What color is magick?

Each magickal practitioner will have his or her own opinions about magick, whether it can be considered black or white, or whether all magick is "grey," etc. When someone says "black" magick, they are usually refering to magick created to harm someone or something- negative energy. I do absolutely believe that magick can be "black," or harmful, but it is only black if the practitioner's intentions are negative. If someone is performing a spell with intentions of causing a person to have some type of negativity in their life, the magick they are sending out from their body, spirit, and mind can be called "black" in my opinion- because of the negative intentions.
On the other hand, I believe that all energy is neutral, or "grey," if you prefer. It exists not as black, negative energy, not as white, positive energy- but as grey, neutral energy. It does not become negative or positive until someone harnesses it (whether from within or without) and directs it toward a goal. If the goal is to destroy someone or cause them to hurt in some way, the magick might now be considered "black". If the goal is to heal, bring peace, or anything *most* consider to be positive, the magick might then be called "white." The
intention of the practitioner is what makes magick positive or negative. Magick does not simply exist as a positive or negative force- it is neutral.

Do you practise Black Magick?

I take this question to mean, do I ever perform spells to harm others- revenge spells, etc. The answer is no, I have never felt compelled to do so. I can't imagine I would ever want to harm someone intentionally. However, I feel that if a person feels a need to teach another a lesson, they must then take full responsibility for those actions. Is it wrong to do something like this? I'm my opinion, it depends completely upon the situation, the state of mind of those involved, etc.

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Magick: Black or White?