gifts for the Dominion, asking them to bring word to the Federation that they had an ally on Cardassia.
| The Defiant in its death throes | The Breen attacked Starfleet headquarters shortly afterwards, severely damaging San Francisco and the psyche of the Federation as well. An energy dissipater weapon the Breen utilized on their ship proved especially effective against power-hungry attack vessels the Federation, Klingon, and Romulans deployed. After San Francisco, the Breen turned their attention to the Chin'Toka System. Taken forcibly by the Federation, Klingon and Romulan last year, the Dominion were eager to reclaim it. The Federation and allied forces suffered devastating losses of ships and personnel, and the Chin'Toka System once again fell under Dominion control.
Damar launched his campaign officially after the Dominion's victory at Chin'Toka. He gave a speech calling on Cardassians everywhere to resist the Dominion and began his resistance movement with an attack on a Vorta cloning facility, an action confirmed by Starfleet intelligence reports. To aid Legate Damar in driving out the Dominion, Starfleet sent his resistance cell runabouts, supplies, and the expertise of Colonel Kira, Odo, and Garak to help him in his efforts.
| The Breen, Jem'Hadar and Cardassian ships form a defensive perimeter around Cardassia Prime | The Dominion never took Damar's resistance movement seriously, but they had no idea how damaging the sabotage missions he ran would prove to be. After bribing Gul Rovok to betray Damar, Weyoun crushed Damar's organized resistance completely, destroying all eighteen cells. Damar did not surrender even at that point and, with help from civilian dissidents, took out power for the duration of the Federation, Klingon, Romulan attack on Dominion forces which had pulled back to establish a tight defensive perimeter around Cardassia Prime. With communication cut, Weyoun and the Female Founder could not contact their fleet, and the Founder was so incensed she ordered Lakarean City, 2 million in population, destroyed. She also ordered every house levelled in Cardassia if necessary until Damar and his rebels were found. The Jem'Hadar eventually knocked found them, and were about to kill the trio when the Cardassian soldiers that had come along with the Jem'Hadar killed the Dominion soldiers and pledged their loyalty to Damar.
Sisko, Martok, and Ross led the attack against the combined Breen, Jem'Hadar, and Cardassian fleet, but they clearly were losing ground when the Cardassian ships suddenly turned to fire on the Dominion. Soon, the tides turned and the Dominion fleet found itself in a lost battle, and it was only then that long-range communications returned to Weyoun and Founder. Knowledge that the entire Cardassian fleet had turned against the Dominion angered the Founder into declaring that all Cardassians untrustworthy. She immediately ordered the extermination of the entire population on Cardassia Prime and sent Jem'Hadar ships to level every inch of Cardassia Prime. The Breen general Thot Gor insisted on fighting in the front lines, leaving Weyoun and the Founder almost entirely alone on the planet surface.
Damar died in the crossfire while penetrating into the control center, but the survivors pressed on to find the Founder and Weyoun virtually alone. The Founder refused to call off the attack force and was content to let all of her forces die, taking as many of the enemy as they could with them. Only when Odo linked with her and healed her disease did she change her mind, agreeing to sign a peace treaty and to stand trial as a war criminal in exchange for Odo returning to the Link and healing the rest of the Changelings.
| The end of the war | The war was over! Every side paid dearly, and the Dominion acknowledged a defeat for the first time in the 2000 years of its history. The xenophobic nature of the Founders created the Dominion, and its system had been so efficient and successful only the determined resistance of the combined Federation, Klingon, and Romulan powers could stop the them, and then only at a very high price. Odo rejoined the Link as part of his bargain, but also because he saw the wrong in what the Founders believed in and practiced. He leaves behind Kira and the world he's known in the hopes that his experiences will change the Founders perception of solids, and end the Dominion's history of violence and oppression.
| Dominion || Cardassia Union || Obsidian Order || Federation |
| Klingon Empire || Romulan Star Empire || Tal Shiar |
Eris |
Weyoun |
Keevan |
Kilana |
Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal. ~Eris 39kb |
You have no idea what's begun here. ~Eris 42kb |
| Keevan: Vorta are supposed to commit suicide when they are captured. I failed to follow that rather harsh policy.
Rom: They're going to execute you?
Keevan: After what is surely going to be a most unpleasant debriefing. 324kb |
Don't Worry, I am the Vorta. I will take care of you all. ~Keevan 106kb |
I'm afraid the Jem'Hadar are sadly deficient in the social graces. ~Weyoun 68kb |
Gods don't make mistakes. ~Weyoun 33kb |
Federation shields have always proven useless against our weapons. ~Weyoun 56kb |
All the Dominion wants is to peacefully coexist with its neighbors. ~Weyoun 76kb |
Out of the way. Out of the way. Make way for the Founder. ~Weyoun 118kb |
The Dominion has endured for 2,000 years, and will continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust. ~Weyoun 205kb
Vorta are immune to most forms of poison. Comes in handy when you're a diplomat. ~Weyoun 101kb |
"On balance we're giving up more than you" (in Vorta) ~Weyoun 77kb
The Great Link Unparalleled database for all things pertaining to the actions and ideals of the Dominion and many other races.
Cardassia in Cahoots with the Dominion An intricate site with a sizable portion devoted to Weyoun and Cardassians. Lots of stories, pictures, an episode guide, and even a Ziyal memorial. God rest her soul.
Keevan Worship Page Keevan, the svelte, velvety-voiced Vorta who appeared in "Rocks and Shoals" and "The Magnificent Ferengi", is paid homage in this extravagant page. Keevan also happens to be my favorite Vorta, so I periodically return to pay my respects.
Vorta Vortex The largest on-line archive of Vorta fanfic. Let your fantasies about your favorite Vorta run wild!
Kurill Prime Information about the supervisors. A lot of supposition must be allowed since not much has been established about the history of the Vorta. It is still a speculation that what Eris has divulged is true. However, a most insightful site into the race of Vorta.
Steve's Star Trek Page Dominion Dictionary It is always prudent to proceed with Dominion dealings with caution and learning their language is a must. Useful phrases and a full dictionary of words can be found in this one source.
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